C# Webclient - Accessing Web Through Proxy Server?

Apr 21, 2010

I am currently using C# and the webClient class to downloading and uploading images, data, see code below


This works fine for a direct internet connection, but fails through a proxy server.

And giving the error "The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required."

I have tried using the default credentials in the credentials property


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Accessing The Exact Data Sent Using WebClient.UploadData On The Server?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm sending a large text string in the form of a byte array using the WebClient.UploadData method to a web site but I'm not sure exactly where to retrieve that data from on the server. I've read posts that say it is in the request object which I already know but how exactly do I retrieve the specific byte array I sent like in the following c# pseudo code:

byte[] dataSent = request.GettheByteArrayISentFromWebClientUploadDataMethod;

I understand that it may not be as simple as this and that I may need to do some other processing but can anyone post a code snippet that shows how I can get at the byte array that was sent?

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Architecture :: Difference Between Webclient.OpenReadAsync And Webclient.DownloadStringAsync?

Mar 1, 2010

I'm mix up between webclient.OpenReadAsync and webclient.DownloadStringAsync? Can anyone explain clearly for me ? What are the difference between them? In addition, may i know whether webclient.OpenReadAsync got download the file or just open and read the file only without download to other places?

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WebClient.DownloadFileAsync Downloading The File On Server

Oct 25, 2010

I am downloading a file from a remote location to my local machine. The paths I am using are saved in web.config and are in following format:

<add key="FileFolder" value="Files/"/>
<add key="LocalFileFolder" value="D:REAL" />

the code I am using to download is:

WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); [code]...

When i deploy it on the server; and run my program, i get a message saying that download has completed successfully. But the problem is that the file is downloaded on the server machine in the filefolder (LocalFileFolder). I want it to be downloaded on the local machine. What is it that I am doing wrong?

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WCF / ASMX :: Writing A Web Service To Call The Proxy Server From The IIS Web Server In Vb.net?

Feb 6, 2011

How to write a webservice to call the proxy server through IIS webserver?

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C# - ThreadAbortException (WebClient Using DownloadFile To Grab File From Server)?

Mar 30, 2010

Referencing my Earlier Question, regarding downloading a file from a server and handling exceptions properly. I am positive that I had this solved, then in classic programming fashion, returned days later to frustratingly find it broken

Updated code:

private static void GoGetIt(HttpContext context)
var directoryInfoOfWhereTheDirectoryFullOfFilesShouldBe = new FileInfo(......); [code]....

This was working fine, and returning the zip, otherwise if the file didn't exist returning 404. Then on the client side I could handle this:

public bool Download()
using (var client = new WebClient()) [code]....

But the problem now is two things.

1) I get System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted in the server side try-catch block. Usually this was just a file not found exception. I have no idea what or why that new exception is throwing?

2) Now that a different exception is throwing on the server side instead of the file not found, it would seem I can't use this set up for the application, because back on client side, any exception is assumed to be filenotfound.]

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How To Protect A Web Server Froma Reverse Proxy Server

Oct 10, 2010

I have a website [URL]. Recently I found out that somebody has set up a reverse proxy with an almost identical url "www.website1.com" in front of my website.

I'm concerned of those users who came to my website through that reverse proxy. Their username and passwords might be logged when they login.

Is there a way for me to have my web server refuse reverse proxy?

For example, I've set up a reverse proxy using squid with the url "www.fakestackoverflow.com" in front of "www.stackoverflow.com". So whenever I type "www.fakestackoverflow.com" in my web browser address bar, I'll be redirected to "www.stackoverflow.com" by the reverse proxy. Then I notice the url in my address bar changed to "www.stackoverflow.com" indicating that I'm no longer going through the reverse proxy.

"www.stackoverflow.com" must've detected that I came to the website from another url and then redirected me to the website through the actual url.

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Web Forms :: IE 7 With Webforms And Proxy Server?

Sep 8, 2010

I have started having problems with our asp.net webform applications running behind a proxy since the user base have upgraded to IE7. Some postbacks seem to drop out and at times it is difficult to make controls on a page raise an event. It appears to be intermittant and I have been told there are issues around using IE7 behind a proxy with post requests. Is this the case and what are the options? Rewite in MVC? Does the issue of post requests behind a proxy remain in IE8?

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AJAX :: ISA Proxy Server Returning 407 For Request?

Feb 10, 2010

We are using 2 ISA proxy servers in front of our webserver and are getting intermittant Ajax errors in our application.

Our web logs indicate that there are 407 errors occurring during the requests.

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The error dialog has Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException and the details say "error parsing near '<!DOCTYPE html P'

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IIS Configuration :: Web Browser Can Be Named As Proxy Server

May 16, 2013

In an article I have read "A web browser can be named as proxy server. As safari, chrome, mozilla".But proxy server is like a an intermediatary btween the clent and server know?

