Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Selected Fields Missing Values?

Mar 24, 2010

Im not sure what i could have done wrong here but i created a dataset (ran a query and it returns the correct data) - created my BLL class - bound the ObjectDataSource to the control using the BLL - ran the site and all the data is showing as expected. Now i click edit columns (from DetailsView smart tag) and the selected fields are empty. I refresh the schema and this makes no difference. What could i be doing wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: Populating DetailsView With Selected Values?

Nov 26, 2010

I want to populate my DetailsView with values from my first page.

This values get with session. I can display this values in my page. But i dont know how can i bring from my North Wind db. Here is my second page code behind in VB. How can i get this all data from my db based this values?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Concatenate These 3 Fields In DetailsView

Jan 18, 2010

I have City,State and zipcode fields in Database. I want all 3 columns to display in one row in details View.

How to Concatenate these 3 fields in DetailsView.

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Setting Values For Invisible Fields / Properties In DetailsView?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a DetailsView which has two fields - one that is visible, one that is not. The first the user fills out, the second I want to auto-populate. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a way to set the value in this second invisible field. I've tried adding code like this to the Page_Load:

If Not IsPostBack Then
DetailsView1.DefaultMode = DetailsViewMode.Insert
Dim txt1 As TextBox = DirectCast(DetailsView1.FindControl("Type"), TextBox)
txt1.Text = "administrator"
End If

But this returns an error of "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." how to accomplish this - either using the method above or another method? The hoped for end result is that when a new record is inserted via the DetailsView that this record will include the username (entered by the user) as well as the "type" of "administrator"

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Clears Filled In Fields?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a details view on my page that has a template field in it. In the template field is a button that when clicked, sets the visible property of another field to true. When this happens the whole detailsview resets and anything that was entered into other fiields is cleared. Is there any way to prevent the other fields from being cleared when the hidden field is set to be shown.

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemTemplate (Detailsview) For Certain Fields Does Not Show Up?

Jan 19, 2011

In this case I'm having, the ItemTemplate for various fields in my DetailsView (2 in my case) does not show up, but when you click the edit button, the EditItemTemplate shows up. I played with it, moving it around. No matter where I put it, one of the fields did not show up.

To get even stranger (and don't ask me how I came up with this), if I put a dummy boundfield BEFORE it, the ItemTemplate shows up. But this is totally absurd.

Here's the html:


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Add Fields / Rows To DetailsView

Aug 20, 2010

I have created DetailsView in designer page with SqlDataSource, Details view is with autoGenerateRows="false" i.e. I have declared my own fields. it is fine there, but what if I want to add these fields dynamically from codebehind with select & edit commands. I want to to use Details View in designer page and want to add fields from codebehind

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing To DetailsView Fields To Set Classe's Attributes?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm a beginner in Asp.Net and i have some problems to resolve. (It's hard to find good threads in french community)

I've a DetailsView linked to a GridView, in fact the DetailsView get the selected item of the GridView to return the associated datas.

I would like on the load of my DetailsView to get the values of the labels contained in my DetailsView to set my class's attributes.

But my .cs can't recognize the IDs of my DetailsView's Labels...

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Dynamically Suppressing Fields / Error 156

Mar 24, 2010

I have a working gridView/DetailsView used as a member Lookup.

Some Fields in the Details View have data only some of the time, and when there isn't any, I want to suppress that row of the detail. No Go.

It seems that some of the function available in other controls don't exist so I cannot make the "field and its "header" Visible = "False"

FWIW, The control is nested inside a loginview control.


When I try and put logiin the control the error I get is:

Error 156 Literal content ('<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-Wrap="false" HeaderText="PO Box:" Visible="') is not allowed within a 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlFieldCollection'. C:UsersBillDocumentsMy Web SitesNausetNewcomersMembershipCopy of Lookup.aspx 345

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Blank Fields In DetailsView Update

Nov 18, 2010

I'm trying to use the DetailsView to make Updates. The problem is that it can't handle empty fields even though the underlying table field allows nulls.

I get a message like this if I change the "State" field to blank when doing an update

The parameterized query '(@Cust_ID int,@Cust_DL nvarchar(7),@DL_State nvarchar(2),@Last_N' expects the parameter '@State', which was not supplied.I'm using an object data source control which is calling the EditCustomer method in my Customer Class. I'm not sure how to fix this.


