Forms Data Controls :: Populating DetailsView With Selected Values?
Nov 26, 2010
I want to populate my DetailsView with values from my first page.
This values get with session. I can display this values in my page. But i dont know how can i bring from my North Wind db. Here is my second page code behind in VB. How can i get this all data from my db based this values?
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Mar 24, 2010
Im not sure what i could have done wrong here but i created a dataset (ran a query and it returns the correct data) - created my BLL class - bound the ObjectDataSource to the control using the BLL - ran the site and all the data is showing as expected. Now i click edit columns (from DetailsView smart tag) and the selected fields are empty. I refresh the schema and this makes no difference. What could i be doing wrong?
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May 9, 2010
I need to populate the data in the text box according to the values selected in the drop downs.
If the text box is empty it should show a pop up on hitting the save button.
We are using DTO (Data Transfer Object) to populate the data in the drop down and also text box.
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Feb 3, 2011
I currently have a page that is used to insert or update records in a DetailsView using an EntityDataSource control. Insert is working perfectly. However, Updating is not. I have the default view set to insert. In PageLoad, I have:
However, the DetailsView always defaults to the first record in the table rather than the record with ID that is equal to the ID querystring parameter. I am not sure how to make it select the correct record. From spending a while researching, it looks like I might need to use a QueryExtender control on the Entity DataSource, but haven't been able to figure out how to configure the QueryExtender correctly.
There is also perhaps some sort of datasource="stuff", databind() that I could toss in there but again.. not really sure how to proceed.
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Feb 15, 2011
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Oct 5, 2010
when testing my query in the grid configuration wizard it works fine, but when i run the page it does not.
first - i select values from my cascading drop down list then enter values for two textbox (dates). then when i hit the button to populate my grid nothing is return back.
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Sep 6, 2010
I have a gridView and DetailsView.gridView.enabledselection=true. when I select a row I want to display that record in DetailsView.I have done it previously but after lot of php coding, I forgot it :S can someone remind it to me?there is something datakeyname or something like this parameters to specify
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Oct 8, 2010
My web form contains a detailsview control that I have added a templated field to with a DropDownList in the InsertItemTemplate. The DetailsView default mode is 'insert. My detailsview is attached to a sqldatasource that has a stored procedure in the db to handle the insert. When I enter data in the fields and select insert all values from the detailsview are written to the table except for the selection that was made in the dropdownlist. I am using the ddl.selecteditem.value to populate my variable however when the insert method is envoked it doesn't send my value. The DDL value that I am capturing does not need to be written to the table it is just a flag for some variables that need to be set at the stored proc level. How do I get the DDL selected value to be sent with the insert statement?
Here is my code behind:
DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim temp
As DropDownList
Dim AccessLevel
temp = AddUserDetailsView.FindControl("DropDownList1")End
AccessLevel = temp.SelectedItem.Value
Label1.Text = AccessLevel
View 2 Replies
May 23, 2010
I am trying to retrieve Detailsview records filtered by dropdownlist which is populated within Detailsview template.
not sure if this is possible but,
i have three cascading dropdownlists within the detailsview and want to set the third dropdownlist value and dependant dropdownlist values according to retrieved record.
at moment they cascade values independant of what record set is retrieved in detailsview and obtain there parameter from selected dropdownlist in pagebehind.
below is select statement bound to Detailsview and itemtemplate for third Dropdownlist control
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Apr 11, 2010
I have a DeatilsViews bound to an ObjectDataSource, I need set some default values for Insert and Update mode, which event(s) on which control(s) will be best to handle this?
I tried to set the default values using TextBoxes inside InsertTemplate, but the values are not saved to DB because 2 way bindings are lost.
View 1 Replies
Jun 9, 2010
when I click on "update" button of my detailsview I have the same values on my db table.It seems that the update method don't get my new values inserted in the "boundields" in editing mode.Below there is my code.
<asp:DetailsView ID="detailsview1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="false" HeaderStyle-Font-Bold="true"
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm inserting data into a SQL database through a detailsview. When a user inserts an incorrect data type or leaves a required field blank it shoots off to a big error screen. Is there a control that I can use that will allow it to give an error (with a little star or something) that says which field is incorrect without the big error screen?
