Forms Data Controls :: Change FormView's Mode Client Side?

Jan 27, 2011

can I change a formview's mode (edit mode, insert mode, etc) client side?

I have a html image that once clicked should change a formview's mode.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Formview Change Mode On Page Load?

Feb 8, 2011

I need to Check a formview for records on page load and if empty, I need to set it to edit mode.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change A Textbox To Dropdownlist In Formview Insert Mode

Jan 5, 2010

I created a formview that I am using for data input (DefaultMode=Insert)

One of the objects I have is a text box (see below)


When I click submit I get a message that I cannot insert a Null into the field IntershipNumAvailable. This makes sense since I made this field a required field in the database.

How do I get the form to recognize that the user selected item is the one I want to write to the database?

What changes do I need to make here? Do I need to make changes to my parameter list?

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Web Forms :: Change Formview Mode On Database Value?

Dec 20, 2010

Is there a way to change the mode of the formview control base upon a value that is retrieved from the database. Something along the lines below?

db value | formview mode

1 read-only

2 insert

3 edit

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Web Forms :: Click Menuitem Change Formview Mode?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a search page, detailspage with formview and formview has multiple templates (item, edit, insert).

At the master page (I use vb as code), I have a menu with menuitems (for example "New Contact"), what I want is when I click on the New Contact menu item, I get redirected to the page with the formview on it and the mode of the formview is set to insert.

How can I do this?

My menu is as followed:

<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu" EnableViewState="false" IncludeStyleBlock="false" Orientation="Horizontal">

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Mode In Formview

Feb 26, 2010

This is what i have using VS and VB: formview that is bound to a sqldatasource. In the formview i set up three panels and the visibilty is controlled by three buttons. I want to be able to click the edit link button and have the panel that is visible in readonly mode be the one visible in editmode

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing FormView Mode Using

May 30, 2010

I have created a FormView whose defaultmode = "insert". When loaded the FormView displays the InsertItemTemplate. At the top of the page is a DropDownList used to select Clients. I have added a list Item to the DropDownList with value = "0" and text= "Select Client" option. So the Page is in Insert Mode. SO FAR EVERYTHING IS AS EXPECTED.

When I select a Client from the DropDownList, the page remains in Insert Mode (Don't understand why? ) Could it be the default Mode setting? So I added the following vb code.

Protected Sub ddlSelectClient_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlSelectClient.SelectedIndexChanged

If ddlSelectClient.Text <> "(Select Client)" Then
If FormView1.CurrentMode = FormViewMode.Insert Then
End If
End If
End Sub

So after an existing Client is selected, the FormView Mode should be changed to EDIT. AND INDEED THE EDIT ITEM TEMPLATE IS DISPLAYED.

Ah but life is not so simple (after all this is a Microsoft Application). So I enter data in some fields and click the [Update] Button.

Then I get the following message:

FormView 'FormView1' must be in edit mode to update a record.

THe FormView displays the Edit Template, the Update and Cancel Buttons are displayed. All this should mean I am in edit mode.

Just call me FrankenSoft !@#$%^^& or is it MicroStein?

Oh by the way I'm using Linq to SQL data sourcess. Should I be? I'm having a lot of problems with the FormView using Linq.

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Forms Data Controls :: Test Mode Change In Gridview / Stating can't Change String To Decimal?

Sep 14, 2010

When i run the following code i get an error when gridview changes mode to Edit. stating that you can't change string to decimal!

To get around the occurance i want to disable code when in Edit mode or resolve another way?

For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim cell As TableCell = row.Cells(7)
Dim invoicetotal As Decimal = CDec(cell.Text)

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Forms Data Controls :: Default Value In Formview Insert Mode

Jan 30, 2010

Formview1 datasource ID is SQLTest. When I click New on the form and go into insertmode, is there an easy way to auto file textboxID to the value of the NextIDNumber field ( field 9) from SQLTest datasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Goes To Insert Mode After Update?

Jul 5, 2010

I have a FormView with default mode set to "Edit". When I click the Update after making changes the form reopens in the Insert mode.

onitemupdated="FormView2_ItemUpdated"> What am I doing wrong

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Forms Data Controls :: Specify That FormView Is In Edit Mode In An If-then Statement?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm trying execute code only when FormView is in Edit mode ---but the code following line this is being executed even in read-only mode.

If formname.CurrentMode
= FormViewMode.Edit

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview From Readonly To Edit Mode

Jan 14, 2011

there are 2 pages (SummaryGridviewPage.aspx and FormviewPage.aspx) there are insert, item and update templates in the FormviewPage 1st case - there is no problem to insert new record, select and update action in the FormviewPage

2nd case - However, there is problem when i select a record in GV and direct to FormviewPage for edit this code is added in Formviewpage to open the record at readonly mode, no problem

Private Sub RF_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
If Session("RecordID") <> "" Then ' to check New or Old record
SqlDataSourceRF.SelectParameters.Item("New_ID").DefaultValue = Session("RecordID")
End If
End Sub

however, no record if go further from readonly to edit mode then Code is added to the Edit button

Protected Sub BtnEdit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
SqlDataSourceRF.SelectParameters.Item("New_ID").DefaultValue = Session("RecordID")
End Sub

Now edit problem is solved but when go back to the 1st case (new record, and then edit) Now new record can be inserted, and then show it in readonly mode. but then try to go to edit mode, no record show i think BtnEdit_Click code is conflicted with the built-in "Edit" command Could anyone show me some info how formview retrieve specific record in a proper way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Loading A Page In Insert Mode Using FormView?

