Forms Data Controls :: Conditional String Formatting Within Repeater?

Mar 29, 2011

In my repeater I am attempting to set the label format based on a value from my datasource. The following line from my repeater is straightforward enough but now how would I modify it if I wanted the "C2" statement in the ToString to pull from a field in my datasource named "MyFormat" which would contain either the C2 or N0 value? Basically switching the formatting for that label between currency and a double?

<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblValue1" Text='<%# Convert.ToDouble(Eval("MyValue")).ToString("C2") %>'></asp:Label>

I've attempted to simply insert a statement such as Eval("MyFormat") in place of the "C2" statement but to no avail.

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I have the following VB code that is trying to change colors based on the values. The first condition works but the second does not.


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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional GridView Formatting?

Jun 14, 2010

I have the following code:


I need to add a check for a checkbox column in the grid. Something like:If CDate(e.Row.Cells(6).Text) < Date.Now and 'checkbox is checked' Then make another colorHow do I check for the value of the checkbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional Formatting In Gridview?

Feb 2, 2011

I have a gridview on my aspx page. I know we can format gridview row in rowdatabound() of gridview. But my problem is bit different.

In my gridview, i have a column customer code, a single code can repeat more than once successively. I want for one customer code, row color should be blue and as soon as code changes colour should be yellow for that code. Similarly when code changes again color should be blue again.

In this way color of my gridview rows should be blue and yellow alternately based on my customer code.I have arranged customer code in order by using sql order by clause.

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional Row Formatting In Gridview?

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I am using a column named "bk_End_Date" in my gridview.I want to change the row color based on a condition.i.e. if the date value is within one week of today's date (upcomming days only), it's color should be red.I tried following method in RowDataBound Event of C#

//if (DateTime.Parse(e.Row.Cells[5].Text) <= DateTime.Today.AddDays(7))
// e.Row.BackColor.Equals(Color.FromName("Red"));


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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional Formatting Listview For Edit Button?

Mar 13, 2011

I want to have a listview with conditional formatting on its edit and delete button.So, in nutshell, I want to check if the writer of post is equal to session("memberid"), then the edit and delete button will be appeared, else, it will show hidden.


roughly, i want and plan it to be sort of like that (as i found it at [URL]But I do not have any idea on how to make it whatsoever.So, if you guys have any idea (same as method above or different method), please show me the way.I have seen another forum, but I don't get it.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Conditional Formatting Based On Duplicate Values?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a gridview containing serial-numbers.

I would like to format the background each data-row that contains a duplicate serial-number value.

I'm planning to do this using a DataBound event handler.

So, in English:

Set background colour of THIS_ROW to red where the Serial_Number of THIS_ROW is the same as the Serial_Number of ANY_OTHER_ROW.

All rows with duplicate serial-numbers would be red.

I'm not sure how to write the code for this event.

The gridview is bound to a SQL datasource. Getting the dupes in SQL is easy:

FROM Table
HAVING (COUNT(Serial) > 1)

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional Control Based On Repeater Content?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a repeater control with a delete button on each row. I also have a link on the same page (not within the repeater) that I only want to be visible when the repeater contains at least one row.

My problem is that, when the delete button on the final row is clicked, this triggers a postback during which the ItemCommand event is called to process the delete click. However this event is processedafter the Page Load event in which I would normally render or not render the conditional link. So I don't know at the time I'm rendering the link whether the user has just deleted the last row.

Am I misunderstanding the chain of events or is there a better way of handling this? Could I, for example, determine from the Sender & e arguments available within the Page_Load event, that the postback has been triggered by clicking the delete button in the repeater? The only other way I can see of dealing with this is to force a second postback once the final row of the repeater has been deleted which seems like overkill.

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Forms Data Controls :: Load Formatting String From Web.config File?

Jan 13, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Formatting From String To Boolean?

May 4, 2010

I have the following code that works fine:


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Repeater Conditional View With No Data Logic?

Mar 21, 2011

on my repeater i builed a table and want to show a colum just for user that is in role admin.i need to remove the column in the HeaderTemplate and in ItemTemplate.i could use data logic and add a db column that will be boolean, but then i need to send to the SP the user role.

<asp:Repeater ID="TemplatesList" runat="server">

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SQL Reporting :: Getting Error: [BC30455] When Applying Conditional Formatting?

Mar 29, 2010

complete error msg[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The Value expression for the textbox 'COUNT' contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Conditional In Gridview / Make Some Conditional Statement, When Value "key" Is Changed?

Feb 25, 2010

This might be confusing but ill try to explain the best as i can. I have a gridview that get the data from datatable. This is simulation my grid view.

key data

1 data1

2 data2

2. data2

2. data2

3. data3

3. data3

what i want is make some conditional statement, when value "key" is changed i want to add empty row. so its suppose to be looks like this as result.

key data

1 data1


2 data2

2. data2

2. data2


3. data3

3. data3

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Custom DataControlField Class / Color The Two Labels To Get Some Sort Of Conditional Formatting?

Dec 9, 2010

I did some search but nothing is really useful in my case.

I want to inherit the DataControlField (System.Web.UI.WebControls) to be able to carry two label controls and then I want to color the two labels to get some sort of conditional formatting, I've got the conditional formatting part but how can I customize this class?

Where in my class should I define the two label controls?
How would I override the CreateField method?

