Web Forms :: VS 2005 - MS Outlook Works Locally But Not From Server?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a button on a page that when clicked should bring up the users email system (MS Outlook).When I run my application locally on my test machine, I click the button and my email comes up.However, once I moved the application to the web server, when I click the button, nothing happens.Can you tell me what is wrong? Below is the function I am using:


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Configuration :: Menu Works Locally But Not On Server?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a menu that uses a sitemap. The menu works locally, but not on the server. Below is my code for the menu, data source, and the sitemap. why I can run it locally and use the menu, but I cannot use the menu on the server?


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WSDL Works Locally But Not When Hosted On A Remote Server

Sep 20, 2010

I created a WSDL with Visual Studio 2005 and tested it using localhost. It worked exactly as anticipated and returned the expected results. I basically called the WSDL from a classic ASP page using Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") and all went well. The url was http://localhost/service.asmx/methodname.

I deployed the WSDL to the remote server and tried to access it the same way; I changed localhost with the domain name as http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname. But now I get 'Post to http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname failed with 500.

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Configuration :: Upload Via FTP Works When Code Runs Locally But Not From A Remote Server?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a page which uploads a file from server A to server B. The user first uploads the file to server A, where it's saved into a diretory, then once the file is safely stored there, I'm transferring it to a second server, server B, using the following code:


So, in summary, the only difference I can see between the working case and the non-working case is the server that'ssending the file.

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Web Forms :: Locally It Works Fine - But Deployed To The Web Serve It Gives A Windows Prompt?

Jan 6, 2010

This is very strange behaviour from my login control - locally it works fine - But deployed to the web server (With an external hosting company) it gives a windows prompt, even though the authorisation is set to "Forms".Here is my web.config file:


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C# - Class Not Being Found Online But Works Locally?

Mar 26, 2010

I am getting this error after uploading my web app to my Rackspace box.

CS0246: The type or namespace name 'User' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

It's odd because it works fine on my local computer where I do development. The actual line of code is:

public User user = new User();

I am using C#.

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Configuration :: Web Service Works Locally But Not When Deployed?

May 28, 2010

When I deploy my web service, I get the following error:

There is no build provider registered for the extension '.svc'. You can register one in the <compilation><buildProviders> section in machine.config or web.config. Make sure is has a BuildProviderAppliesToAttribute attribute which includes the value 'Web' or 'All'.

I found one thread ([URL] that a solution but, I can not get it to work. If I make the changes to my web config file as in the thread, I then get a configuration error. One odd thing is that, if I check the machine.config file on my machine, located at C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727CONFIGmachine.config, I don't see any of the config settings described in the thread. As a matter of fact, there is no mention of "compilation" or "buildProviders" at all.

Here is my entire config file listing:


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MVC3 - All Routing Works Locally But Not Remotely?

Feb 16, 2011

I have a new MVC3 project with one Controller called PublicController.cs which contains 4 identical methods for testing out how routing works. The only difference between them is their name, and that they each point to a different view ...

public class PublicController : Controller
// GET: /Public/
public ActionResult Index()[code]....

My web-server is shared hosting with netcetera, using a sub-domain for this deployment (previously had problems with MVC in virtual directories, but have full blown MVC2 apps running in sub-domains no problem). I've deployed by using the "Publish to file system" option, then copying over the files aswell as just copying the entire source project over. Both give identical results.

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C# - Asmx Webservice Works Locally But Not When Deployed On Remote IIS 7

Sep 25, 2010

I have developped an asmx webservice with visual studio and I deploy on IIS 7 which has 3.5 Framework by copying all the files.

When testing it says

Could not load file or 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I don't use [System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService] so I don't understand why it tries to load System.Web.Extensions.

Note: I'm not using any other assembly/lib I'm just learning webservice so it's very simple: I create a webservice Test.asmx with one method which uses one class Test.cs within same namespace WebServiceTest. This works locally.

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Get Application Root From Request Object That Works Locally And Remotely?

Mar 15, 2011

Let's say that I have my ASP.NET web application in a directory called "MyApp" both locally and on a remote server. I'm trying to build an onclick response to a link. The response calls a Javascript function, passing it the URL of an .aspx page in my web app. The Javascript pops out a new window displaying the page. My C# code looks like this:

link = new HyperLink();
link.Text = product_num_str;
link.NavigateUrl = "#";[code]....