What is actually the difference between the two?

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Configuration :: Web Application Under Proxy Server - Relative URLs?

Jun 23, 2010

our web application should be hosted under proxy server, for that we had to change our URL to be relative.

we changed all the url's but then we saw that web resources that are embeded in the .net dll's are being written to the page with absolute path, start with "/" for example:


how can we change it? how can we set the web resource to be relative like this "../webresource.axd"

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server Agent Proxy Account?

May 4, 2010

Well I would like to get understanding on sql server security. how to map windows user eg:'srm123' to sql server agent so that user when logins in sql server can also work with sql server agent.bydefault u can not see sql server aqent icon in ssms in userlogin.what is a role of a proxy and credentials how to map them with windows user to workwith jobs and alerts.

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WebMatrix :: Deploying To Msdeploy Does Not Support A Proxy Server?

Aug 18, 2010

I am trying to deploy through webmatrix but my system Proxy server configuration is not being used. I assume that webmatrix would detect the proxy server settings and use that for the msdeploy calls under the hood. Can anyone confirm this is a know issue?

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Remote Server Returned An Error, Proxy Authentication Required?

Dec 8, 2010

The remote server returned an error: (407) Proxy Authentication Required.I get it when I use the GetReponse() method in WebRequest Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(getNextURL()) Dim httpResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(request.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Retrieve The Proxy Server To Submit A Web Request

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to make a web request programmatically. When i submit the request through the browser it seems to work fine but when i programmatically submit the request it comes back with this error message "Unable to connect to the remote server"

Below is the code i am using to executing the command,



I assume the reason why i am getting the error message is because the proxy server has not been set programmatically. Can somebody tell me how i can get the proxy server and set it programmatically?

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Mobiles :: Simulate A Proxy Server To Test Mobile Device C# Application

Nov 17, 2010

I need to simulate a proxy server to test mobile device c# application.

Is there a way to do this? how should I do this.

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C# - Update Panel Stops Working In IE 8 When Site Is Redirected Via A Proxy Server?

Mar 11, 2011

the site normally works fine in all popular browsers including firefox, chrome, safari and ie.

but doesn't work in ie 8 when it's redirected via a proxy server and it gives an error saying

"Message: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerParserErrorException: The message received from the server could not be parsed. Common causes for this error are when the response is modified by calls to Response.Write(), response filters, HttpModules, or server trace is enabled. Details: Error parsing near 'DOCTYPE html PUB'."

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C# - HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The Size Of The Response Header Is Too Large. Contact Your ISA Server Administrator. (12216)

Feb 23, 2011

Some of my users are getting the following error

HTTP 502 Proxy Error - The size of the response header is too large. Contact your ISA server administrator. (12216) Internet Security and Acceleration Server

I am guessing it has to do with the size of hidden "__ViewState" tag in my ASP.NET pages.

I also realize that this is restriction imposed to by IT on the users end and I have no contol over it.

I disabled ViewState on all the controls in my ASP.NET pages. However, __ViewState is still generated very large (as always) to persist control-state (e.g. checkbox, radiobutton, etc.)

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SQL Server :: Accessing Database From Website In Production Server?

Dec 10, 2010

I built an ASP.NET 4.0 Web Site. It works perfectly on my development computer. However, when I deploy the web site to theProduction Server, which is a Win2003 Small Business with Sql Server 2000, the site can't connect to the database.

These are the different tests I've made:

I tried using Integrated Windows authentication and this connection string: Data Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integratedsecurity=true; and the error I got was that NT Authority/Network Service couldn't open the database. So I added that account to my database users list and gave it the appropiate permissions. Nothing.I tried using Sql Server authentication, so I created a new database user with a password and changed my connection string toData Source=myServerAddress;Initial Catalog=myDataBase;User Id=myUsername;Password=myPassword;. Nothing. I still got the same NT Authority user message.I deleted the used I created in step 2 and used the same connection string, to see if this time I got an error saying something about my user, and indeed it happened. I got an exception saying that user myUsername couldn't log on. I then created the user again, ang got the NT Authority user message one more time.I created a console application that used the same connection string from steps 2 and 3, and it connected to the database witouth any problem, which made me think that my problem's got something to do with my Web.config.I tried enabling impersonation on my Web.config, and thos time I got the same error message, only referring to the user I logged in to Windows, instead of NT Authority/Network service. What else could I check? My Web.config is this in case it helps (I havn't really put anything into it other than what VS puts):


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Visual Studio :: Accessing An SQL Server DB On A Remote Server?