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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Couple Of DetailsView Fields To Readonly=true

May 11, 2010

I have set a couple of my DetailsView fields to readonly=true. In Update mode the fields are readonly but in Insert mode they are not readonly. What do I do to set it to readonly or blank (no field for entry)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Keeping Track Of Edited Fields In DetailsView?

Dec 1, 2010

When you click the edit button in detailsview I want it to store some values in "PreviousAddress" and "PreviousVehicle" to show what the data used to be before it was edited... Just wondering what would be the best way of doing this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Foreign Key Fields Are Moved To The Bottom Of Detailsview?

Sep 15, 2010

I'm not sure if you would consider it a foreign key field or not, but I have an agency table with an association to my Project table. It exists primarily to limit the input values of agency in the Project table to those listed in the Agency table. Anyway, everything works fine, except that when you insert/add a project, the Agency field is moved to the end of the list. I'd like to move it back where it belongs (further up the list).

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Fields Visible Property To False In DetailsView?

Apr 15, 2010

I have a problem that in DetailsView Edit Mode, if I go to edit fields, and set a fields visible property to false, when I update the record through the built in update options it sends a null value. If I change the field back to visible, it passes the data just fine.

Consequently, I tried just setting the field to Read Only = True, and got the same result even though the current values do show up in the edit mode, just read only.Is there anyway to hide the field but still allow it to pass the data it currently has "BACK" into the record.

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Insert / Prompt The User To Enter Data In All Fields, If Left Empty?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a detailsview in insert mode. I want to prompt the user to enter data in all fields, if left empty. Could someone please find a few minutes to show me how to do it?

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Web Forms :: RequiredFieldValidation Codebehind - Return The Page Data With The Missing Fields

Jan 19, 2011

I am putting a C# web form together that has a number of fields that we want to ensure data is inputted in them. I have added the RequiredFieldValidation control, but I am unsure what to put in the Button_Click event. I want the click event to check the fields and if not filled in, preserve the fields that already have data and then return the page data with the missing fields so that they user can take corrective action.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Selected Keyname To DetailsView?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a gridView and DetailsView.gridView.enabledselection=true. when I select a row I want to display that record in DetailsView.I have done it previously but after lot of php coding, I forgot it :S can someone remind it to me?there is something datakeyname or something like this parameters to specify

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Command Not Using Selected Value From DDL In A DetailsView?

Oct 8, 2010

My web form contains a detailsview control that I have added a templated field to with a DropDownList in the InsertItemTemplate. The DetailsView default mode is 'insert. My detailsview is attached to a sqldatasource that has a stored procedure in the db to handle the insert. When I enter data in the fields and select insert all values from the detailsview are written to the table except for the selection that was made in the dropdownlist. I am using the ddl.selecteditem.value to populate my variable however when the insert method is envoked it doesn't send my value. The DDL value that I am capturing does not need to be written to the table it is just a flag for some variables that need to be set at the stored proc level. How do I get the DDL selected value to be sent with the insert statement?

Here is my code behind:

DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim temp
As DropDownList
Dim AccessLevel
temp = AddUserDetailsView.FindControl("DropDownList1")End
AccessLevel = temp.SelectedItem.Value
Label1.Text = AccessLevel

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Detailsview Records Using Selected Dropdownlist Value

May 23, 2010

I am trying to retrieve Detailsview records filtered by dropdownlist which is populated within Detailsview template.

not sure if this is possible but,

i have three cascading dropdownlists within the detailsview and want to set the third dropdownlist value and dependant dropdownlist values according to retrieved record.

at moment they cascade values independant of what record set is retrieved in detailsview and obtain there parameter from selected dropdownlist in pagebehind.

below is select statement bound to Detailsview and itemtemplate for third Dropdownlist control


View 14 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Show Certain Input Fields Depending On Category Selected?

Mar 21, 2010

What would be the best way to handle the following scenario? I have an application where depending on what type of proceeding is selected, only certain input fields should be visible.

There are 33 proceeding types and 14 input fields in total

First case, make one big form with all of the fields and have a dropdown with proceeding type which depending on what is selected, makes certain fields visible?

