Forms Data Controls :: Referencing Control In Javascript For Both EditItem And InsertItem?
Jan 3, 2011
I am using a CustomValidator to compare two textbox control values in the form view. These values are not required but must be compared if a valuue is entered. The same two controls are defined in both Edit Item Template and Insert Item Template. The formview default mode is Edit.
The javascipt for the custom validator works when in Edit mode. However, when the form view is Insert, the javascript throws an error of NullReferenceException. how I can adjust my code so that the client-side javascript works for both Edit and Insert mode?
The form view is in a content page. The script is in the Head content placeholder
<script type="text/javascript">
function cvSecondaryEmail_Validate(source, args)
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Meeting Details
Text='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingid") %>'
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingdate") %>'
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingid") %>'
Edit For :</b>
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingdate") %>'
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingid") %>'
Text='<%# Bind("Meetingdate") %>'
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<asp:Label ID="positive_tags" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
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protected void GridViewDepartment_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
{ getConnection = connection.SetConnection();
GridView GridViewDepartment = (GridView)sender;
GridViewDepartment.EditIndex = e.RowIndex; // Update Index You Want to edit
GridViewDepartment.DataSource = departmentTable; // ReBind the GridView
[Code] .....
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So, How do I return the Primary Key Identity when I click the control with the 'Insert' command on a FormView? (With very least minimal code) Help me if there's a quicker way.
<SqlDatasource ID="sqlSource">
<InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO ... ; SELECT @ID = Scope_Identity()">
<asp:Parameter Name="ID" Direction="Output" Type="Int32" />
Protected Sub sqlSource_Inserted()
Dim cmd as System.Data.Common.DbCommand = e.command
Dim strID as String
sqlSource.InsertParameters("ID").DefaultValue = cmd.Parameters("@ID").Value.ToString()
strID = sqlSource.InsertParameters("ID").DefaultValue.ToString()
lblResults.Text = strID
End Sub
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Construction Phase" SortExpression="Phase_Name">
<asp:DropDownList ID="EditedDropDownInGrid" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" DataSourceID="PhaseSQLDataSource" DataTextField="pp_name" DataValueField="pp_id">
[Code] ....
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protected void EmployeeIDNumberListBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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Jan 9, 2010
I' working on an Office Supplies website for a college course I'm doing. I have most of the website created, I'm just working on the shopping cart element of it now.
When the user goes to check out, I have a Gridview displaying the items the user wishes to buy as follows, it contains 3 columns, REF NBR, Product Name and Quantity, when the user clicks on the 'BUY NOW' button I want to take all the reference numbers from the Gridview and search teh database and deduct the Quantity from the number of items in stock.
I know I'll have to have a loop to read through the gridview, but how do I reference the contains of the Gridview REF NBR cell ?
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Jul 23, 2010
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if (GridView.ID = "GridView_ABC") {
// do this
else if (GridView.ID = "GridView_2") {
// do this
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Feb 18, 2010
I thought this would be easy but i cant find what i am looking for online
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Jan 12, 2010
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I know how to reference an object inside a formview, but i am confused, do i reference the radio button list and then the list items inside it or?
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Mar 1, 2011
i am developing in and i use different JavaScript and CSS files.
i have a master page "masterpage1" a folder admin in this folder i have a masterpage, called masterpageadmin which inherits from the masterpage1 and all aspx files in the folder admin inherits from the masterpageadmin only the "admin" role can acess to the masterpageadmin and aspx files in the folder admin
My question:
how should i reference in my masterpage1 my JavaScript and CSS, so that the aspx files in the admin folder can use them.
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Sep 13, 2010
We are currently developing an ASP.NET MVC application which will be deployed on a corporate intranet, with a slightly-modified customer facing version available on the public internet.We're making use of a number of external javascript libraries (e.g. jQuery) and a discussion has come up regarding referencing the libraries - should we reference them from an external source (e.g. via the Google load jQuery method) or keep our own version locally and reference from there?The project manager is a little concerned about having a 'dependency' on Google (or whoever) if we reference from there, and thinks that having our own copy of the library makes us more independent. On the other hand, I have heard there are a number of advantages to letting someone else host the library - for example, they handle versioning for us, Google aren't going anywhere anytime soon...
(for the purpose of the discussion assume the intranet we're hosting on has external access - obviously if it turns out it doesn't the decision is very much made for us!)So. Does this matter? And if so, what should we do and why?(I appreciate this is subjective - but it would be very useful to get advice from anyone with experience or thoughts on the matter. Not sure if this is a candidate for community wiki or not, let me know if I should have put it there and I'll know for future!)
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Aug 28, 2010
In ASP control such as LinkButton, is it possible to have the URL that is used in the
OnClientClick = "'', '',.....)" be referenced from the Web.Config file ?
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Nov 10, 2010
I have created a class within the App_Code called shared_methods.vb where I use methods that are frequently used within several pages.
I have a hyperlink control within the masterpage that i want to change the NavigateUrl depedning on what page. Just for better coding i would like to define the variable holding the hyperlink with my shared_method.vb.
I have:
Dim hl_back As HyperLink = CType(Master.FindControl("hl_master_back"), HyperLink)
This works within a page but not within shared_methods.
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a series of dynamic controls that I'm adding to a page. These are listboxes.
I am adding a handler dynamically e.g. AddHandler listboxname.SelectedIndexChanged, AddressOf listboxSelectedChanged
However, this subroutine looks as follows:
Public Shared Sub listboxSelectedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
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