DataSource Controls :: Update Record Not Working?
Jun 17, 2010
I am not sure if I am in the right spot here because this really doesn't have to do any datacontrol but hopefully somone can give me a hand with this.
Basically I have a bunch of TextBox controls on a page that are displaying the data I want but when I try to run an UPDATE query on the record I get nothing. The record values don't update and I don't appear to get any exceptions.....I am actually kinda really baffled on this one, here is what I have for the update code: [Code]....
Btw, if there is an easier way to do this with a control I am up for suggestions as I am just going off of some of my old VB6 ways
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if (sc.dtcart.Rows.Count > 0)
for(int i=0;i<sc.dtcart.Rows.Count;i++)
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MyLinqDataClassesDataContext db = new MyLinqDataClassesDataContext();
MainMenuLink li = new MainMenuLink { Link = "", LinkSubject = "subject" };
db.MainMenuLinks.InsertOnSubmit(li); [code]....
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Jan 17, 2010
given below is the simple update string am using to update my database...
string q = "update register set fname='" + TextBox1.Text +
"',lname='" + TextBox2.Text +
"',gender='" + gender +
"',edu='" + TextBox3.Text +
"' where username='"+check +"'";
SqlCommand cmd =
SqlCommand(q, cn);
but it is not working...database is not getting updated...why?
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a sproc that updates data in the table but I'm having difilulties with one of the params that is of type datetime. In the sproc, a decision is made based on this date such as if the date is null/blank/emplty, update data, else delete data. I've tried things like
if(@Date_returned IS NOT NULL)
if(NOT @Date_returned = '')
if(@Date_returned = '')
if(@Date_returned > '01/01/0001')
but it always defaults to the "else" part where it deletes my data. The date is passed to the sproc from a .net calendar form object via a bll/dal and I can track the variable with its value. When I actually pick a date it has the date I've picked, otherwise it has a devault value of "01/01/0001 ....".
How should ckeck for this condition?
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Jun 25, 2010
I have the below code in my project..however its giving me an error on the update(bolded line)..please help me on this..
Private Sub ChangePassword1_ChangedPassword(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangePassword1.ChangedPassword
lblTempPassword.Text = ChangePassword1.NewPassword.ToString
CustomerName.Text = CType(Session("UserName"), String)
Dim FV1Updobjconn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
FV1Updobjconn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
FV1Updobjconn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBconnectionString1").ConnectionString
Dim dtUpdating As New Data.DataTable()
Dim sqlUpdating As String = "UPDATE [SuperAdmin] SET [TempPasswd]= @SU2TempPasswd, [TempPwd]=@CU2TempPwd WHERE ([CustomerName] = [@CU2CustomerName])"
Dim cmdUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlUpdating, FV1Updobjconn)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2UserId", UserIDValue.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2TempPasswd", lblTempPassword.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CU2TempPwd", False)
cmdUpdating.ExecuteNonQuery().... I get an error here saying..INVALID COLUMN "CU2CustomerName"
' Dim adUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmdUpdating)
' adUpdating.Fill(dtUpdating)
' Get the values needed to be passed on
' CtSUCompanyName.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CompanyName").ToString()
' CtSUCatPurch.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CategoriesPurchases").ToString()
End Sub
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Jun 4, 2010
The users of my webapplication are validated using database connection. This requires each user is a sql server database user. While logging their validity is checking by trying to create a connection using userid and password entered by the user. If connection opens successfully, it is a valid user. I also have a page in application to change the password, where sp_password is used to updated database password.
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DBServerName"];
//try to create a new connection dynamically using user id and password
connectionString = connectionString + User ID=" + userId + ";Password=" + password;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
The problem is after i change password, and logout and try to login, i am able to login using old passwd also. The line of code which creates and open connection succeeds with both old and new password. If i stop and run the application again this works.
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Mar 9, 2010
Here is the "Update" method which is not updating.
It works if I remove "@original_UnitPrice" and "@original_OnHand" parameters from the "WHERE" clause.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a form that gets populated by LINQ and I want to be able to update the database using that same form. The form is populated by grabbing a querystring (for example, "edit=10") and searching the primary key for that record. So far so good. I have a button attached to the function below which is supposed to use LINQ to update the database with data from the form. I get no errors, but for some reason, it is only updating one field (Last_Updated) instead of all of them.
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May 31, 2010
Since I was not able to figure out my previous problem I decided to go ahead and make my own update statements and change the update command on a datasource I have. So I have a few textboxes and whatnot that allow you to change data and then click an update button. When I click that update button the page seems to refresh as if it was updating the record but the data in the boxes reverts back to what it was. I also created a ONUpdated sub and the label text change does not show.
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Jun 24, 2010
I am counting from a table for that i have written code as below
protected void get_Id_Afterpoint()
int counter = 0;
string strSql = "select count(*) as ID from tblEnergy where ID=?";
OdbcCommand com = new OdbcCommand(strSql, con);
com.Parameters.AddWithValue("ID", DropDownList1.SelectedValue);
OdbcDataAdapter oda = new OdbcDataAdapter(com);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
lblID2.Text = "1";
counter = dt.Rows.Count;
counter = counter + 1;
lblID2.Text = Convert.ToString(counter);
there is no record related to DropDownList1.SelectedValue. but as i am counting if(dt.rows.count) and i put break point on the bolded part it shows 1 record. how it can be possible?
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Dec 20, 2010
I am creating an album using the following stored procedure, which returns the primary key for the newly created record:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[fpa_sp_albums_update_insert]
@album_id int,
@album_name nvarchar (50),
@album_descr nvarchar(250),
@album_img_cover_id_FK int,
@album_creation_date date
If @album_id > 0
UPDATE [fpa_albums]
album_descr= @album_descr,
album_img_cover_id_FK = @album_img_cover_id_FK,
album_creation_date = @album_creation_date
Where ((album_id = @album_id))
INSERT INTO [fpa_albums] (
I execute the above stored procedure using the SQLHELPER. The VB.NET code for the page is as follows:
However, the createdAlbumID always shows -1 instead of the id for the newly created album.
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Oct 22, 2010
For right now, the View Account for an individual user has the following setup on the aspx page.
In the MembershipUserODS file i have the following:
And in the code behind page i have this...
The page posts, when you click the update button, but the data never changes / updates.
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Jan 27, 2010
I'm trying to update a date field to the system date but it's not working. Could someone please help with the syntax?
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Jan 15, 2010
This query works perfectly on the query analyser.
But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.
What could I be getting wrong in this case.
NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a website where i already have User / Roles mechanism. What i am after is the if user update certain record i will include his username against that record thats easy enough. But if that row have multiple coulmns i want to save which coulmn he/she updated?How can i compare old and new data have save this information?
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Nov 30, 2010
I have a gridview in aspx page.after binding records in gridview.i need to update records.
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Jan 30, 2010
I want to update a particular record in the grid. This is wat i am writing
why is the RowUpdating() event not happening...
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Sep 20, 2010
How can I Edit and update record in Gridview using viserd..
in c#
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