Configuration :: Web Service Works Locally But Not When Deployed?
May 28, 2010
When I deploy my web service, I get the following error:
There is no build provider registered for the extension '.svc'. You can register one in the <compilation><buildProviders> section in machine.config or web.config. Make sure is has a BuildProviderAppliesToAttribute attribute which includes the value 'Web' or 'All'.
I found one thread ([URL] that a solution but, I can not get it to work. If I make the changes to my web config file as in the thread, I then get a configuration error. One odd thing is that, if I check the machine.config file on my machine, located at C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727CONFIGmachine.config, I don't see any of the config settings described in the thread. As a matter of fact, there is no mention of "compilation" or "buildProviders" at all.
Here is my entire config file listing:
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Sep 25, 2010
I have developped an asmx webservice with visual studio and I deploy on IIS 7 which has 3.5 Framework by copying all the files.
When testing it says
Could not load file or 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I don't use [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] so I don't understand why it tries to load System.Web.Extensions.
Note: I'm not using any other assembly/lib I'm just learning webservice so it's very simple: I create a webservice Test.asmx with one method which uses one class Test.cs within same namespace WebServiceTest. This works locally.
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Jan 6, 2010
This is very strange behaviour from my login control - locally it works fine - But deployed to the web server (With an external hosting company) it gives a windows prompt, even though the authorisation is set to "Forms".Here is my web.config file:
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May 24, 2012
I developed a web service in VS2010 on my local machine, wrote a consumer of it also locally, and that all works.
I copied the dll and the asmx file to our server, and I am getting an error when I try to invoke it from a browser (also still on the server machine) to make sure it correctly exposes its web methods, but it is not, it is saying "Could not create type 'Service'". That error comes from this line:
Line 1: <%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WarrantyDuplicate.cs" Class="Service" %>
There other web services in the same folder on the server that all work fine so I don't believe it's an IIS setup thing.
This is my first web service in C# and when I created it in VS I did think it odd that the code behind file went into App_Code (as you can see from the line in the asmx file) and is just named dot-cs rather than asmx-dot-cs. But since it worked fine locally, I wasn't sure that mattered.
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Jul 26, 2010
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And also i have a domain name
What i want that i want to integrate my locally deployed site with domain name.
(I have live(public) IP address as well)
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Oct 8, 2010
I have a menu that uses a sitemap. The menu works locally, but not on the server. Below is my code for the menu, data source, and the sitemap. why I can run it locally and use the menu, but I cannot use the menu on the server?
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a web application in ASP.NET 4.0. I've added an asmx service, primarily as a source for the autocomplete extender's lookup values.
When I debug on my machine locally, everything works fine. However, when I deploy the web application to IIS 7.5, I get a HTTP 404 response when trying to send data to the service.
I am able to browse to the service definition, see the available operations. Tellingly, however, when I use the test pages to test the service using POST, I receive an HTTP 404 again.
I'm not sure what is going on. I did create the asmx file within my web application and it is deployed in the virtual directory of my otherwise working production application. Is there an issue with the .asmx file being deployed in the same virtual directory, perhaps?
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Oct 27, 2010
I know there have been countless posts on these types of problems, and I have read through alot of them as well as doing Google searches, but I have not found anything that applies to my specific situation. If anyone has posted a similar question link me to the post with any appropriate derisive comments . Mods if this is the wrong forum feel free to move the post to the appropriate location.
I am a newbie C# developer. I have been getting my feet wet writing a C# web app for my department. I am using the following system:
Windows 7 Professional Visual Web Developer 2010 Version 10.0.30319.1 .Net framework 4.0.30319. IIS version 7.5.7600.16385 Internet Explorer 8.0.7600.16385CO SQL Server 2008 R2
When I run my application in the VWD debugger everything works fine and looks the way I want it to work. When I deploy to IIS (which is on the same box that I develop on) I start having some issues. Here is a breakdown of the problems I am having:
I have an asp:menu control with orientation set to horizontal. When I initially load the sitre after a deploy the menu displays correctly. But when I go to a different web page in the app the menu switches to vertical and the width of each menu item spans the width of the div that surrounds it. On the same page that causes issues with the asp:menu I also have asp:ComboBox controls that are used to filter information on the page. The combo boxes just look like text boxes. The data that should populate the boxes is not present.
