Forms Data Controls :: Chart Label Display (Three Columns)

Feb 7, 2011

I am using asp:chart control in my 3.5 application. My dataset have three columns i.e. Subject, Score, testDate. I am drawing the chart like this,
And my chart is displaying like this. And what I want is, the third column testDate should be displayed on the top of the series as follows.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Chart Label Display (Percentage Of Available Time)

Jul 12, 2010

I have a chart to display the percentage of available time for a machine, but it won't display all the labels. It will only display a select few, spread out evenly apart but I need it to show ALL of them. Here is how it's set up, however, I don't know what I would change in order for it to display all labels:

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Data Controls :: Calculate SUM Of Columns In GridView And Display In Label?

Dec 13, 2013

I have to display sum of Basic_Amt, Tax_Amt, Net_Payable in gridview without using database.

my query.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CssClass="dataTables_wrapper"
CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None">
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#284775" />


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Web Forms :: Cannot Get Label On Chart To Display Properly

Aug 23, 2010

I am new to Chart controls and I'm trying to display a label (text) for a datapoint in a chart instead of a value.

I'm using the following code to load the datapoints and to add label information for each point (each label will be different).

But when the chart is displayed all datapoint labels are blank (if I use the first line of code) or the labels are all the same, containing the last rows value (if I use the 2nd line of code).

Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Is there something in the .aspx that I need to set?


For example:

I have 3 rows in my grid with the label data: "Cat", "Dog", "Mouse". But the label in my chart is blank for all points when I use the first line of code and when I use the second line of code the label is "Mouse" for all points.

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing The Color Of An Individual Data Point In A Columns Chart

Feb 7, 2011

In my web forms application I have a site.master page with an update panel (Java Script ToolKit). Inside the update panel I have a survey and a columns chart to show its results. The chart properties are

visible = false
ImageStorageMode = UseImageLocation
RenderType = ImageTag

When the user votes, his/her vote is stored in a sql server table The chart is rebound to its data source
The chart visibility is set to true and the survey's questions are hidden. I've been trying to set the columns for the maximum and minimum values to a different color using the code I found in "Samples Environment for Microsoft Chart Controls" [URL] under Working with Chart Data Data Manipulation Finding Data Points Find Maximum and Minimum Values:


I have not got the columns to change their color. I have put the code inside every event handler I could think of (after it failed to work inside the page load event handler): Inside the chart Init, load, and pre_render handlers. Inside the click event handler for the voting button (before and after I call the chart.DataBind() method). Inside the page pre_render handler. Inside the ToolKitScriptManager pre_render handler. I checked the code behind the environment samples. All, to no avail.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formatting Label In .net Pie Chart Server Control?

Nov 7, 2010

How do i make labels to be displayed outside the slice pie instead of inside in chart server control

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Xaxis Label Not Displaying?

Jan 26, 2010

I have created a stackedbar chart that has the points populated in code behind. Each stacked group consists of 2 series. When I run the chart everything displays correctly except there is only one label on the xaxis. I have tried setting the xaxis label text to the name for each series but all this does is change it to the first series name, and not even under the correct position. Setting the series labels to enabled shows the correct data on the correct bars, but I would like it on the xaxis!

Tried changing the xaxis interval to 1 which seems to be a common issue for people but to no avail. Is it because I'm using a new series for each bar? Is there a way to label stack groups on the xaxis instead of one of the series?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Bar Chart

Sep 27, 2010

I am new to I am suppose to continue a project. The previous person has created a line chart and I have to create a bar chart. However I do not know how to create a bar chart. Could u email me for the code as I realise that I can't upload the files.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: MS Chart Display AxisY Value

Jul 18, 2010

I have 2 MS Charts(OriginalChart, encryptedChart) which are working well. I spent hrs trying to set these charts so that they display the same AxisY value. Example, OriginalChart displaying max AxisY value 50 (this value may change depends on the data), I need the encryptedChart to display max AxisY value 50 (regardless of its data) as well, This would allow user to compare the differences in these chart more easily. Currently, my encryptedChart is showing 5 to 10 for the AxisY value. I tried most of the possibility to set below but no luck. Research on this also not much useful info (or I don't understand them.)

"encryptedChart.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.ScaleView.... = OriginalChart.ChartAreas(0).AxisY.ScaleView....."
Below's my HTML code fyi.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Null / Zero Value In Pie Chart

May 28, 2010

I am using Mschart in that I want to display null value or zero value in pie chart. How to display that.

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Forms Data Controls :: MS Chart Does Not Display All Fields Y

Jan 12, 2011

When I try to generate a StackedBar char, some Y fields are not displaying because of space. Example with following chart
Ex :columns in DataSource : 2,4,6,8,10
Columns displayed on chart : 2,6,10

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Forms Data Controls ::Pie Chart Display Wrong Percentages

Apr 19, 2010

I have use chart controller in my web application but it display wrong percentages this are the value:
TOTAL COST : 75000000000.00
LOYALTY DISCOUNT : 7500000000.00