Jan 6, 2011

I have problem accessing an SQL server DB on a remote server.Actually, I had no problem with creating a connection string to it using the Visual Web Deveoper 2005 Express Edition GUI, however, I have problem connecting to it through the code.This is the connection string created by the GUI, and connection test on the connection wizzard GUI just works fine.


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Javascript - JS: "The Callee (server [not Server Application]) Is Not Available And Disappeared." Accessing Window.opener?

Oct 1, 2010

In our (quite large and old) ASP.NET application we use a lot of pages loaded into frames, iframes, and modal dialogs (using window.showModalDialog). We are starting to see the error above quite a bit, and I can't seem to find a single rational explanation for it anywhere.Popup Blockers. Nope. We're not running them. Not even the built-in blocker.Trusted Zone. Nope. The application runs on LocalHost right now, and it's in the trusted sites list.Stray Cosmic Rays. Possible, but not probable. It's way too consistent.

I did eventually find the error message buried on Microsoft's site in some dusty tome about retrieving automation error message information. In it, they were talking about Excel, and they said: "In this example, Microsoft Excel is the server application. Referencing a workbook object once it is destroyed (or closed) generates the error."That is probably as close as I've ever come to an explanation for the cause of the error, without a real, concrete explanation. Someone tried to use something after their reference to it was disposed of. Oddly, you can still see the windows on the screen. Curiously, however, this smacks suspiciously to me of the accepted answer to this.So here's what happens.

Page A is the main page.PageA displays PageB in a frame. PageB is a toolbar.PageA displays PageC in another frame. That's the content.PageC displays PageD in a nonmodal dialog. PageD, for reasons unknown to me, wants to modify the controls in PageB. It's trying to use window.opener to do that, and failing horribly.If someone could enlighten me as to why this is the case (the code works in FF), I'd appreciate it.

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Accessing SQL Server Cluster?

May 13, 2010

now our company creates a new application under ASP.NET + SQL Server cluster platform.

So I know the best and most efficient principles and ways to scale the load, but I wanna know the MS background of horizontal scaling.

The question is pretty simple - are there any built-in abilities in ASP.Net to access the least loaded SQL server from SQL Server cluster?

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Webclient 'thread Is Being Aborted'?

Oct 27, 2010

I run a loop that downloads a lot of smal files from another website

result = runData()
loop ends
catch ex1 as exception
End try
private function runData() as string
Dim wc as new WebClient
Dim str as string
str = wc.downloadstring(filePath)
catch ex2 as exception
return "Nothing"
end try
return str
end function

THE Problem is if the file is not found in the RunData function I get 'Thread being aborted' error which stops the not only the function RunData() but also the loop is running in, so I get an error in ex2 as well as ex1. But I want the error to be captured in ex1 and stop, and not effect the loop.

I have read that you need to use Response.End to close the thread or not to capture the 'threadbeingaborted' expception.

BUT how do you do the response.end with a webclient??? (IN vb.net , asp.net 2.0 version

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C# - Set A Timeout On WebClient.DownloadData?

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using a third party url to determine the location of site visitors based on IP address.I use WebClient.DownloadData() to get the information returned by the url which is a one word answer e.g. as per http://api.hostip.info/country.phpOnce I have detected what country the user is in I want to either A) keep them on the current site and store the country in the session or B) redirect them to another countries site.What I'm worried about is WebClient.DownloadData() hanging so the user is waiting for ages and can't use the site. I'd thought about using DownloadDataAsync but this dosn't seem to be a solution for me as I don't want them to do anything till I find out the country (also seettp://stackoverflow.com/questions/271767/webclient-downloaddataasync-is-freezing-my-ui)Is there a way I can set a timelimit on my call to WebClient.DOwnloadData e.g. if it hasn't returned in 2 seconds,

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Accessing Web Server Controls From Jquery?

Aug 2, 2010

In my C# asp.net 3.5 web application I am having controls like div tag inside that one textbox and one check box and the page is having a submit button. So in this submit button click I want to make the controls inside the div tag visible.. I am calling a JQuery function to do this. All the statements are getting executed but the control is not visible.. Following is the code in my JQuery function


My div tag and its controls in the user control page are like the following

<div id="QuestionAndAnswerEditorDiv" runat="server">
<div id="wmd-button-bar" class="wmd-panel wmd-button-row"></div>
<textarea name="QuestionandAnswerTextArea" runat="server" id="AnswerTextBox" onkeyup="prettyPrint();" class="wmd-input editor" cols="92" rows="15"/><div class="wmd-preview text-preview preview" style="-ms-word-wrap: break-word;"></div>

As I noticed these controls are make visible=false in another page so they are not coming in the page source.. So Let me know how to work these controls now

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