Architecture :: How To Desigin The Domain Model
Jun 28, 2010
know whats is happening and why its throwing an error (it does not find GetBrokenRules method because its List) but the reason i posted this question here is to ask for a better design, can anybody guide me here please?i am working on Facilities class (List..../Building/Floor) rror:Error 3System.Collections.Generic.List' does not contain a definition for 'GetBrokenRules' and no extension method 'GetBrokenRules' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Collections.Generic.List' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
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May 4, 2010
Say I got a domain model as follows: (and my repository expect an instance of this object)
And a view model (which my views are based on)
At the moment I got it like this and have my controller action manually create a new Person object from the PersonModel object before passing it on to the repository, which does not feel right.
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Dec 25, 2010
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1. UI Layer
2. BLL - business logic layer
3. DAL - Data Access Layer
a. DTO / DAO
b. Gateway (contains the sql query/stored procedure and connection with DB)
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DataContext dc = new DataContext(connString);
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Aug 7, 2010
I want to know what is the advantages of using aggregates in c# for design patterns.
suppose i have tree tables
"One member can place more than one bid on more than one item."
so there is one to many bidirectional association between Bid and Member table.
And one to many association between bid and item table Now According to defination of aggregates in this case Item table is the root of aggregate item and item has aggregation with bid table.
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public int ComponentTypeID { get; set; }
public string Component_Type { get; set; }
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Mar 1, 2010
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I've created a few pages that get content from database and place it in a folder. I want each user to be able to edit their own data and when they hit "submit". the system will then copy those pages to a folder and modify the code so it read from the right database.
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Feb 4, 2011
I am trying to understand the fundamental differences between the Provider Model and Repository Pattern.
I have used the Provider Model in many many situations and am confident with it when designing applications. However, the more examples I encounter on the internet and evolution I keep coming across "Repository" Interfaces for classes that look like a Provider Model.
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Nov 9, 2010
I am trying to develop a chess application in (C#). I am very confused about overall structure of the application. I am just unable to figure out the complete model (or prototype) of my project. As chess programming should be very efficient in memory consumption and speed, can someone provide me a good idea , how should I develop my application. Currently, I am taking a class named 'Chessboard' for my project and its objects are chesspieces ( pawn,king,queeen). I am initialising each object with some properties (type, value, color etc). But its quite complex. I am having 32 objects in this approach.
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Feb 10, 2010
I can't to understand clearly how to create strong and quickly application using EF. For example, I have class ForumPost (table ForumPost) for select one of record I write method like:
public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();
all works. But on page (I use ASP.NET MVC) I should display info from another linked tables, ForumName (each post have ForumID) etc. So, I modify this method to:
public ForumPost ForumPost(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID select i).First();
ok, all works. Then I want to make some actions in model with ForumPost, i.e.
public void RootPost(int PostID, ref Models.ForumPost Root)
ForumPost post = ForumPost(PostID);
if (post.RootPost != null)
Root = ForumPost(post.RootPost.ForumPostID);
Root = post;
it works too. But problem is in speed. I not need in RootPost all those includes. So, I should to create one more method like:
private ForumPost ForumPostIncludes1(int ForumPostID)
(from i in _dataContext.ForumPostSet
where i.ForumPostID == ForumPostID
select i).First();
then ForumPostIncludes2, ForumPostIncludes3 etc... second way - redesign RootPost with LINQ expr, not with call another method. But in this way difficulties to change DB. third way? How to do it correctly?
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm creating a plugin framework in On application_start I am creating a single app domain called "SandBoxed". When a user uploads or activates an assembly they want to use, I want to create this assembly in the "SandBoxed" app domain. When a user decides to remove an assembly, then I want to unload and reload(with rest of activated assemblies) the SandBoxed app domain without restarting the root app domain. From all the examples I've seen, an app domain is Created, assemblies created in this app domain, and then the app domain is UnLoaded, ALL in the same method. How do I persist this app domain or retrieve it by name so that I can unload it after creation? I dont see an AppDomain.GetDomain
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Feb 17, 2011
I have also installed SSL on a subdomain. I have put payment page under this sub domain.
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Sep 28, 2010
My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.
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Aug 3, 2010
We have a ASP.NET site that partially depends on forms authentication for login credentials, however the implementation of IPrincipal is completely custom.
But, when running the site on a particular server (which is somewhat semi-hardened when it comes to security), the app crashes when invoking IPrincipal.IsInRole() with the following messsage:
System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
This indicates a communication error between the web-server and the DC, however since our application doesn't at all utilizes Windows authentication, I don't see why it needs to communicate with the DC.
This is my implementation:
I was finally enable to reproduce this error on my dev-machine (i revoked my machine from the DC yesterday, but didn't reproduce it until today)
HttpContext.User is actually a WindowsPrincipal by default it seems, and the error in my code was that I only replace it with CustomPrincipal upon login. Hence, unathenticated users still get the WindowsPrincipal which then fails horribly if you have trust issues on your AD.
I tried changing the default principal by invoking this on appstart
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy( PrincipalPolicy.NoPrincipal);
But this doesn't seem to kick in. How do I change the default Principal in ASP.NET?
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Aug 16, 2010
Im returning the username from sharepoint site as a string. This is done successfully with the below code but I also get the domain with it. How can I only return the username and not the domain either through sharepoint or programmatically removing it? domain/username
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Sep 28, 2010
My feeling says it's not posible but anyway I am curious if there is at least a workaround for accomplish this.Basically I am working at my client site and my machine is not connected to the domain.What I want to do is running a web application locally under a domain account, and using the webdev server.The webapp uses the default authentication, windows authentication that is.I tried using impersonation with domainuser & password but I got the following error Could not create Windows user token from the credentials specified in the config file. Error from the operating system 'Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.I have to mention that the username and the password are correct.
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Jul 28, 2010
I have two domain servers X and Y.My Web application is hosted on Domain X.But my scope is required to authorize the user of Domain Y on the Web application hosted on Domain X server.I am using Windows Authetication mode in application
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