When it display on pie chart it display TOTAL COST :90.91% and LOYALTY DISCOUNT=9.09%
but it should be 90% and 10 % how can I correct it
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY("Total Cost", totalCost);
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Points.AddXY("Discounted Dolers", discountValue);
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie;// Set the Pie width
//chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"]["PointWidth"] = "0.5";// Show data points labels
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].IsVisibleInLegend = true;
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].LegendText = "#AXISLABEL";
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Label = "#PERCENT";
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"]["BarLabelStyle"] = "Center";// Show chart as 3D
chtSavingBrekDown.ChartAreas["ChartArea1"].Area3DStyle.Enable3D = true;// Draw chart as 3D
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"]["DrawingStyle"] = "Cylinder";
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Points[1].Color = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Points[0].Color = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
chtSavingBrekDown.Series["Series1"].Points[1]["Exploded"] = "true";
chtSavingBrekDown.Legends[0].Enabled = true;
chtSavingBrekDown.Titles[0].Text = "SAVING ESTIMATE BREAKDOWN";

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Legends Of Chart In Tabular Form

Oct 13, 2010

I am working on charts with ms chart 3.5 control my question is I have to display legends of pie charts in tabular form. Which will contain the color used for different points and x values and y values. I managed to show the colors and x values but not able to show the y values. I am giving the code also. Example of x and y values are:
xvalues- InCorrect YValue- 5
xvalues- Correct YValue- 10
xvalues- UnAttempted YValue- 15

Here is the code used to bind legend values.----
LegendCellColumn firstColumn = new LegendCellColumn();
firstColumn.ColumnType = LegendCellColumnType.SeriesSymbol;
firstColumn.HeaderText = "Color";
firstColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
// Add second cell column
LegendCellColumn secondColumn = new LegendCellColumn();
secondColumn.ColumnType = LegendCellColumnType.Text;
secondColumn.HeaderText = "Name";
secondColumn.Text = "#LEGENDTEXT";
secondColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.White;
secondColumn.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
// Add header separator of type line
Chart1.Legends["Default"].HeaderSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
Chart1.Legends["Default"].HeaderSeparatorColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
// Add item column separator of type line
Chart1.Legends["Default"].ItemColumnSeparator = LegendSeparatorStyle.Line;
Chart1.Legends["Default"].ItemColumnSeparatorColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64, 64);
// Set Min cell column attributes
LegendCellColumn minColumn = new LegendCellColumn();
minColumn.Alignment = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
minColumn.Text ="#TOTAL{N1}";

I want to show the individual value of each data point is there any idea how to show the Yvalue of each datapoints
minColumn.HeaderText = "Questions";
minColumn.Name = "Questions";
minColumn.HeaderBackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Only Headers Of The Columns?

Aug 20, 2010

i'm using gridview.when datasource is empty i hav to display only headers of the to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Display Only 255 Columns?

May 8, 2010

I read excel file into gridview

Excel file has about 500 columns

Gdidview displays only 255 columns

What do you think of this problem??

excel 2003 and 2007 are the same

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid - Display Columns Vertically

Jan 13, 2010

Does anyone know of a data control that displays the columns vertically?

First Name Bill Bob
Last Name Smith Jones
Middle Initial A C

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Sum Of Repeater Columns In Footer

Dec 3, 2010

I'm trying to calculate the sum of prices that are displayed in my ASP.NET Repeater.

I'm coding with C#.

My code'


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Forms Data Controls :: Display Only 3 Columns In One Row Of Repeater Control ?

Jun 18, 2010

i have n no.of images based on category.i am loading images url,name and other property from sql database.

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView - Display Data With Repeated Columns

May 23, 2010

1- how can i display data with repated columns like i can do in datalist

2-im give it a datatable as datasource so im handling Next-Prev button dayinamicly but its works fine with linkbutton only image button cant accept that

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Data From Multiple Columns Into One List

Jun 8, 2010

I cannot seem to resolve in my head! I have a database with 4 of the columns having TRUE/FALSE values and I want to list the columns with TRUE values in a vertical list. The problem I am having is that when I tried to make visible=FALSE, then I have a gap in the list.


I cannot see how to shape the SELECT statement to include only columns with a TRUE value and I cannot figure out how to filter a control to only display labels with a TRUE value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Display Multiple Columns Under One Heading

Jun 28, 2010

I want to display my data from sql in a grid view. Here the problem is how do I display more than one columns under one column. For example, I have A, B, C, D, E, F columns in sql and then when displaying in Grid, I want to display as 3 columns A, B, C and under column "B" I want to Display D, E, F.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Display Columns Inside The Datagrid Footer

Feb 22, 2011

can i display columns inside the datagrid footer? if can.. i can i have the syntax?

for example: i have a columns in the datagrid which is binded to database. at the column footer.. i want to display another column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Gridview Control With An Interface That Is Ready For Inputting Data Into Columns?

Jan 6, 2010

how to display the gridview control with an interface that is ready for inputting data into columns. Bsically I want the grid to display initially in update mode without the user having to click the update link or button.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Dot Net Chart Control Last Column Of Chart Is Not Completely Appearing?

Jul 9, 2010

I have an issue in using dot net chart control. In chart last column is not completely shown which give bad appearance and on right side of chart it looks like TickMark are enabled. I set MajorTickMark of AxisY2 disabled but still tick marks on right side.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Formatted HTML Label?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a field in my database that contains a string of text with HTML tags in it.

What I'm wondering is how I can (using show the text in a label but formatted to the html it contains instead of it just showin the html tags in the label

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