Associating A CSS File Out Side App_Theme Folder For Skin/Theme?

May 7, 2010

Is there anyway i can mention which CSS file should be attached to my Page automatically when running A Page with ASP.NET Themes /Skins ? I want to associate my own CSS which resides in a folder other than the APP_Themes Folder to the Page

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Similar Messages:

Share A .skin Theme File Between Themes In .NET?

Mar 15, 2011

We have a legacy app with multiple themes. Each theme have a .skin file. Each skin file is almost identical except for some things. The files share a lot of similarities. Is it possible to share a common .skin file across themes?

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How To Use More Than Css File In The Theme Folder

Jan 17, 2010

i am working in our organization cms system .

i have 2 themes folders (ltr ,rtl)



senario :
layout.css : for page layout only
green.css : for colors , fonts ... etc .
red.css : for colors , fonts ... etc .
Yellow.css : for colors , fonts ... etc .

in Page_PreInit

If me.request("lang") = "ar" Then
Me.Page.Theme = "rtl"
ElseIf me.request("lang") = "en" Then
Me.Page.Theme = "ltr"
End If

here i want to use layout.css at first .

then i want to control the color css file ( green , red , yellow ) as user selected with one css file as default (red.css) for example .

what i can do ??

what is the best practices for that ?

View 14 Replies

Browsing App_theme Folder?

Jun 16, 2010

Is there a way to stop someone from looking into the App_Themes folder, by putting it into the url, like this:


same with app_data, can those be blocked, i didn't try app_data as i don't have anything in there, but just curious, as app_themes I was able to get into. Is this an IIS setting I need to adjust?

View 6 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Share The Same Skin Settings In Different Theme

Jan 9, 2010

I have four themes: Theme1, Theme2, Theme3, Theme4. Under every theme, it contains a skin file and css file. In every themes, there are some same css elements, skin elements and different css elements, skin elements. How can I put the same css elements, skin elements under one shared thems instead of every themes.

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Web Forms :: How To Find Theme And Skin Libraries

Sep 18, 2010

I'm in the process of building a webforms site. In the grand tradition of programmers, I have been looking for collections of skins/themes/css for controls to avoid the work of building them myself.Especially since I'm graphically challenged. I've found numerous sites with templates for drupal, DNN, etc but the only places I've found control themes/skin/css collections is within commercial component libs that cost more than i'm able to afford.

The absence of these collections is also making me question how I'm building the site since I assume the "theme" sites would be providing these collections if there was a demand.

Can anyone point me to where I can find inexpensive or free theme/skin collections or give me some pointers about how to build a site without requiring a bunch of work to create them from scratch.

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Web Forms :: Using Theme And Skin To Current Project?

Apr 21, 2010

I am using Theme and skin to my current project.

I would like to know, can

1) Theme applied to asp:panel ?

2) Theme applied to AJAX update panel ?

View 7 Replies

CSS In App_Theme Folder Gets Cached In Browser?

Dec 23, 2010

The Stylesheet in the App_Theme folder gets cached in the browser. What should be the approach? so that whenever there is a new deployment the browser should take the latest stylesheets and not the one cached in the browser.

This was happening for other css(which are not in theme folder) too, so used custom control as mentioned in the link


How this could be done for the CSS in the Theme folder?

Edit: The theme name is mentioned in the web.config as mentioned below. so its not just the html link tag which I had solved by using the method mentioned in the link.

<pages styleSheetTheme="Default">

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Web Forms :: How To Tell C# To Read The Images From The APP_THEME Folder

Apr 12, 2010

I need to tell somehow to ASP.NET to read the images from the ASP.NET APP_THEME folder.

so instead of this:


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Web Forms :: Change Theme / Skin Depending On Login Credentials?

Feb 10, 2011

I would like to change a Theme in an ASP.NET web application, depending on the login credentials. So, if user1 logs in, then the Theme will automatically be set to say User1Theme. And if user2 logs in, then the theme will automatically be set to User2Theme. Otherwise, I would like the theme to be set to DefaultTheme.

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Can A Theme / Skin Alter The Appearance Of The Button In A FileUpload Control

Jun 20, 2010

I've found very little on developing skins for controls online. I can do everything except to know what the attributes / properties in a skin file are. I need a good resource for all attributes / properties for controls. Apart from that is it possible to do a lot more than can be achieved with css. In particular to change the appearance of the FileUpload button so that it matches all the other ImageButtons' appearances on my web page.

View 2 Replies - Visual Studio 2010 Doesn't Deploy App_Theme Folder

Jan 20, 2011

I have a simple web app project in Visual Studio 2010 (converted from 2008 project). For some reason when I publish the app, Visual Studio doesn't copy the App_Theme -folder to the publish destination folder. This will cause the app to fail when deployed to production environment.

App_Theme is considered as "system" folder by VS (shown as grey), which means that I can't manually set it's publish properties.

how to get VS to copy App_Theme -folder when deploying?