Aug 13, 2010

So, I'm trying to use form view in insert mode on a dedicated aspx page. So when a user clicks "Add New" from the main GridView page, it will take the user to an Insert.aspx page that will be in Insert mode ready to collect information.

Here's what I have so far, and all I get is a blank page when I try to run it.


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Insert Mode Cause Whole Page Reload?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a FormView at the very bottom of the page in insert/edit mode. When I click insert/update button, the whole page reload and the pointer does not keep within the Formview but go to the very top of the page far away from the desired FormView.

What can I do here to prevent cursor going outside the Formview ? Is it I can use update panel ? What and where I should use the tags ? Or there are other better way ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Clear Fields In Edit Mode Formview?

Mar 2, 2011

I have a combobox that is used as a control for Formview, so when the user selects a name from the combobox the data in formview displays in edit mode. However, some if the data that is displayed in formview needs to be empty. For example if the Date is being pulled in, it needs to be empty or null in edit mode.

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Change AspxGridView Mode On Server Side

Mar 21, 2011

I want to change AspxGridView mode on server side. For example :

if( some clauses)
// Mode is : New row
else if (some clauses)
// Mode is : Edit row

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Update Mode Not Capturing Control Values?

Jul 22, 2010

I've been spending two days on this. My page formview is in a tab container and I need it to update, insert and display data. Insert and display are ok as long as the default mode is Insert. The problem here is edit mode, it's able to get values from the db(oracle) and display them in edit mode, but when I click save, any values I typed out on the textboxes do not get captured. When I call on my db update class, it just sends old db values. Here is the process: formview shows data selected from gridview, then an update button is clicked to edit the data. there is also a SAVE button to send updated data to db. Example: description textbox = "test", then I type out a different value, and in debug mode, the textbox.text still shows "test" after clicking save.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Refer To A Control (label) Which Is On A Formview (in Edit Mode)

Jan 14, 2010

How to refer to a control (label) which is on a Formview (in Edit mode). The formview is on a Multiview...

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Binary Image In FormView Edit Mode

May 30, 2010

I'm having a hard time solving what should (I think) be an easy problem. I have a formview defaulting to Editmode. One of my data fields is a binary image. How can I change the editItem template to allow a user to upload a new image into the binary image field?

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Forms Data Controls :: Switch FormView To Edit Mode From Repeater ItemCommand?

Sep 30, 2010

The following code successfully displays a record in a FormView and sets the FormView mode to 'Edit' when the user clicks on a LinkButton within a Repeater, however the record is not Updated. If I don't change the .SelectCommand and call .DataBind, I'm able to update the first record that is displayed. Naturally that's a moot point because the idea is to be able to update the record that the user selects in the Repeater.Because of the design of the FormView and Repeater, the record *must* be updated via the FormView. Updating the record via the Repeater is not an option.


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Web Forms :: Can Change Page Name On Client Side

Feb 14, 2011

Can i change my Page name on client side like


to like that


so user not know the Page name...............

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Seem To Retain Label Values In Formview Edit/ Item Mode

Mar 15, 2010

In web config file I have add key values specified.

In the formview I have labels on edit , item and insert mode that I want to display all the time by getting those values from web config. I'm able to do that with no problem but when I change the modes between edit to insert or item view, I lose those label values until I hit the "select" twice from the Gridview, those values re-appear. Below is the snippet of the code. What do I need to do to retain the category values all the time?



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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Textbox In FormView Control In Edit Mode With Querystring?

Sep 9, 2010

I am simply trying to get a querystring value and pass it to a textbox in a formview with the default view set to edit mode.

Protected Sub fv_Detach_Engine_DataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles fv_Detach_Engine.DataBound
If fv_Detach_Engine.CurrentMode = FormViewMode.Edit Then
Dim tbx_IDProfileAccount As TextBox = TryCast(fv_Detach_Engine.FindControl("tbx_IDProfileAccount"), TextBox)
If tbx_IDProfileAccount Is Nothing Then
tbx_IDProfileAccount.Text = Request.QueryString("IDProfileAccount")
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms Data Controls :: Make Imagebutton Open New Page With FormView In Insert Mode?

Dec 13, 2010

I have a gridview on Contacts.aspx. From this page, I want an "Add New Contact" ImageButton to open the Formview in the ContactDetails.aspx page in Insert mode....

I'm in VB2010 in C#

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid's - Call A Server - Side Function On ItemDataBound Event Except Client - Side Function

Jan 10, 2010

I Getting A Problem In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Event. I Am Calling A JavaScript Function In DataGrid's ItemDataBound Which Retrun The CellIndex And RowIndex Number On Which UserClick After That I Am Re-Binding The DataGrid With jQuery Function After That ItemDataBound Event Not Working. I Want To Call The Same Function Again. Is Their Any Method To Call A Server-Side Function On ItemDataBound Event Except Client-Side Function..

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