DataSource Controls :: Current Day On Select Statment?

Jun 24, 2010

looking for solution to fix the code every day i change by manual how can fix to current day.SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM articles WHERE (date > '23 / 06 / 2009') ORDER BY date"how can change the to current time direct

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Select Statment Compare With Date?

Feb 25, 2010

I have textbox for date input and use select statment to compare the date with textbox. but cannot success.below is my code.

Dim sds As New SqlDataSource
Dim wherestring As String
sds.ConnectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("camsConnectionString").ConnectionString


View 11 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Select Current Week Records

Jan 27, 2010

I want to select the records of current week, Starting day should be from saturday till Friday.

I can fetch the records of current week:


but starting day of week is Sunday and ending is Saturday.

What I want is, Starting day should start from Saturday and ending day should be Friday.

View 11 Replies

ADO.NET :: Using Stored Procedure After Select Statment Give The Old Results?

Mar 12, 2011

When Select an entity by linq with entity framework 3.5 ...and thenn select it again using stored procedure ..which change the value for a field for that entity ... i got that with old value ...not procedure value...............When i called that procedure before .. the select ... i got the correct value.........but in my case i shall call the procedure after select with linq statment

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DataSource Controls :: Programmatically Setting ODS Select Method And Select Parameters?

Dec 22, 2010

The drop down list is used to determine what search criteria will be used to find an invoice. I tried to set the Select method in the switch statement. I don't understand how to set the Select Method and the select parameters programmatically though . I tried a few different ways but can't make the compiler happy. My ODS is in scope in the code behind. I'm not able to access it's properties though. The BAL resides in a separate project that is a ClassLibrary. I also have a using statement for the ClassLibrary project in the code behind.

give me an example of how to do this?

Mark up:





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DataSource Controls :: Select / Returns Error No Overloading Method For Select?

May 9, 2010

protected void Button19_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
SqlDataSource conn = new SqlDataSource();
conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Database2ConnectionString1"].ToString();
conn.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
conn.SelectCommand = "SELECT FROM table1 (a, b)VALUES(@a,@b)";
conn.SelectParameters.Add("b", TextBox2.Text);
int rowsAffected = 0;
rowsAffected = conn.Selectt();
catch (Exception)
Label1.Text = "Error";
finally {
conn = null;
if (rowsAffected != 0)
Label1.Text = "Data saved";

well it returns error no overloading method for select (P.S. same code work fine for insert)

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DataSource Controls :: Declare Attribute With Select Top 1 / Error Incorrect Syntax Near The Keyword 'select'

Apr 14, 2010

I will declarate a attribute, but it gives me an error

This query works fine and returns 1 record from type int:

SELECT TOP 1 DataObjectVersionID
FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
WHERE PropValue like CAST('00010281' AS ntext)
ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC

And when I will declarate a attribute/parameter it gives me an error:

DECLARE @dataObjectVersionId INT
SET @dataObjectVersionId = SELECT TOP 1 DataObjectVersionID
FROM tblDataObjectVersionPropertyValueText
WHERE PropValue like CAST('00010281' AS ntext)
ORDER BY DataObjectVersionID DESC

Error message:

Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Know Current Active Sheet Name In C#

May 12, 2010

i am creating a web based application in which user can upload excel file. my code is :

string ExcelConString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + FileName + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0";
OleDbConnection oledbConn = new OleDbConnection(ExcelConString);
OleDbDataAdapter oda = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", oledbConn);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();

it works fine, but when user rename the sheet1 than run time error occured plz help me how to know active sheet NAME through c#/ OR how to know first sheet NAME.

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DataSource Controls :: Create CSV Using Current Filtering

Feb 24, 2010

I currently have a common file that's responsible for exporting the users GridView to a CSV file which works fine, mostly. The problem is that it only exports the current gridview display, and being that I have it paged, it can be cumbersome to get all the data to an excel sheet when there can be upwards of 20 pages of data. The GridView has a LINQ datasource as follows


How do I get the results of the preceeding datasource? Or is there a better way to get ahold of that data before it is paged?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Pull Only The Current Month Data From SQL

Jan 20, 2010

How would you pull only the current month data from SQL?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get The Current Identity Number When Doing Insert

May 20, 2010

The scenario is that I wanna insert a record to the database via INSERT query and I need to user the identity number of this record in the INSERT query.

But I don't know how to achieve this.

Here is my table structure and code for your better understanding.

There are three columns in the Table: categoryID, categoryName, categoryPath. I need the path based on the categoryID which is an identity int column.

Now I used this code to do INSERT:


View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: The Name 'DetailsView1' Does Not Exist In The Current Context

May 8, 2010

I am new to LINQ, but learning Quickly. I get this error "Error 1 The name 'DetailsView1' does not exist in the current context C:UsersUserdocumentsvisual studio 2010WebSitesDursoftHRAGeneral.aspx.cs 40 9 C:...DursoftHR" for the code behind listed below:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
public partial class AGeneral : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

"The name 'DetailsView1' does not exist in the current context" is the error I get.