I started using the Request's Authority property because I was having problems running locally on the Visual Studio web server when I used the Host property. The problem was that Host only returned "localhost" instead of the host and port number. When tested locally, the code works because the "authority" maps to my app root folder. The URL generated is, e.g.,


If I run on a remote server, however, I end up with something like: http://company-server/ProductInfo.aspx?_num=123

This fails to find the page, because in this case the "MyApp" root folder must be included.There is probably an easier way - putting an entry in the web.config or something. My motivation originally was to allow the app to be published to a folder of any name and work as is. I could hack my approach and search the string for "localhost" or something, but that's ugly. So how do I build a string that will work everywhere?

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Web Forms :: Import The Contacts From The Outlook Using Visual Studio 2005

Apr 20, 2010

i,am developing a website using visual studio 2005 in which i used to import the contacts from the outlook.

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How To Send A Clickable Link Which Works In Outlook And Hotmail

Dec 29, 2010

i need to send a clickable link to many people via mail using vb.net .

Dim smtp As New SmtpClient
email = "emailaddress@xyz.org
Dim mm As New MailMessage("test", email)
mm.Subject = "test"
mm.Body = "http://www.mywebsite.org/mypage.aspx" & "<br><br>" & "greetings"
mm.IsBodyHtml = True

This code works perfectly when the mail is read with Outlook. People get a clickable link which brings them to the right page. But the same mail read in Hotmail (or any webmail site) provides a non-clickable link.

I also tried with:

mm.Body = "http://www.mywebsite.org/mypage.aspx" & chr(9) & chr(13) & "greetings"
mm.IsBodyHtml = False

but then, i get no clickable link in Outlook.

How can i send a clickable link which works with Outlook and Hotmail?

View 5 Replies

Configuration :: Website Works Fine Locally But Makes Error On Shared Hosting?

Apr 20, 2010

The error is mentioned below, the cssfriendly.dll is in bin, and browser file is in there app_browsers folder. And it is working in same PC (developping PC), on remote server that belong to my company (i just installed .net 3.5 on that server)

I tried uploading the same site on 2 dufferents hosting, and finally i got the same error. What could gone wrong ? I tried contacting the hosting support but they work in ticketing system and this is extremely slow.

Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'CSSFriendly.MenuAdapter'.

Source Error:


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SQL Server :: How To Attach SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Database (compatibility 2005)to SQL Server 2005

Mar 10, 2011

I used SQL SERVER 2008 R2 express as my web development database and I set its compatibility level to 2005. Unfortunately this database cannot be be attached to SQL server 2005. Are there any other options?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Not Getting Generated Locally But Not When I Put The Page On Server.

Mar 18, 2010

I have following code and Javascript in my aspx page and my aspx page has a master page:-

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
function GenerateNew() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = document.createElement("td");
var txt = document.createElement("input");
var theValue = document.getElementById("theValue");
theValue.value = parseInt(theValue.value) + 1;
i = theValue.value;
tr.setAttribute("id", "tr" + i);
function RemoveRow() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var Val = document.getElementById("theValue");
for (var i = 1; i <= Val.value; i++) {
var RowToBeDeleted = document.getElementById('tr' + i);
if (RowToBeDeleted != null) {
<asp:Table ID="tblRow" runat="server">
<input type = "hidden" id = "theValue" value = "0" /> <input id="Button2" type="button" value="Insert Record From JS" onclick = "GenerateNew()" />
<input id="Button3" type="button" value="Remove From JS" onclick = "RemoveRow()" />

This JS code generates a dynamic textbox and adds it to the existing table <asp:Table>. It works perfectly when I run it locally, however it doesn't work when I put it on the server.

This issue is only with IE, other browsers like Firefox and Chrome works perfectly fine locally and at server but IE works only locally not at the server. I am using IE 8 (OR 8.0.6001.18702 to be precise) and IIS 5.1.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pager Does Not Show On Prod Server While Working OK Locally

May 20, 2010

I setup paging in GridView and it works oK in VS2005 locally but does not show when I move the page to prod server. I use masterpage, so GridView in in the Content placeholder...

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server 2005 Installation / Want To Go Back To Sql Server 2005?