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Set Default Values For DetailsView?

Apr 11, 2010

I have a DeatilsViews bound to an ObjectDataSource, I need set some default values for Insert and Update mode, which event(s) on which control(s) will be best to handle this?

I tried to set the default values using TextBoxes inside InsertTemplate, but the values are not saved to DB because 2 way bindings are lost.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Values Into Form Fields

Mar 24, 2010

I am populating data into formfields when i select checkbox in a grid view with the following code.I have 20 record set in database,Quotenumber(Main column) starts 3001 ,3002,3003..........3020.I am allowing duplicate entries meant that i have 4 recordset only on 3000 quotenumber like wise i may have 3or more record set on 3010,problem here is when i select first one of 3000(Quotenumber) it is supposed to populate the record set of first one of 3000 but only last one of 3000(quotenumber) is getting populated into form field.Can any one provide solution to this.

Code for Populating Data into formfield when you select checkbox ina grid view.

Dim indx As Integer
Dim connectionString As String = "Database=xxxx;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=xxxx"
Dim query As String = "SELECT QuoteNumber,Revision,Vendor,PartNumber FROM quotes order by QuoteNumber"
Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString)
Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(query, connection)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
Dim myAdapter As New MySqlDataAdapter
myAdapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(query, connection)
myAdapter.Fill(ds, "QUOTES")
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable() 'DataTable Initializes a new instance of the DataTable class with no arguments.
Dim checkbox As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)
checkbox.Checked = True
Dim row As GridViewRow = CType(checkbox.NamingContainer, GridViewRow)
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1 Step i + 1
If (dt.Rows(i)("QuoteNumber").ToString = row.Cells(1).Text.ToString()) Then
indx = i
End If
DDQuote.Text = dt.Rows(indx)("QuoteNumber").ToString()
txtRev.Text = dt.Rows(indx)("Revision").ToString()
DDVend.Text = dt.Rows(indx)("Vendor").ToString()
txtPart.Text = dt.Rows(indx)("PartNumber").ToString()

GridView code

<asp:GridView ID="GVData" runat="server" Height="75px" Width="76px" CaptionAlign="Top"
Font-Size="Medium" EnableModelValidation="True"
BackColor="White" BorderColor="#010101" BorderStyle="Groove"
BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4" AlternatingRowStyle-BackColor = "#87CEFA">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelect" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" QuotesKey='<%#Eval("QuoteNumber").ToString() %>' onclick="jsEnableDisableDeleteButton(this);" OnCheckedChanged="chkSelect_CheckedChanged" />
<EditRowStyle BorderColor="#FFFFCC" />
<FooterStyle BackColor="White" ForeColor="#330099" />
<RowStyle BackColor="#F0F8FF" ForeColor="Black" />
<HeaderStyle BackColor="#F06300" Font-Bold="false" ForeColor="#FFFFCC" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="#ADD8E6"></AlternatingRowStyle>

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Update Method Not Getting New Values?

Jun 9, 2010

when I click on "update" button of my detailsview I have the same values on my db table.It seems that the update method don't get my new values inserted in the "boundields" in editing mode.Below there is my code.

<asp:DetailsView ID="detailsview1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="false" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true"

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Forms Data Controls :: Validating Insert Values In Detailsview?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm inserting data into a SQL database through a detailsview. When a user inserts an incorrect data type or leaves a required field blank it shoots off to a big error screen. Is there a control that I can use that will allow it to give an error (with a little star or something) that says which field is incorrect without the big error screen?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView ItemCommand CommandName Values?

Sep 23, 2010

The DetailsView control has in its

Events an
ItemCommand event that uses the
DetailsViewCommandEventArgs event arg class which has a
CommandName property.

My questions are...

What are the possible values (e.g. "Select", "Insert", etc.) for this CommandName property when operating a standard, uncustomized DetailsView control?

Which order do the following fire in?


The "ing" events are currently being intercepted so that if the user doesn't have permission I set the e.Cancel = true and the "ed" events have redirects to send the user back to a list page that shows the items they just added/updated/deleted. However, I am not able to capture the Cancel button on the DetailsView control since there's no event for it. What I want is to redirect the user back to the list page if they click on Cancel as well.

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