Forms Data Controls :: Move Up And Down DataTable Rows?

Jul 30, 2010

I want to reorganize datatable rows using the code below :


but in the output the inserted row(datarow) is blank ?

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: GridView Move Rows / Up And Down On Click?

May 17, 2010

I have a gridview with two image buttons, I was wondering if anyone had an example of moving rows up and down. I've found a few online but they didn't really suit.

I am using RowCommand event as this is where I handle my Inserts, Deletes etc. So it would be ideal if I could handle it in this location as well.

The gridview is populated using a Lits<T>

I want something with works like this: [URL]

client side or server side, doesnt matter

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Forms Data Controls :: DataTable Values And Rows

May 25, 2010

I have 7 different category pages and although the Cart Page shows selected items From the 1 category , when i select other category page it only shows the selections of first page and not the others.
How can i make the DataTable Draw values from all the pages and display them on the Cart? code in first category


i m trying to put the same in each category but it doesn'twork

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Forms Data Controls :: Loop Through Different Sets Of Rows In A Datatable?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a following scenario - A use selects criterias from a webform (C#) - a result is then returned from the sql. Say, to start, there are 2000 data returned from the sql and are stored in a dataset.

Now, the user wants to choose a number of drops (up to 6) - with the number of drops selected, they can enter their own quantity in each box. So, they can divide the 2000 records into 6 different drops. With each drop, there is campaigncode created based on the mail date and the job number they provide.

So, now i have the 2000 records in a dataset. What i want to do is loop through the gridview where the user fill out the quantity depending on the number of drops (for ex: if they say 3 drops, then there will be 3 rows in gridview with 3 quantity box to fill).

In the loop, I am getting the quantity, dropdate and the job number. The Campaigncode is created as well. Then, i am looping through the datarow in the dataset; updating the Campaign Code column with the CampaignCode for the number of records thats set in a loop. It works but the Campaign Code is not populated for the next set of records.

Here is the code:


I think its this line right here thats causing the problem. But i don't know how to tweak this so as to accomplish what i want to do.

if (Convert.IsDBNull(DSAEFile.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Campaign Code"]))

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Delete Rows From DataTable Conditionally

Apr 13, 2010

I am trying to delete row(s) from the DataTable conditionally but I cant.

Actually I have DataList with CheckBox (default value checked=false). I am bindind DataList at run time using DataView (Dataview is created fromDataTable).

I also have <asp:Button ID="btnDelete" ....> which I am using to delete checked items in the DataList (But this functionality is not working).

The user first "checked" items in the DataList and click the the button "btnDelete". Here nothing is being deleted (?) and the DataList appears with all the items"unchecked" (even those which the the "checked" by the user). protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) . In this function I am checking state of the checkbox before deleting the row in the DataTable.

On PostBack generated by the "btnDelete", DataList appears with checkboxes unchecked therefore nothing is being deleted

Here is the DataList


Following is the .cs file


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Copy Only Filtered Rows From GridView Into Datatable

Mar 7, 2011

I am working with GridView/TelerikGrid control. It is having filter option. When I filter the data,
I need to copy only filtered rows into Datatable for further processing.

Suppose I am having total 10,000 records. and when I filter on column say Dept="IT", I get 1000 records in grid. So these 1000 records only should get copied into Datatable. So How to achieve this ?

Cwhat can be done over this ? I tried number of properties for grid. But there is no property which will return fileterd data source. Also I am not able to go every page of Datagrid and collect the data. I can get data for first page only. If I need to collect the data by going to every page of gridview, what is the way for this ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sending Gridview Rows To Listbox Via DataTable?

Apr 12, 2010

In my continuing effort to build a search page that sends gridview rows with a textbox txtQty <> 0 to a listbox via a datatable, I've written the following:


The page runs, I'm able to input values into the textbox and when I press the Add to Quote button inside my gridview, nothing is populated inside my listbox. Am I correctly binding my datatable to my listobx?

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Datatable In Gridview, Having Trouble Lining Up The Rows

May 22, 2010

So I've been teaching myself ASP.NET and VB for about 3 weeks now, having trouble with datatables, not sure how to get the rows to line up like I think they should. My code:


Which gives me the data output I want, but the days are adding rows underneath the previous day instead of lining up side-by-side. The idea is that once it's working I'll replace the specific dates with calendar controls. The gridview currently outputs like this:

View 4 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Select Rows From A DataTable And Create A New ViewList With The Selected Rows Only, While ...

May 31, 2010

I have one big DataTable with X rows. I want to select Y rows from it and bind them to a new ViewList. While doing it, I want to delete these rows from the DataTable (Having X - Y rows).

What is the best and fast way to do it?

I don't know if it is better to create a new DataTable to have the Y and after that bind them to a ViewList or something else?

I'm also looking for example in code how to select/delete rows from DataTable.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create Rows And Column Using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate With Multi Header

Feb 23, 2010

How to create Rows and Column using Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate with multi header I need to create Datatable Gridview Itemtemplate fixed rows and column such as 7 rows and 7 columns


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Data Controls :: Get Top N Rows From Datatable Or DataSet In C#?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a datatable with 50+ rows I want to get the Top 10 rows and display.

