AJAX :: JQuery / Javascript Calling Webservice
Oct 5, 2010
I've tried a bunch of different examples and still can't get this to work. I have a jQuery GalleryView control I'm using and I simply want to log impressions. I set up a webservice that works, but I can't figure out how to get it to work in javascript. I have verified that the webservice is working as expected.
Imports System.Web
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Similar Messages:
Mar 23, 2011
I have a page that calls a webservice from JavaScript using the approach described in this article: [URL]
This is working fine. The problem is when the page causes a postback before the end of the execution of the webservice's method. When that happens, the succeeded callback method never gets called. Does anyone know if there's a workaround to this?
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May 29, 2010
I just wana know that can I bind an asp listview via javascripts by calling a webservice in c#??
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Apr 20, 2010
I get this error "The server method xxx timed out." calling a WebService that internally does a hard query to the database, and takes some time. I use this method to change the webservice timeout, but it does not seems to do anything (the timeout errors appears in less than a second).
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Feb 26, 2010
I want to add items to a dropdownlist with values return by a webservice which will be called from javascript without cascading extender...
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Feb 16, 2011
So I have this idea of creating a asp.net user control, to handle all forms of modal popups (whether it be error handling, forms, dialogs, etc).
I already created this before, placing the user control in the top master page, exposing it to all content pages, so I could do something like:
And the usercontrol itself would have the necessary markup to look like a modal dialog, and in the show method just do a .Visible = true.
This is all fine, but I've started thinking of implementing a bit of style with jquery. I'd like for the usercontrol to have some sort of jquery animation on show. But I don't know how to go about achieving this, as I don't know how I would call that jquery function from the codebehind instead of the popup.visible = true.
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May 7, 2015
function DatalistFunction(argumentid) {
set_minimum_points_for_session = value;
this is my code which i am calling on link button onclientclick event.
sometimes what happens is redeem function gets called first and then setsession function gets called. do i need to put some delay or something between the 2 functions, so that they run everytime in their own order
View 1 Replies
Feb 6, 2011
I am new to programming especially jQuery and webservices. I want to pass the values to the to database via the webservice. Below is the code for the .aspx page:
<html xmlns="[URL]xhtml">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<link href="[URL]"
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="[URL]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[URL]"
<script src="[URL]"
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$("#sortable input[type=text]").width($("#sortable img").width() - 10);
$("#sortable label").mouseover(function () {
$("#sortable input[type=text]").mouseout(function () {
function () {
function () {
$(".deleteClass").click(function () {
$("#orderPhoto").click(function () {
var photos = $.map($("li.ui-state-default"), function (item, index) {
var imgDetail = new Object();
imgDetail.Id = $(item).find("img").attr("id");
imgDetail.Caption = $(item).find("label").html();
imgDetail.Order = index + 1;
return imgDetail;
//photos contains all the photo and order and the chhanged caption.
//pass to server
type: "POST",
url: "WebService.asmx/updateOrder",
data: JSON.stringify(photos),
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function (data) {
if (data.d === "saved") {
$("<p>").text("New order saved!")
} else {
$("<p>").text("Save failed")
<style type="text/css">
list-style-type: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#sortable li
position: relative;
margin: 3px 3px 3px 0;
padding: 1px;
float: left;
text-align: left;
/* PhotoListItem is relative so relative to it */
position: absolute;
top: 1px;
right: 3px;
background: black;
color: Red;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 12px;
padding: 5px;
opacity: 0.60;
filter: alpha(opacity="60");
margin-top: 3px;
display: none;
cursor: pointer;
opacity: 0.90;
filter: alpha(opacity="90");
.image_resize {
width: 250px;
height: 250px;
border: 0;
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" GroupItemCount="15">
<ul id="sortable">
<li id="groupPlaceholder" runat="server">1</li>
<tr id="itemPlaceholderContainer" runat="server">
<td id="itemPlaceholder" runat="server">
<li class="ui-state-default">
<div class="ContainerDiv">
<div class="deleteClass">X</div>
<img id='<%#Eval("photo_id")%>' src='<%# "uploads/"+Eval("photo_file_name")%>' alt="" class="image_resize" />
<div style="height: 25px; margin-top: 3px">
<%# Eval("photo_title")%></label>
<input type="text" style="display: none" />
<input type="button" id="orderPhoto" value="Save change" />
I used the debugging tool and can confirm that the photos contains the correct values. Its just calling the webservice part that I am unsure about.
View 1 Replies
Apr 6, 2010
I'm generating a file on the server which takes some time. For this, I have a hidden iframe which I then set the .src attribute to an aspx file i.e iframe.src = "/downloadFile.aspx"While this is taking place, I'd like to have a call to a web service return the progress. To do this, I thought I could use window.setInterval or window.setTimeout but Javascript seems to be blocked as soon as I set the iframe src attribute.Does anyone know how to get around this or perhaps try a different approach?I have also tried handlers, but the request never gets to the server so I'm assuming is a browser/javascript issue.
//Function that gets the file
function GetFile() {
setTimeout(GetProgress, 1000);
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
View 2 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
This is the webservice am using.
But my function is not going to Hello() soon after calling SetOCXVariables()
After my 'P' comes undefined and does the remaining, it goes to hello()
why is this happening?
View 7 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
Here is aspx code. that refers Master Page.
Now i dont understand why my Autoextender is not call the webservice. I have tried callin the webservice from button click event...it works but not using AutoExtender..
View 2 Replies
Jul 12, 2010
In IIS I have a virtual directory with only windows authentication enabled. From Javascript I call into a ASMX webservice. From the ASMX webservice I make a call to the SharePoint Search.asmx Webservice. whatever I try I keep getting the followin gerror message:
"The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized"
I use the following code to call the SharePoint webservice
My web.config settings are:
The Sharepoint farm is configured to use NTLM authentication.