Feb 3, 2010

i had the sql 2008 enterprise and i want to go back to sql server 2005 because in 2008 i created new database but when i did some changes in the table , it gave me an eror that i cant save thins and i need to creat new one if some one know what i'm talking aboutif not i need the sql server installation tutorial i tried by myself but probebly i did it wrong and now i cant connect well to the sql

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Web Forms :: Using System.Net.Mail To Send Email To Gmail Account From Outlook Web Server

Jul 15, 2010

I am trying to send an email from our web server to a gmail account via System.Net.Mail but am failing miserably receiving this error message:

Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was:

that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1) Using this code I am able to send emails to other email addresses on our Outlook email server:


So I know I am capable of sending email to Gmail with port 587 and using the proper credentials of my own Gmail account. That is not the problem.

The problem is I want to be able to have the mail sent from my application from whatever the user puts in the FROM (Email address): text box to a Gmail account. When I use the above code, the address that the email is sent from is my own.

So the question is: Is there any way to configure this to be able to send from an Outlook email server to a Gmail account without having to use my Gmail account to actually do it (using my credientials). Therefore showing the email as sent from whatever the user puts in the txtEmail text box, and having it sent from the Outlook server?

I know my SMTP uses the port 25 for outgoing mail and I am pretty sure that the Gmail settings block port 25 for incoming mail, which makes sense, but what doesnt make sense is I can compose a message in Outlook and send it to a gmail account, but I cannot automate this through my programming, which makes me feel certain its my programming.

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Why Does Ajax Work Locally But Not On Server

Oct 4, 2010

i've created an ajax test call that works locally, but when i upload to my hosts(2 of them) i get nothing. My sample page is: Linkage to test page.

my code is as follows:


View 8 Replies

Web Forms :: HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath Within Server Control Works?

Sep 30, 2010

Does anyone knows why HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath within a server control works when I run the server control but gives and error whilst in Design mode?

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Security ::remote On To The Server And Run The Application Locally LOGON_USER Filled?

Feb 3, 2010

A site that utilizes Windows Authentication.It accesses the LOGON_USER variable to pull the domain and user.It works fine in the development environment.It works fine on one of my servers.We are in the process of setting up a new server for this application to be hosted on.When I setup the new server,the LOGON_USER is always empty for remote computers.Windows Auth is turned on.I have tried it with Anonymous Access on (how the current server is setup) and also off.If I remote on to the server and run the application locally,LOGON_USER is filled.When I access the site via IE from a remote machine,it prompts three times and then fails.Even if I key in credentials in the Windows prompt.nothing

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SQL Server :: Implications Of Not Closing An Open Connection Declared Locally?

Oct 5, 2010

I was wondering about something. I'm supporting a .NET C# application which has a number of database connections declared locally as IDbConnection with MS SQL Server and NHibernate. These connections are declared locally and not explicitly closed after a specific operation is performed. Are these connections automatically closed after the local method is executed, or could these connections be floating around somewhere? We're having semaphore max out problems, and I'm trying to see if this may be the culprit. I'm doubtful, as I believe these connections would automatically close, but thought I'd throw out hte possibility.

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Forms Authentication Works On Dev Server But Not Production Server (same SQL Db)?

Feb 7, 2010

I've never had this problem before, I'm at a total loss.

I have a SQL Server 2008 database with ASP.NET Forms Authentication, profiles and roles created and is functional on the development workstation. I can login using the created users without problem.

I back up the database on the development computer and restore it on the production server. I xcopy the DLLs and ASP.NET files to the server. I make the necessary changes in the web.config, changing the SQL connection strings to point to the production server database and upload it.

I've made sure to generate a machine key and it is the same on both the development web.config and the production web.config.

And yet, when I try to login on the production server, the same user that I'm able to login successfully with on the development computer, fails on the production server.

There is other content in the database, the schema generated by FluentNHibernate. This content is able to be queried successfully on both development and production servers.

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Web Forms :: Url Rewriting Not Working On Live Server In Asp.net But Locally Working Fine

Feb 23, 2010

Url rewriting not working on live server in asp.net but locally working fine. but locally it's not case sensitive.

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Differences Hosting A Website On Some Remote Server VS Running It Locally On Dev Environment

Jul 4, 2010

some differences hosting a website on some remote server VS running it locally on dev environment.The reason why i am asking is, If I run my website locally it works fine no exceptions, runs smooth. But when deployed on a remote hosting server. Its like a nightmare to me :(very often i get object Instance not set to instance of object..... I am ok with the error message, But the same situation should happen locally,

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