Controls :: How To Increment A Value On Button Click

Mar 17, 2014

can i count data entered?

current page only can be proceed to next page only if user entered 2 set of data.

i use count=count + 1

but everytime i enter new data the count back to 0

this is my code

If msg <> "" Then
MessageUser(msg.Substring(0, msg.Length - 1) & "must have value.")
If clsRecruit.NewReference(hd_personid.Value) = True Then
counter = counter + 1
txtbox_name.Text = ""
txtbox_residence.Text = ""
txtbox_mobile.Text = ""
txtbox_email.Text = ""
txtbox_job.Text = ""
End If
End If

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1 a.gif
2 b.gif
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