View 3 Replies
Sep 23, 2010
The DetailsView control has in its
Events an
ItemCommand event that uses the
DetailsViewCommandEventArgs event arg class which has a
CommandName property.
My questions are...
What are the possible values (e.g. "Select", "Insert", etc.) for this CommandName property when operating a standard, uncustomized DetailsView control?
Which order do the following fire in?
The "ing" events are currently being intercepted so that if the user doesn't have permission I set the e.Cancel = true and the "ed" events have redirects to send the user back to a list page that shows the items they just added/updated/deleted. However, I am not able to capture the Cancel button on the DetailsView control since there's no event for it. What I want is to redirect the user back to the list page if they click on Cancel as well.
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a details view that is bound to a sqldatasource. The datasource has some extra parameters besides the updated data on the screen, they are;
I am want to take the old values of the details view from the detailsview1_itemupdating event and add them as a parameter to my sqldatasource.
So how can I then add this as a parameter to my sqldatasource?
View 2 Replies
Nov 23, 2010
Background: I open a page that has a detailsview control using Accessdatasource. It is automatically opened with the row I want to update as I get there by passing the key as a URL parm. The update works for all fields except 2 template fields I added. I added a field for update date and updated by which I want the code to populate in the code behind so the user does not enter it. I have the same login on another page using an insert and it works fine. I cannot figure out what is wrong on the update and I tried everything. The code behind is in the OnItemUPdating event. code behind:
protected void set_update_date(Object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox tbdate = (TextBox)DetailsView1.FindControl("TextBox_update");
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Jun 7, 2010
how can i populate the detailview in insert mode with values from gridview on selection?
Filter by date:
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList4" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource3"
DataTextField="CDATE" DataTextFormatString="{0:D}" DataValueField="CDATE">
View 6 Replies
Feb 17, 2011
I have EntityDataSource for DetailsView which is in Edit mode by default (showin Update, Cancel link buttons).
This datasource also has foreign key called PecID. If I change the value in textbox bound to PecID, it works fine.
Entering IDs is not very user friendly, so I add dropdownlist and new datasource.
When I select new value from dropDownList and press update the DropDownList's selection is restored to original (previous) value.
Other values in textboxes are saved as expected.
After few hours of trying to figure out what is going on, I got lucky. I figure out that it is important the order of TextBox and DropDownList in field template.
This is the working order (textbox before DropDownList)
This one doesn't work [Code]....
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Apr 12, 2010
i have a DetailsView that is populated by a Linq to Entities query. Example query is below.
Dim leaveApp = From L In db.CompassionateLeaveApplications _
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May 7, 2015
how to show detailsview after select gridview
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May 7, 2015
I have a gridview and in which there is a select button .. when I clicked the button .. then the data in gridview with indexes that have been, can move to the details view ..I use rowcommand event for the select button in gridview..
I use viewstate in details view..
How to passing data from gridview to details view?
GridViewEmail_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) {
if (e.CommandName == "Comment") {
string[] commandArgs = e.CommandArgument.ToString().Split(new char[] { ',' });
string scrapid = commandArgs[0];
string uid = commandArgs[1];
// BindDetailsView(scrapid, uid);
[Code] .....
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Apr 20, 2010
here is my problem:
Admission no: 1212
Feetyep :College fee
Fee term : annual
above values should be appear in Grid view.
how to display the selected values in Grid view.
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Jan 25, 2011
I have created a dynamic dropdownlist. I need to get the selected values from the dynamic list and store it my sql database.
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Sep 23, 2010
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Nov 29, 2010
I have a gridview which listed product details from northwind sample database with checkboxes.
After selection user redirecting with selected values to second page. My second page retrieving all selected values from session. till this point everything is ok. But i dont know how to list product details in my second page with this selected values.
Here is my First page code behind in VB
And second page Code behind VB
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Mar 9, 2010
I want to pass the Multiple selected values from ListBox as parameters to my Select SQL Query.
I am using VB.NET, how can I achieve this ?...
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