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Web Forms :: Use Theme Folder In Current Directory

Jul 1, 2010

I have a root directory in which I have many sub directories. Each of those subdirectories has its own project, webconfig.ini file, etc. I added a Theme directory to each of the projects in the subfolders. This worked correctly until recently when my webhost changed something with my websites because of a malisious attack on them. I don't know what they changed (nor will they tell me) but it no longer picks up the themes in the sub-folders rather it use the theme directory in the main root. How can I tell my app to use the theme directory in the same directory that it lives in rather than using the one from the parent directory?

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Web Forms :: Move File From Webserver Folder To Local File System Folder?

Jan 27, 2011

I have requirement to copy or move file from webserver app folder to local file system folder (user selected). How is it possible in ASP.Net.

On my page i have textbox and browse button and user clicks browse button to select folder and there is Copy/Move button and when clicked the files under webserver folder should be move to the user selected folder. The webserver folder path is available to application.

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Web Forms :: Skin File As An Embedded Resource?

May 11, 2010

Question: Is it possible to embed .skin files as a resource?

I am creating a library of user controls(grids, buttons, etc.) that are common among all of our web projects. I have included several common javascript files used by the controls by adding them as an embedded resource and registering them as a resource using RegisterClientScriptResource. Everything works great.

However, the last thing I would like to do is embed skin files in this project so that all the controls have the same look. I know I can control look solely with css, but I would like to control some of the other asp attributes as well(ie AllowSorting and AllowPaging attributes of a grid). Is it possible to embed skin files as a resource? Or will each individial project need a copy of the skin file? If anyone could provide insight on how I can go about embedding a skin file..

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Web Forms :: Set Skin File To Master Page?

Mar 12, 2010

How can I set skin file to master page. Is is possible?

Actually I want to set common skin for all content pages of the master page.

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Web Forms :: Get Skin File Settings On Code Behind?

Feb 3, 2010

I have a theme containing a skin file. I assigned this skin to the page and its working fine.

Due to some of requirements, i need to get the settings of skin file.

Suppose i have TextBox/Button settings in Skin file, Now i want to get those settings, like BackColor, ForeColor etc on the CodeBehind (C#).

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Flash Can't Find FLVplayback Skin File While Running In Mvc View

Nov 22, 2010

why FLVPlayback isn't working properly in MVC views? I think i narrowed it down to the "hard coded" skin url file not being correct. Where should I put the skin file( e.g. skinOverAllNoCaption.swf) so that flash can find it? Or are there any alternative approaches to somehow setting the skin file dynamically.

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Forms Data Controls :: Details View + Set The Style Of It Within Skin File

Jul 7, 2010

I have a details view control on my web page and would like to set the style of it within my skin file. Specifically the alternating row color, width and height.

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Web Forms :: Formatting AJAX Toolkit Accordion Control In VS2010 Designer Using Skin File

Jul 9, 2010

When I format an accordion control using a skin file (as opposed to entering the formatting as attributes on each <asp:Accordion> tag), the control renders as expected when the website is run. However, in the VS2010 designer, the control won't display but instead shows the generic "Error Rendering Control" box which hasthe exception, "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute."

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Web Forms :: Create Folder And Upload File In That Folder On Other Machine Connected In LAN

Jan 25, 2010

I am working on 3.5 in C#. In my application I have to Create folder and upload file in that folder, which works fine on my machine. I want help for create folder and upload file in that folder on other machine which is connected in LAN. code for create folder and Upload file on my machine

string FileName = FileUpload1.FileName;

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How To Restrict Access To A Specific File In The Account Folder Rather Than The Entire Folder

Jan 1, 2010

I am ristrcting access to the Account folder using below:

<location path="Account">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

and access to the Default.aspx using

<location path="Default.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

but how do i restrict access to a specific file in the Account folder rather than the entire folder?

I tried the following but did not work

<location path="AccountChangePassword.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<allow users="*"/>

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Add CSS File To Theme Folders

Jan 12, 2011

When I right click on any folder below the App_Themes folder in VS 2010, the only web file that appears to be able to be added is the Skin file. If I pick a regular folder within the site (other than App_Themes), Style Sheet does appear.

I checked both an existing web application project (VS2008 upgraded to VS2010) and a new web application project created in VS2010 and both yield the same results.

I can create a CSS file in another folder (like the main folder) and then drag it into the theme folder, as a work around. Just trying to determine if I was missing something regarding theme folder and CSS files.

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Configuration :: How To Publish The Cs File Into Root Folder Instead Of Bin Folder

Mar 14, 2011

When we select pull down menu Build -> Publish .... website. The cs extension file dropped into bin folder instead of root folder.

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Web Forms :: Global File Not Changing Theme For Urlrewritten Url's?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm setting my site theme with the following code in my global.asax file, but if I go to a product page with a URL that has been rewritten through a rewriter, the global file doesn't affect the master page anymore and the page doesn't use the theme that is being set in the global file?


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