Forms Data Controls :: Async Postback Upon Click Of 'Update' Button In GridView?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a GridView within an UpdatePanel - <asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" ChildrenAsTriggers="true">

Without listing any Triggers, I get a full postback when I visit a particular row within the GridView and click the 'Edit' button for that row.

However, if I enter the following trigger...

<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="GridView1" EventName="RowEditing" />

...I get an async postback when I click the 'Edit' button for a particular GridView row. This is what I want. In fact, I also get an async postback if I then click the 'Cancel' button for that GridView row which appears after having clicked the 'Edit' button.

However, if I instead click the 'Update' button that appears after having clicked the 'Edit' button, I get a full postback. I have tried almost every GridView EventName

I can find to add to the <Triggers></Triggers> section to get a click of the 'Update' button to result in an async postback, but with no luck.

What EventName should I use in the <Triggers></Triggers> section to get a GridView to do an async postback when clicking the 'Update' button for a particular row?

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Javascript - Disable Button In Update Panel On Async Postback

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I have multiple update panels with various asp buttons on a single page. I want to disable the buttons which caused the postback in update panel untill it completes.

Is there a way to avoid using a third party control for this? through JQuery or any other method ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Rows Of Gridview On Click Of Update Button?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" CssClass="BlueButton" runat="server" OnClick="lnkUpdate_Click">Update</asp:LinkButton>


Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.

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Data Controls :: Update GridView Row On Update Button Click

Jul 31, 2012

I have a query . I want to edit the grid view columns in which user click the edit button he will edit the column in the grid and after that i want to add update button so that when he clicks on updates button after editing the row. The row will be updated and the grid will show you the new update row.

Here is my following piece of code.

<asp:GridView ID="noticeDetails" runat="server" BorderWidth="1px" AutoGenerateColumns="false" PageSize="10" Width="100%" CellPadding="10"
AutoGenerateEditButton="true" onrowediting="noticeDetails_RowEditing" >
<Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="CampaignIDRange">
<ItemTemplate> <%# Eval("CampaignIDRange")%>

[Code] ....

Basically grid is about that when user enter values intothe grid, the values will show in to the grid upon click button.I added edit button it works fine but it will incomplete without update button method ... 

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Field In A Gridview To False On A Button Click

Sep 3, 2010

Ive got a list of records in a gridview (from an SQLDataSource) where a field value is set to True. I've also added a "reset" button in a template field at the start of the row in the Gridview.

What I would like to do is allow the user to click the reset button on a particular row and 'reset' the true value to 'false' (updating the source data).

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Data Controls :: How To Update All GridView Rows On Button Click

Apr 7, 2014

How to get the row id and update the row id...

        bannerid        bannername   bannerimage    bannerlink

1          1                 mail             sdhgf            jasdhfjsd
2          2                 clock          hsddshd       sdjhsdffssdf
3          3              dhsgdsf            dffsdfd          dvffdffff

Like this the banner id field is auto increment field now i want to update the row id or banner id field ...

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Data Controls :: GridView TextBox Looses Data And Shows Empty On PostBack Of Button Click

May 7, 2015

I add this code but textbox value show in empty in database .. On Button Click the GridView TextBox loose all data ..

public partial class keyexam2 : System.Web.UI.Page {
//SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:shubhangijayonlinepaperApp_DataQUIZ.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True");
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
//DataRow row = dt.NewRow();


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Switch From Async PostBack To Full PostBack In An Update Panel?

Aug 20, 2010

Is something like this possible?

Dim iCounter as Integer
Dim iQuantity as Integer = 10
Protected Sub btnFoo_Click Handles btnFoo Yadda
For i as Integer = iCounter to iQuantity - 1
//do something with AsyncPostBackTrigger until iCounter = iQuantity - 1
//then trigger a full postback
End Sub

I am new to the concept and feel like there must be something really easy that I am missing.

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Data Controls :: Update Value Of CheckBox Inside GridView To Database On Button Click

Jan 27, 2014

Below is my database structure

1manojdevelopingcheck box
2munatesting check box
3kanakadatabase check box
Here I want to assign the above database work to my team members. When I check the above check box and press assign button ,it shows in another page means the gridview selected row shows in another grid in another page .
And once i check any check box and assign , automatically the checked row vanished from my grid view.

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Data Controls :: Update Multiple GridView Rows On Single Button Click?

Jun 16, 2015

how can we update all rows without click on update link button,

or can we update all rows of gridview on click single "update" button instead of mutiple for everey row

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Multiple Row In One Update Button Click

Sep 14, 2010

im having a gridview in which im displaying records and status.....this gridview shows employee applied leave waiting for approvals..

so in gridview i have chabged the status button as radio button list and giving two choices as approve/reject HOD seect relevant button and update the grid...

how to do this?

1) do i need to place a button on footer and do some write code behind?