I also have some ajax accordion controls contained in asp:updatepanels, neither of which work. The accordion controls are all expanded, and I cannot collapse them. If I trigger an update the entire page reloads instead of just the specific control.
I do not receive any errors when I browse to the page that causes the problems. It loads just fine everything is just jacked up. Like I said, everything works flawlessly in the VWD debugger. I know the VWD debugger does not use IIS, which makes me think this is an IIS issue, but I do not even know where to start to pinpoint the problem.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a page which uploads a file from server A to server B. The user first uploads the file to server A, where it's saved into a diretory, then once the file is safely stored there, I'm transferring it to a second server, server B, using the following code:
So, in summary, the only difference I can see between the working case and the non-working case is the server that'ssending the file.
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Apr 20, 2010
The error is mentioned below, the cssfriendly.dll is in bin, and browser file is in there app_browsers folder. And it is working in same PC (developping PC), on remote server that belong to my company (i just installed .net 3.5 on that server)
I tried uploading the same site on 2 dufferents hosting, and finally i got the same error. What could gone wrong ? I tried contacting the hosting support but they work in ticketing system and this is extremely slow.
Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter'.
Source Error:
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Aug 27, 2010
for example it just starts notepadn my development pc i'm using Win7 and when i deploy the app onto my local IIS7 it works and i can call notepadWhen i run debug mode with VS2010 it works too!
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Nov 3, 2010
I have created a web service SampleWS.asmx [uses authentication mode="Windows" and identity mpersonate="true"]. Works fine on my dev using VS and Personal web server. Now to move this to QA I have created a Virtual directory called intg pointed it to a physical path on the server Now I have copied the (actually tried publish to this server folder and simple copy and paste) .asmx , dll folder and .cs to this folder on server First I received firbidden access for which I have set execute permissions on IIS to scripts and executables.This fixed the initial issue. The Web service extensions has allow for both 1.1 and 2.0 on IIS Now I receive the following error ..
Access to the path
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322Temporary ASP.NET Filesintgaf936b4453b023c7"
is denied .
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Mar 26, 2010
I am getting this error after uploading my web app to my Rackspace box.
CS0246: The type or namespace name 'User' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
It's odd because it works fine on my local computer where I do development. The actual line of code is:
public User user = new User();
I am using C#.
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Feb 16, 2011
I have a new MVC3 project with one Controller called PublicController.cs which contains 4 identical methods for testing out how routing works. The only difference between them is their name, and that they each point to a different view ...
public class PublicController : Controller
// GET: /Public/
public ActionResult Index()[code]....
My web-server is shared hosting with netcetera, using a sub-domain for this deployment (previously had problems with MVC in virtual directories, but have full blown MVC2 apps running in sub-domains no problem). I've deployed by using the "Publish to file system" option, then copying over the files aswell as just copying the entire source project over. Both give identical results.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a button on a page that when clicked should bring up the users email system (MS Outlook).When I run my application locally on my test machine, I click the button and my email comes up.However, once I moved the application to the web server, when I click the button, nothing happens.Can you tell me what is wrong? Below is the function I am using:
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Sep 20, 2010
I created a WSDL with Visual Studio 2005 and tested it using localhost. It worked exactly as anticipated and returned the expected results. I basically called the WSDL from a classic ASP page using Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") and all went well. The url was http://localhost/service.asmx/methodname.
I deployed the WSDL to the remote server and tried to access it the same way; I changed localhost with the domain name as http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname. But now I get 'Post to http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname failed with 500.
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Jan 26, 2011
I have an application which works fine in debug mode but gives a error when i access the default.aspx
after deploying to IIS.
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Mar 17, 2010
I have an ASP.NET web application(webforms,not MVC) developed in VS 2008 and i have implemented ASP.NET web forms URL routing by following this link [URL]
It works pretty good when i run it on the Visual studion IDE.But does not works when i created a site under my IIS (IIS 5.1 in XP) and deployed the same files there.I have set ASP.NET version as 2.0 in the Properties window of my application too.But does not work.