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Data Controls :: How To Check Whether DataTable (DataSet) Has Rows In C#

May 7, 2015

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string qry = "select Name,Section,present from presentdays where id='" + TextBox1.Text;
qry += "'";
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
TextBox2.Text = dr["present"].ToString();

there is no data in id='1'i need to throw the error as there is nothing is found in id='1'

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Data Controls :: Get Multiple Selected Rows From DataTable In C#

Jun 16, 2015

I want to Get multiple selected column from datatable using c#. Below I have added data of datatable and I want red marked rows from datatable. Green marked text is column name of datatable.

Parameter Value
GetTempFilenameResult 0
tempFilename 0
data 0
fid 0
useid 0
filename 0
tempFilename 0
userName 1
pwd 1
LoginResult 1
useid 2
usename 2
address 2
mobileno 2
emailid 2
organization 2
city 2
country 2
password 2

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Data Controls :: Filter And Select DataTable Rows Using LINQ

Mar 22, 2013

i could bind the data form tables to dropdownlist in asp .net using linq.

var res=from n in dc. contacts where n.location==Hyd select new{n.Id,n.Name};
var res1=from n in dc. Morecontacts where n.location==Hyd select new{n.Id,n.Name};


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Data Controls :: Filter DataTable Rows Using Select Function In C#

Aug 18, 2015

I have a ListView with Checkbox. My requirement is - When I click on any checkbox then it should return all the columns values of that row on behalf of that CheckBox. After much study I came to know that using DataTable and DataRow I can get all data of particular ID of a Row. But I am unable to work with this. My code is something like below:
DataTable dt=new DataTable();


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Data Controls :: Select Specific Rows From DataTable Using LINQ

Jan 3, 2014

 I have records in database as
hotelid              amenitieid
17774                7585
15636                7585
25363                7585
36933                11236
21412                45696
23521                65474
15636                65474
21412                65474

now in above, if i want only those hotelid where amenityid is 7585 and amenityid is  65474 and not any else hotelid ,  then how to use select query in datatable  in 

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Data Controls :: Removing Duplicate Rows From DataTable And Binding It To GridView

Aug 6, 2013

Referring [URL] .... its a good functionality but instead of removing duplicate rows  i need to make the cell of the column containing duplicate value blank

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Data Controls :: Sort DataTable Rows / Order By Date And Populate GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I want to orderby the list. Today date is on the top and then next date and all dates but when today date is passed then it comes on the end of the list. Is there any formal query in linq or some other code is used to achieve this?


but when today is passed then it automatically go to end and next today date is on the top

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update A DataTable And Update Multiple Rows Due Sorting

Jan 17, 2010

i want to build a datagrid bound to a datatable with several columns. One column has only a dropdownlist with the number of the rows in the datatable.

Here a samplescreenshot:


I know how to bind the columns to a grid and its no problem to create such a dropdown list with the content for me, too. But i dont know how to sort the complete datatabl after changing one value of one dropdown listbox.

So, how can i resort the values of a datatable column based on a given value and the datarow id?

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Data Controls :: Sort DataTable Rows In Ascending Or Descending Order Based On DateTime

Apr 28, 2013

I have a datatable,columns are(User_id,Name,Address,DOB)

values like(12,abc,delhi,22/2/2000)




Now I want to sort these rows on DOB in descending can i do so?

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ADO.NET :: Find Rows In One DataTable From Another DataTable And Remove Them

Sep 9, 2010

I have a DataTable of available time slots. I have another DataTable of reserved time slots. I need to remove from the list of available slots the ones that have been reserved. The blocks are in 15 minute increments, but one of my problems is that the reservation can be longer than 15 minutes. I've had some luck removing one or two, but not all of the required columns.

Here's my code (it doesn't work right now).


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DataSource Controls :: Move 1 Column Values To Another Column In Datatable?

Mar 31, 2010

i have a datatable with several columns and rows. now i want to copy the last column fully (all rows) and create the new column with that values.

it means last column values sholud be moved to new column (now this is the last column).

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add New Rows To Datatable Using Loop

Feb 26, 2010

iam working with gridview in asp.net3.5,Sqlserver2008 I am retrieving data from a SP into a datatable.i need to store this table into gridview. but am getting the last row from my datatable into my gridview.

here i need to add each row to the datatable.

my grid is like this:


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DataSource Controls :: Serialize A Datatable With 700,00 Rows?

Jun 24, 2010

I get the usual system.outofmemoryexception with the code below.

Is there a way to do this in small chunks?

public static void Serialize(DataTable dt, string filename)
FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(fs, dt);
catch (Exception)

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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Column In A DataTable To Be A Primary Key For An Existing Datatable

Apr 2, 2010

If I am passed a datatable and I cant change the column there anyway to set an existing column to a Primary key so I can easily Find() the row I am looking for?

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