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DataSource Controls :: The Name 'Common' Does Not Exist In The Current Context?

May 11, 2010

I get the above error using this code. What am I missing?


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How To Select Row With Matching Month And Day For Current Day

Jan 12, 2011

I have an MSSQL 2005 database that has all of the employees from my company. There is a column in the table called tblusers called DOB for their birthdate. I need a to be able to return the user names for the user's who's birthday falls on the current date. This means that I would need on the month and date part of their DOB. I have no idea how to write that into the where clause.

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How To Select Current Month From Dropdownlist Using C#

Sep 29, 2010

Suppose i have a dropdownlist in which whole months are there in that dropdown.I want that on page load dropdownlist select current month automatically(means with the help of back end code using C#).

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C# If Statment With Droptdownlist.selectedvalue?

Aug 2, 2010

so I am connecting a sql database.I have a page and when the user selects the dropdownlist for status and selects the value to Closed, Then clicks update ticket button, i need it to take update the Closed_date column in the table. my table has the column Closed_Date type datetime.I have a stored procedure that updates that column based on ticket is where I am having trouble:

con = new SqlConnection(_strConStr);
cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = con;


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DataSource Controls :: How To Update A Table With Current Date And Time

Aug 2, 2010

How can I update a table with current date and time using sqldatasource control?

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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving And Displaying Only Current User's Data?

Jan 21, 2010

Having trouble with a web page and connecting to SQL DB. Basically I have a form view table connected up to a SQLDataSourceControl and what I want displayed in the form is only data that has been assigned to the user that is logged on now. I have a "ViewAll" page, which lists EVERY field, regardless of who it is assigned to, but the "MyTasks" page should only retrieve the data of the current user.

I have two tables in my DB, the "Users" table, with user data (including an ID number) - this is used again in the "Tasks" table as a foreign key called "AssignTo". Therefore if user Joe Bloggs with ID number 5 logs on, whenever someone assigns a task to him, they will select number 5 in the "Task" table, as this relates to his User ID.

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C# - How To Get Html.DropdownFor() To Select Current Element

Nov 11, 2010

I must be missing something simple here. This code was working and i can't seem to figure out why it stopped.

First, I generate a selectlist in the controller like this:

// Select List
ViewData["FieldTypesList"] = new SelectList(
genesisRepository.FieldTypes, "ftID", "ftName"

The View that uses this select list looks like this:

<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl<Genesis.Domain.Entities.Stream2FieldTypes>" %>
<%@ Import Namespace="Genesis.Domain.Entities" %>
<%: Html.DropDownListFor(
model => model.FieldTypeID,
<%:Model.FieldTypeID.ToString() %>

However... the HTML that gets generated shows this:

<select id="Stream2FieldTypes_0_" name="Stream2FieldTypes[0]"><option value="1">Text Area</option>
<option value="2">Text Box</option>
<option value="3">Rich Text</option>
<option value="4">Image</option>
<option value="5">DateTime</option>
<option value="6">Decimal</option>
<option value="7">Integer</option>
3 <!--FYI: current value-->

I am completely missing why the view does not render html that selects 3 (Rich Text).

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SQL Server :: Want To Update Statment Syntax?

Oct 21, 2010

update dbo.Spectrum_ScoreCard_NEW
set branch = dbo.tblUser.fldUserBranch
where dbo.Spectrum_ScoreCard_NEW.Name = dbo.tblUser.fldUserFName + ' ' + dbo.tblUser.fldUserLName

I want to update all the branches in spectrum scorecard with the branches in userbranch where they names are the same.

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MVC :: If Statment Check A Value Of Textfield Form In .net?

Nov 8, 2010

i have a view which asks the user to enter their post code in the text field provided. this form also has a submit button where it calls a jaquery function to display a jquery pop up window..inside my view i have a if statment which checks the value of the post code if it is m20 display thisBunchOfCode on popo up wind if else m14 display thatBunch

[Code]....and else display this error.i have tried the code below but it doesnt do anything...

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DataSource Controls :: How To Export The Current DataSet Bound To A Gridview To Excel

Mar 12, 2011

I have a GridView populated by an ObjectDataSource. I also have several DropDownLists filtering the ObjectDataSource. I found a link providing a way to export a DataSet (or DataTable) to Excel here:

ow I can ensure that filters applied to the ObjectDataSource when the method is called are applied. In short, how can I ensure what the UI is displaying is what the file will include when exported?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Calculate Current Financial Year Using Stored Procedure

Mar 6, 2010

I want to calculate the current financial year in my stored procedure and use it when generating a unique Id for the customer registring in my system.

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DataSource Controls :: A Severe Error Occurred On The Current Command And The Results, If Any, Should Be Discarded?

Mar 31, 2010

I am using SqlServer 2008 when ever I execute following query


I get error: error is mentioned in subject part.after this error connection is automatically closed.

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Calendar Select Current Week In Page Load Event?

Jul 6, 2010

In the Page_Load event I would like to have the current week selected on the calendar instead of just the current day. How can this be done?


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