Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Gridview

Jul 22, 2010

I have a gridview with columns as Itemid, item name, and Pnumber. Fetch the item id and item name from the rows which are having same Pnumber and return the result as string.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Retrieve A Gridview Selected Row Cells Data

Mar 16, 2010

i am still stumped with this operation: i am trying to retrieve a GridView selected row is my code.. the commented part that gives me the selectedindex works just fine....but the one giving the selected row cell value does't work and there is no error.. The update operation is done successfully...weired. i need to assigned selected row cells values to variables some calculations and then re-assign the result calculation to cell[9]..

protected void GridView1_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
string s = GridView1.SelectedRow.Cells[5].Text;
TextBox1.Text = s.ToString();
//string s2 = GridView1.SelectedIndex.ToString();
//TextBox1.Text = s2.ToString();

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Select Columns Without Creating Gridview ?

Sep 16, 2010

I have an accessdatasource with multiple columns, one column I use it to populate a dropdownlist. Can I use the data from other columns to insert into a table, insert being done in the aspx.vb page, without creating gridview etc.

Is it possible to make a detailsview one column visible= false and still be able to evaluate its contents?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database And Show In Gridview?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to get data from the database and display it in gridview. The gridview should be editable. Meaning the user can add, edit and delete items/rows in the gridview. Everytime the user adds/updates/deletes an item, the gridview is also updated. However, these changes will only be saved to the database once the Save button is clicked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve All The Data In The Fields Of The SelectedRow In Gridview?

Jan 27, 2011

I'm trying to retrieve all the data in the fields of the selectedRow in my gridview. Meaning that i get every field into separated values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkboxlist To Retrieve Data From Database To Display Results In Gridview?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a page where I will insert all the data into the database. The page where I'm having problems is when I select an item from the checkboxlist it only displays one item. The data which is displayed is only the one that was inserted with one selected item from the checkboxlist. The following code is the page I'm using to try to retrieve the data from the database. I am trying to do is when a user selects the first, second, or third, or fourth item. The corresponding data appears in the gridview. In my current code, the record which has one item selected appears. If the user has more than one selected it does not appear. It comes up as empty. Is there a way I can do it?


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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Entered Data From Gridview

Oct 23, 2010

I use gridview to display the details of a bill table. its databound. and i display the values in table td. in item template. sample

<td width="10%" align="left">

and i have an empty textbox as the last row in the gridview display

<asp:TextBox ID="txtpayment" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>

i need to retrieve the value entered in the textbox of each row and its corresponding Billno in the cs page i use a button and i retrieve the data in the button click event method. i have used several options like "foreach (GridViewRow row in grdcstomers.Rows)" and storing the gridview values in an array list but i am unable to retrieve the cell values or the textbox values.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve The Data From A Gridview Row When It's Edited

Jan 22, 2010

I have a GridView control connected to a SQL database via an sqldatasource. I want to load the contents of a row being edited into an HTML editor when the edit button is clicked. Is it possible to do this and if so how? I have found the rowediting event with which I have created a subroutine, I just don't know how to access the data in that row?

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Forms Data Controls :: C#: Retrieve Data From Gridview Row Selected?

May 11, 2010

how to retrieve data from gridview on row selectindexchanged??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve The Data Items For Each Row In The Gridview

Mar 23, 2010

I want to retrieve the data items for each row in the gridview.

But it return null. How can I get the values??

foreach (GridViewRow gvrow in gvwOrderLine.Rows)
OrderLine order = gvrow.DataItem as OrderLine; // gvrow.DataItem is null.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Only Column Data From GridView In C#?

Mar 14, 2011

Is it possible to retrieve only one column data (with all rows) in GridView using C#?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve The Particular Row Id From A Gridview

Feb 9, 2011

actually in my web-page there are 4 columns in gridview[one of which is imageid] and a checkbox. I just want to know that how will i pass the value of selected rows imageid to next page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Gridview Value Using CommandField?

Nov 2, 2010

(1) in a gridview there is the CommandField where you can use 'select' which simply highlights a row in the grid data. upon clicking this, can i use javascript to show a pop up message?

