Disable Textbox Editable In IE8?

Mar 2, 2010

I am developing my app in asp.net web forms. The textbox is set like this

<asp:TextBox ID="txt1" runat="server" Enabled="false" ></asp:TextBox>

and this is the corresponding HTML markup

<input name="txt1" type="text" value="1.0" id="txt1" disabled="disabled" />

It is not editable upto this point.

I enable Caret browsing in IE8 (press F7) and then this field becomes editable, though the text is grayed out and consequently gives a wrong feeling to the user that the field is editable. This does not happen if I mark the textbox as readonly, but I do not want to mark it as a readonly field. how to have the textbox in disabled mode when in Caret Browsing.

Edit1: I am not looking for a solution which would change IE settings/registry, am looking for a programmatic solution as my site is a public facing website

Edit2: View states are enabled for the page and for the controls

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protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { originalDataTable = (DataTable)ViewState["originalValuesDataTable"]; foreach (GridViewRow r in GridView_ABC.Rows) if (IsRowModified(r)) { GridView_ABC.UpdateRow(r.RowIndex, false); } // Rebind the Grid to repopulate the original values table. tableCopied = false; GridView_ABC.DataBind(); }

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Disable Checkboxes According To Textbox Text

Nov 15, 2010

Possible Duplicate:
if i type in textbox 1,3 then checkbox1 and checkbox3 will be disabled not checked

i want to disable checkboxes according to textbox text For example --- if i enter 1,4 in textbox then checkbox1 and checkbox4 will be disabled and even after that when i type 2,3 in textbox then checkbox2 and checkbox3 will be disabled and checkbox1 and checkbox4 will be enabled again

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Protected Sub TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyTextBox.TextChanged
Dim separator As Char = ","c
Dim allIIDs As New List(Of String)
If MyTextBox.Text.Length <> 0 Then
For Each strNum As String In MyTextBox.Text.Split(separator)
Dim num As Int32
If Int32.TryParse(strNum, num) Then
End If
End If
For Each control As Control In UpdatePanel1.Controls
If TypeOf control Is CheckBox Then
Dim chk As CheckBox = DirectCast(control, CheckBox)
chk.Checked = allIIDs.BinarySearch(chk.Text) > -1
End If
End Sub

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<asp:TextBox runat="server" autocomplete="off" />

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//Activate it
//disable it

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// ?[code]....

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Web Forms :: Disable Textbox Autofill - Automatically Displays CurrentUser

Aug 17, 2010

I've tried a few methods to get around this however none seem to work, whether its something to do with rendering or compiling Im not sure (both of which I have little knowledge in how they work). The problem is when the 'add new user' page is first loaded, the Page_load event gets the currentuser to ensure they are logged in and they have the correct authorisation. From this the textboxes where you would specify a new Username and Password are automatically populated with the current users details. I have not set anything to do so and in contrast Im tryin to get a way to stop it.

I've tried endless ways to get around it, things from jsut specifying the textboxes are empty or null to telling the textbox to remove all characters at character start int 0 (remove method). I'll give a few examples, they might not have been fully programmed write or maybe Im not utilising the methods as intended.

1. txtUsername.text = ""
2. txtUsername.text = null

3. if (txtUsername.Text == obj.Username || txtNewPassword.Text == obj.AdminPassword)
(tried && instead of || to)

4. if (txtUsername.Text == obj.Username || txtNewPassword.Text == obj.AdminPassword)
txtUsername.Text.Replace(Convert.ToChar(obj.Username), Convert.ToChar("Enter New Username"));
txtNewPassword.Text.Replace(Convert.ToChar(obj.AdminPassword), Convert.ToChar("Enter Password"));

5. if (txtUsername.Text == obj.Username.ToString() || txtNewPassword.Text == obj.AdminPassword.ToString() || txtUsername.Text != null && txtNewPassword.Text != null)

There are more, like if txtUsername visible then make the text = "" etc, so im thinking its probably something specific. Here is the page and script code below: .ASPX:




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