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Mar 15, 2011
Let's say that I have my ASP.NET web application in a directory called "MyApp" both locally and on a remote server. I'm trying to build an onclick response to a link. The response calls a Javascript function, passing it the URL of an .aspx page in my web app. The Javascript pops out a new window displaying the page. My C# code looks like this:
link = new HyperLink();
link.Text = product_num_str;
link.NavigateUrl = "#";[code]....
I started using the Request's Authority property because I was having problems running locally on the Visual Studio web server when I used the Host property. The problem was that Host only returned "localhost" instead of the host and port number. When tested locally, the code works because the "authority" maps to my app root folder. The URL generated is, e.g.,
If I run on a remote server, however, I end up with something like: http://company-server/ProductInfo.aspx?_num=123
This fails to find the page, because in this case the "MyApp" root folder must be included.There is probably an easier way - putting an entry in the web.config or something. My motivation originally was to allow the app to be published to a folder of any name and work as is. I could hack my approach and search the string for "localhost" or something, but that's ugly. So how do I build a string that will work everywhere?
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Jul 12, 2010
This my scenerio
1. I have created a web service
2. I need to host it in IIS locally for testing purpose.
3. Can we set port locally or automatically port '80' is assigned.
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Jan 5, 2011
I have been wrestling with web services technology/techniques for part of 2010 - learning how to reate/consume/deploy... I have also been experimenting with third party web controls from ComponentArt. In some of the samples from ComponentArt I observed that they use .asmx files locally to populate their custom data controls (datagrids, comboboxes, treeview controls...). What is interesting (and a little bit confusing to me) is that in the ComponentArt samples they reference the web services directly within their controls in the markup. My question is if this can be done normally with controls that ship with Visual Studio (any version -- I have em all 2005, 2008, 2010). I ask this question because from VS I only know to reference web services by right clicking on the project in the solution explorer to add a web reference.
Here is the services tag used by ComponentArt
<asp:ServiceReference path="FileExplorerTreeViewService.asmx" />
Then in the property grid of a data control -- say a treeview control-- they reference the web service, and when the project is run -- the control is populated with data from the web service.
Do data controls from VS support this technique? My other question is if there is a benefit to using a web service as a datasource for a control and what is this benefit? What is the criteria for using a web service in this manner?
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May 21, 2010
unfortunate events we published a web service with the tempuri-namespace a couple of months ago and no one noticed (not in our company, not the companies connecting to the web service) even though it's live since that time and lots of companies (~25 i guess) already access this web service.Now I'm thinking of correcting that mistake and have the namespace fixed to a proper value.The only problem is that as soon as we would do it, all the programs and services connected to this web service would stop working. I can't really allow that to happen.Is there any way to fix the namespace for future purpose or to have the web service operate under two namespaces as one web service?What can I do to get rid of the tempuri-namespace and have it fixed without needing to synchronize the change with all the external companies?
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Apr 7, 2014
We have a web service running live. Last week, we pulled the source code down to my machine and successfully built it.
My goal is to become familiar with this code and document it. My problem is that I am not sure how to get it running locally.
First of all, I have to configure it in IIS or something? How do I do that, and is that indeed the right place to begin? I tried creating a consumer in a separate VS solution, and when I said browse for local web services it said "Active Directory Services cannot find the web server."
I tried this link, but got lost when it said "3.Under Visual Studio installed templates, click ASP.NET Web Service." because I don't have that template.
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Mar 10, 2011
how can I consume a Web service in my client system which has deployed in different server?
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Mar 7, 2011
I have created a webservice to populate bookmark fields in a word document with values passed out from an adobe flex app. The document is based on a .dot template that is held on a share on the server. The aspnet user has read access to the share If i run the asmx on my local machine, it all works fine. If i run the asmx when deployed to the webserver I get an error "cannot create activex component" returned. I have set impersonate = true in the web.config on the webservice that is deployed on the server. The code for the webservice itself is very simple:
I have also checked that the is in the gac on the server (i am using office 2003). I really don't understand what the issue is, obviously for the application to go live the webservice will have to be deployed to the server and I am happily calling other webservices that exist on the server from my flex application with no issues.
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