(2) upon clicking the CommandField 'select' can i retrieve the row id? if not then if i convert one of my column (type bit) and convert to checkbox, upon checking the checkbox, can i retrieve the row id?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve The Value For The Id Column For Each Row In A Gridview

Feb 2, 2010

I want to retrieve the value for the id column for each row in a gridview. I dont want this in a gridview rowdatabound function or anyhting, but an external function.

Normally I would do something like:

Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id"))

in a rowdatabound event. I now want this from another function, something like:

Private Sub GetGridviewIds()
Dim ttypeId As Integer = gvTickettypes.Rows(i).DataItem("id")
End Sub

So how can I access the data value in a gridview row?

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Label Value From Gridview?

Dec 28, 2010

I am not able to get the cell value from the gridview...

I have a gridview with the second cell as the orderid which is a label... I tried all methods but could not get the value...Above methods i have tried... Is there any other way we can get the cell value if the cell is a label.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Image From Database Into Gridview

Sep 5, 2010

How to Retrieve image from database into gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Value From Empty Gridview Cells

May 26, 2010

When retrieving values from Gridview empty cells, you will get " " instead of a empty string or null.

Someone once change the columne's properties as following, but it doesn't work

ConvertEmptyString > true
HtmlEncode > false
HtmlEncodeFormatString >false

One solution is to check if the cell value is " ". If so, assign it an empty string. But this approach looks awkward.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve GridView ButtonField Text Value

Oct 26, 2010

I know there are a number of posts along this topic, but everything I find seems to not have a final solution or else I'm just not getting what the solution is. I have a simple GridView with a ButtonField and a BoundField. I'm having the same problem most of the other posts seem to have; I can retrieve the BoundField value easy enough in the RowCommand subroutine, but I can't figure out how to get the value of the ButtonField. Here is the code I'm trying to use:


sAddr is being set to the correct address value, but sName is set to an empty string no matter what I try. The GridView HTML all works correctly, including showing the names from my bound data table on the button text. I can use to retrieve the ButtonField text value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Retrieve Value From Gridview Row In Edit Mode

Oct 13, 2010

I have a grid view. When I click edit, the OnRowCommand fires and the row goes into edit state. Label becomes a TextBox. I then attempt to alter this value in some way and click update. This again fires the OnRowCommand event. The problem is, when I attempt to capture the new value, it instead just shows the original value.In my grid view I have:

HeaderText="Start Name">
Text='<%#Bind("StartName") %>'></asp:TextBox>

In my code behinde i have

textBox = (TextBox)row.Cells[4].FindControl("txtStartName");

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve GridView DatakeyNames In Javascript?

Mar 30, 2011

I have specified DatakeyNames for a GridView control in my aspx page.I need to retrieve the Datakeys in javascript.How can this be achieved?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve GridView's Header Row Text?

May 24, 2010

I am wondering what is the best way to do this. Here is my observation:

1. If a GridView is assigned a datasource at design time, the header row's text can be retrieved with ((DataControlField)GridView.Columns[index]).HeaderText.

2. If a GridView is assigned a datasource at run time by code-behind, the header row's text can be retrieved with GridView.HeaderRow.Cells[index].Text.

Is there a way to do it without trying one, if not working, then the other of the aforementioned methods.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve All Records From GridView And Assign To DataSet

Sep 3, 2010

I dont know why my GridView.DataSource is become nothing when the Page.IsPostBack = true.What i did is bind the dataset to the GridView.DataSource when page load. Then when the button click event is trigger i need to get all the records from GridView. But when i debug and check i found that the GridView.DataSource is become nothing. how should i get all records from the GridView and assign to dataset. I'm using to work on.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In GridView - Unable To Retrieve Checked Value

Mar 9, 2011

i got checkbox in gridview which put inside the itemtemplate. the problem is when i tick on the checkbox, the value for checked property still is a false value. Wat;s wrong?

aspx :


GridViewRDR1_Hidden.Rows.Count > 0
row As
cb As
= CType(row.FindControl("chkstatus"),

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Save And Retrieve Multiple Gridview Rows

May 13, 2010

I want to be able to select rows and save them for later display. I wish to store the data in a session object for viewing before i decide to save permanent in database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Retrieve Cell Content In A Gridview

Oct 4, 2010

myString is always empty in the code below.


Here's the .aspx file:


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