Strangely everything works when I am testing in Visual Studio using the builtin webservice, but when I deply to my local IIS or Test Server it breaks.
View 1 Replies
May 25, 2010
I ultimately need to show countries in one drop down then states/provinces drop down of the previously selected drop down. I'm sure everyone has seen this many times. My page shows the countries but does not show values in the province/states drop down. It's as if the webservice is never run. I've tried removing and adding the ajaxtoolkit reference. The tableadaters run simple working sql code. I'm really at a lose here.
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<%--Dropdown to display countries--%>
Country:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountries" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods_Countries"
DataTextField="country" DataValueField="abbreviation">
<%--data source for the country drop down list--%>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ods_Countries" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetAllCountries" TypeName="countryDataSetTableAdapters.CountriesTableAdapter">
View 8 Replies
Jan 31, 2011
If I use jQuery AJAX to call a specific ASP.NET page method how to have that method return a value back to the AJAX method that called it?
My situation is I have an existing web application with many existing methods. I would like to be able to use jQuery to execute some of these methods and then update the UI with the results. My mandate is to stay away from ASP.NET AJAX and stick with jQuery. Management is concerned about continued development and support with ASP.NET AJAX from Microsoft. I agree with them.
View 3 Replies
Aug 26, 2010
I have the following code where the function codeaddress geocodes the text feild value and returns geocoded value , geocoded value is stored in variable example ,how will i return the variable v2 to the function call and post to asmx webservice.
View 1 Replies
Aug 16, 2010
I have a page with three HTML labels and their corresponding ASP.NET gridviews contained within divs. Now while learning jQuery, I am trying to achieve two things:1. Change the css class of the lables upon mouse hover/out.2. Slide up/down the grid div upon clicking of the labels.It looks to be working as expected, but I wish to know if I am doing it the right way.My complete jQuery code is:
$(function ColorChange(ID) {
$("#" + ID).toggleClass("gridLabel");
$(function ShowHide(GID) {
$('#' + GID).slideToggle('slow');
And I am calling these function from onmouseover, onmouseout and onclick events of the label controls passing in the label ID as parameter. As an example:
<label id="lblWebComp" class="gridLabelDefault" onmouseover="ColorChange('lblWebComp')"
onmouseout="ColorChange('lblWebComp')" onclick="ShowHide('gvDivWC')">
Web Components
Kindly let me know if this is the best way to achieve these effects? Don't I have to right the document ready function in the jQuery code?
View 1 Replies
Dec 27, 2010
I have a java script function which presents a countdown timer.when the timer reaches zero, I want to somehow activate a function on the server side in the code-behind.I understand it is impossible to directly call a server-side function, but is there a simple way to still fire it?I want to fire the (event-handler) code behind function: protected void ButtonFinish_Click(object sender, EventArgs e).
var _countDowncontainer = 0;
var _currentSeconds = 0;
function ActivateCountDown(strContainerID, initialValue) { _countDowncontainer = document.getElementById(strContainerID);
View 16 Replies
Apr 1, 2011
I have overridden OnError method in the page:
public string script;
protected override void OnError(EventArgs e)
script = "alert('error');";
In the aspx, I have this:
<script type="text/javascript">
<%=script %>;
I am simulating an error in Page_Load, but its not firing the alert. If I switch the code from OnError to OnLoad, it works great.
View 4 Replies
Mar 3, 2011
So in default.aspx I have the code
<script type="text/javascript">
function validateForm()
{ [Code]....
When I call test() from javascript i want it to return false but cant seem to geta value from test.
View 4 Replies
Mar 3, 2011
I understand how to use jQuery to make an AJAX call to a WebMethod from a normal page, but I'm running into problems doing it from a UserControl (ASCX). Right now the biggest Issue I'm having is that the JavaScript for getting access to the groupDropDown control is not working. It seems that since this is a UserControl hosted within DotNetNuke, the ususal method of getting the CLientID is not working since it is nested down x number of levels. Here is what I have:
function validateEnrolledDate(src, args) {
var isValid;
I'm now just referencing a TextBox:<asp:TextBox ID="dealerId" runat="server" CssClass="theDealer" />
The Text in the Textbox is being set in Server Side code, and it is visible on screen.The alert message is "undefined", so something is still happening so that it is not getting the value of that textbox...
View 1 Replies
Mar 10, 2010
I am planning to use a Javascript call to a WebService to retrieve data from the database. At the moment I am using Ajax to do this. But since the Ajax is slowing down the performance of my application. I have read in some article that even though Ajax only refreshes the Update panel contents, Ajax does a full round trip to the server. What I need to know is how can I populate a Grid from data coming from a WebService via a Javascript call.
View 3 Replies
Feb 25, 2016
I am trying to implement your code in "Calling ASP.Net WebMethod using jQuery AJAX", but the alert is giving me the value "Undefined".
I believe my website (asp.net c#) is not correctely configured for webmethods.
View 1 Replies
Apr 25, 2014
in default.aspx i am calling web method. bt every time its going to error method.
code is...
function login(btn) {
var email = document.getElementById("txtUserName").value;
var password = document.getElementById("txtPass").value;
View 1 Replies
Jul 21, 2010
After watching [URL] learning guide in accessing Web Service from JavaScript[/url] I was doing the same thing in order to test it. And found out that in my JavaScript I don't have any WebService in my IntelliSense. Such thing happens if I create WebService and WebSite either in one common solution or in the different.
View 23 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
my page Evaluation.aspx has this code
and I am calling the webmethod by javascript like this
The result is, I get the error function running and I get "undefined error" alert.Am I calling the procedure correctly? I put a breakpoint on the webmethod and it.
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