Forms Data Controls :: Open External File From Gridview And Add Data To Database On Click?
Mar 17, 2011
Here is what I need to to. I have a gridview which I have a column that has a link to a pdf file on our file server. When I click the link I need to go into a database and update a column that they clicked the link then I need to open the file. by usinga HyperLinkField I am able to put in the link that I want to go to and when the page is running I can click on the link and it goes to the page and everything works fine except for being able to update the database part.
I tried using a ButtonField where in the code behind in the GridView1_RowCommand I pull out the file path and put it into a response write statement the problem I'm having with it is that when it opens the file it removes all the ""s so I get the error file cannot be found.
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ReportDate Extent Status HostedOn HostedBy
DownloadFile 24/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Not Added --
DownloadFile 23/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Added 23/Mar/2010 James
DownloadFile 22/Mar/2010 2100 Hrs Daily Added 22/Mar/2010 Mike
DownloadFile 22/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Added 22/Mar/2010 James
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1manojdevelopingcheck box
2munatesting check box
3kanakadatabase check box
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select *
into table IN externaldb
from table
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