P.S: I know I can accomplish this, in XHTML Markup, but I have so many columns that it would not be appropriate to include those markups in the page markup. Therefore I'm doing that in the CodeBehind page.


public class MyField : DataControlField
public MyField()
protected override DataControlField CreateField()
// What to put here?
protected override void CopyProperties(DataControlField newField)
((CalendarField)newField).DataField = this.DataField;
((CalendarField)newField).DataFormatString = this.DataFormatString;
((CalendarField)newField).ReadOnly = this.ReadOnly;
public override void InitializeCell(DataControlFieldCell cell, DataControlCellType cellType, DataControlRowState rowState, int rowIndex)
// Call the base method
base.InitializeCell(cell, cellType, rowState, rowIndex);
// Initialize the contents of the cell quitting if it is a header/footer
if (cellType == DataControlCellType.DataCell)
InitializeDataCell(cell, rowState);
protected virtual void InitializeDataCell(DataControlFieldCell cell, DataControlRowState rowState)

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Forms Data Controls :: Formatting Date In Textbox - Getting Error "String Was Not Recognized As A Valid DateTime"

Jan 7, 2011

I am having trouble formatting the date on a textbox I get the error above if I don't enter the date in MM/DD/YY format in the textbox. I am also using this in a FormView so I can't format it or don't know how to in the code behind so if there is a way to format it in design view that would be preferable. Does anyone have any ideas on how I would do any of this.

<asp:TextBox Text='<%# Bind("BIRTH_DATE", "{0:d}") %>' Font-Names="Tahoma"
Font-Size="X-Small" ToolTip="MM/DD/YYYY" ID="txtBirthDate" runat="server"
TabIndex="2" CssClass="style5"></asp:TextBox>

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ,C# Conditional Where With String.Contains...

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to find a way to do the following psudo:

void foo(int iArea, int iCity)
using (myDataContext context = new myDateContext)
var query =
from ad in context.Ads
join publisher in cintext.Publishers on ad.PublisherID equals publisher.ID
select new


I can't find a way to do the check if the area code(iArea) is contained iside the string of the adArea from the DB.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Data From Selected Row In Repeater To A Query String?

Feb 12, 2010

I have the following ItemTemplate in Repeater1


How do I insert the value of ListID into the query string?

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Forms Data Controls :: Text The String Length Of A Field Value In A Repeater?

Mar 19, 2011

How do I text the string length of a field value in a repearter.

<asp:HyperLink ID="hypName12" runat="server" Visible='<%# (Convert.ToString(Eval("L_Name"))&nbsp;Length >&nbsp;5 ) %>' ImageUrl="~/name12.gif" NavigateUrl='<%#&nbsp;
"http://" &#43; Eval("L_Name") %>' Target="_blank" ></asp:HyperLink>

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Loop / Collect All Of The Additional Textboxes And Add It To An String?

Mar 17, 2010

The repeater below allows a visitor to click a [+] to add a textbox. They can add as many as they need. Each textbox will contain a name.


I want to be able to collect all of the additional textboxes and add it to an string:


If for example the visitor added two textboxes and typed in "Mary" in the first and "Sue" in the second, I'd like "myAdditionalRegistrants" in the above string to be replaced with:

Mary <br /> Sue

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Class To Item In Repeater Control Based On Query String?

Apr 14, 2010

I want to add a class to a div inside my repeater control based on whether the query string value is true or false, so that I can style it differently.

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Accessing Function Variables For Conditional Logic In VB Page With Repeater?

May 10, 2010

I have a code behind page with two functions that return two counts (iCount and iCount2). In my repeater table I can display the results of the functions just fine, but now I need to do some conditional logic based on the results of the functions, eg:If iCount =>3 AND iCount2 =>1 Then

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Data Controls :: How To Append All Data Of Repeater Items In String And Then To TextBox

May 7, 2015

How to get repeater values in single text box


in my repeater control having 4 values





I want these 4 values in single text box.

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MVC String Formatting C# - Show 20 Characters Of 100 - Trim / Cut String?

Aug 23, 2010

I want to show just a part of a string for example:

Instead: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua."

Just a: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing..."

Which method can I use to do that?

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AJAX :: Repeater Button Works Inside The Conditional Update Panel?

Nov 17, 2010

I have two update panels on my page. One of them contains a list of users which is retrieved from the database. When I click a search button (which is outside of the update panel) the users are retrieved from SQL server and displayed in a repeater inside this update panel. Each of the users has a button next to them to 'Edit'. The seconds update panel contains all of the fields for a user. Textboxes, checkboxes and what not.

My plan is to click the search button as you normally would, and then when you click the 'Edit' button on a user, the second update panel fills with their details. This works except that when I do this the first update panel is updated again and because it hasn't searched for any users it goes blank.

So what I did was set both the update panels to conditional, and then call the first panels update at the end of the search code in the search button click event. So that worked, but now the repeater inside the first update panel is not firing the Item_Command event, so I can't get the details for a user. How can I resolve this so that the repeater button works inside the conditional update panel?

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Web Forms :: Formatting And Converting Object To String?

Oct 6, 2010

I am fetching data from MySql database.When i look at the object it looks like this:But when this object is converted to String then it appears like this:The Formatting of the object is gone..How can i get/show the original formatting that is fetched from the database..

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