2) or any other easier way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With Checkbox Update One Time In A Button Click Not Every Time?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a gridview on my page. I have a checkbox in each row of this gridview. For each checkbox in the gridview, I'd like to update my table accordingly, but I don't want them to have to hit a submit button every time they check the checkbox. I want them to check all the boxes they need to and at the end, they should hit one submit button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Formview - Update Personal Class When Change Textboxes And Click Update Button?

Apr 3, 2010

I have the follow form view:

Text='<%#Bind("PrimerNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%#Bind("SegundoNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox>
This formview is bound in this way:
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e)
Persona _persona =
List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity> persona =
FormView1.DataSource = persona;

When the page is shown, the textbox are filled correctly, this textbox are filled with the "primernombre" and "segundonombre" properties from the persona class. After this, If I change the textbox, and after click the update button, I need to update the persona class with the changes from the textboxes, then I call a ActualizarPersona method for updating the database. How can I do for update the persona class when I change the textboxes and click the update button? I try this method protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs

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At the moment, the only pseudo logic for this I can think of is?

'Loop through the update panel controls on the page and find the one that is involved in the postback (isInPartialRendering)

'Try to find the user control as a child of the update panel

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Forms Data Controls :: Postback In JavaScript And Update A GridView?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a GridView on a web form, which displays data fetch from database using Linq. When I update the GridView in a button event on server side everything works fine. Now I want to update the GridView from a JavaScript funciton call. Here is the code on the page.


And here is the code behide

protected void Buttons_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


The problem is that GridView1 never gets updated in IE. It works perfectly in Firefox. I can see the event was triggered by the Javascirpt call and I get correct dataset from database through debug. However the GridView never display the correct data. Is GridView handled different from regular web form control?

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Data Controls :: Dynamic Controls Created On Button Click Get Cleared On PostBack

Jun 15, 2013

I have created a web form in which i have used user control there is link  button on different link button user control loads . i have added dynamically webcontrol to that link button . they are loading properly but when i try to save data through one of user control on click of button the user control disapper from that place but when i put static user control to my page its working

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Using Imagebutton Click Within Gridview?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a gridview that has a column with an imagebutton. That image button event calls my update procedure and merely updates that records status and when the gridview rebinds, the image changes and is no longer available.Whats happening is if the page is refreshed, the update occurs again. If i add this around the update code, works great the first time, but then any other updates are ignored.. is there anyway to know wether the page was refreshed vs actual imagebutton postback?

if (!IsPostBack)


Since the update is just setting a flag for that record, on another page that displays those records for a seperate department. IF by chance the first page is still open and the 2nd department resets the flag, if the first page is refreshed, that flag is reset again. so its creating some inconsistant results..

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Command Button Is Doing Postback?

Jan 21, 2011

I have problems with gridview that has command button in it. The command button (when clicked) should redirect to another web page, but instead of doing it only does postback on current page.

.aspx file


.cs file


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Forms Data Controls :: Click The Link In Gridview Will Update The Database?

Jan 24, 2011

through clicking the title from gridview it willl update the status of the lecture from 0 to 1

0 means new while 1 means already opened..

this is my code



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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Add New Row To Gridview On Button Click

Sep 29, 2010

I got a function to load a grid view and works fine. Then, I got a button, when click, I wanted to add a new row into the grid, what I did is I add a new to to the dataset and rebind the dataset to the grid view.

The problem I faced is that is it able to add a new row, but it only shows ONE column only, which is the most left column.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Does Not Appear When Button Click

Nov 22, 2010

im now created a function where i can import excel file to be displayed in gridview and then insert the data from gridview into database.

It is running smoothly until i copied the page into another file. Suddenly, when i try to display the gridview, it does not appear.

I've try copied everything exactly the same like the original one, but still failed.

Does anyone have experience like this before?

This is the snippet my code : default.aspx.vb


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Web Forms :: Click Twice A Postback Button, Cause The First Click Procedure Incomplete?

Apr 29, 2010

I find a special circumstances as follows:

My web form contains a postback button. The button will postback and call a server-side method. The method will process something that may spend about 20 seconds. However, user may try to click the button several times within the waiting period. The sequential clicking may cause the first running method incomplete and stop, since the second click postback will dominate the method and start again. How can I solve it?

PS: It can not use client side script to disable the button, because it requires to use some server-side validation within the method.

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DataSource Controls :: Update The Data Of A Database Through A Gridview Update Button?

Apr 19, 2010

i want to update the data of a database through a gridview update button

how can i attach a dataconvertion like this


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Forms Data Controls :: Update Gridview With A Button Outside Of The Gridview?

Feb 6, 2011

- I have a Gridview , when i click button edit of each rows to update database in Gridview . So when in edit mode , i want to update database in Gridview by using a button outside of the gridview instead of using a button inside Gridview .

- Here is my code used for update database by a button inside Gridview :


- So how i can do with a button outside Gridview to update batabase? .

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Update GridView With Button Outside Gridview?

May 18, 2010

I know this is simple and have already googled it, I know we should use foreach loop on collection of gridviews and have our logic there but I am unable to get the row index , If any one could give me a working example ,

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