Forms Data Controls :: SQL - Show All Records From A Dropdown?
Nov 19, 2010
I have a series of areaID numbers in a dropdown.
I need an option where a user can select All areas and all are selected from the database.
How can I do this using SQl?
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May 5, 2010
i have a question regarding grid view. i have done almost all work i needed. but one thing i want to do is i have set 4 of page size of grid. so when i show records on the web page i want to set a iframe after first two records then iframe and then two more records like i have shown in the example image. i have used LINQ with to do it. if you people want i can show you my code.
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May 7, 2015
I want to display the selected value from gridview in a dropdownlist.Here I am not getting the Dropdown from Database as it contains two values.After getting the data user can modify the DDL and change the selection.The data type where the values are saved is declared as Bit.
<asp:Label ID="lblQuery" CssClass="labelbold" runat="server" Text="Query"></asp:Label>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtQuery" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Label ID="lblStatus" CssClass="labelbold" runat="server" Text="Active Status"></asp:Label>
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlStatus" runat="server">
Till here it works fine how do I fill the dropdown from database.Eg Active text is coming from Database,so DDL should show Active along with Inactive value.
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Jan 4, 2010
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Nov 16, 2010
This is more of an SQL issue (I think) rather than .net, but I still think it's relevant area.
I have two dropdowns; first one called categoryID which has a series of numbers, the second called userID - again with a series of numbers.
If I select from the dropdowns: categoryID 4 and UserID 5 I end with the correct search result, however I need an option to show all records.
E.g. Select all from the category dropdown combined with UserID 5 that would display all records from UserID 5 (or vice versa).
Note - I am using MS Access and the numbers are classed as integers not text.
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Oct 8, 2010
How can I get gridview and detailsview to show up when there are no records. I need this for my edit's
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm currently binding a simple grid and show. And a separate dropdown and show. Now I want to place dropdown in grid and bind also I will able to change value of dropdown and save.Problem in grid binding drop down not able to find code as -
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="REPORTING TO" Visible ="true" SortExpression="reporting_to">
<asp:Label ID="Lnk_ReportingTo" unat="server" text="<%# bind('reporting_to' ) %>" ></asp:Label>
//Binding grid
public void BindData()
//Calling To Dal From BLL LAYER
DataSet ds = musergroupBLL.GetUserGroup(0, UserFk, 0);
Grd_UserRole.DataSource = ds;
For dropdown fill in page on .aspx
<asp:DropDownList ID="DDManager" runat="server" onselectedindexchanged="DDManager_SelectedIndexChanged"></asp:DropDownList>
On .cs
protected void FillDD()
DataSet ds = MUsrBll.GetUser(MUsrolEnt);
DDManager.DataSource = ds;
DDManager.DataTextField = "usr_id";
DDManager.DataValueField = "usr_PK";
Till here every thing is workingfor simple grid.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="REPORTING TO" Visible ="true" SortExpression="reporting_to">
<asp:Label ID="Lnk_ReportingTo" unat="server" text="<%# bind('reporting_to' ) %>" ></asp:Label>
Now changing above code from below aspx code for dropdown place in grid. But not getting how to call datasource and selected value in grid. Data source is same as FillDD()function above for dropdown.
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="REPORTING TO" Visible ="true" SortExpression="reporting_to">
<asp:DropDownList ID="Lnk_ReportingTo111" SelectedValue='<%# bind('reporting_to' )%>' DataSource = "<%# bind('usr_PK' )%>" DataTextField = "usr_id" DataValueField = "usr_PK" runat="server" ></asp:DropDownList>
View 3 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
I am using gridview for my application, in the grid i am using dropdown list for two columns ,It's working when i run my application but when i am edit application ddl can't show the editable data ( it show only select).And one more thing that two columns are interrelated , one ddl(Itemgroup) is connected with(ItemName).
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Sep 29, 2010
I have a textbox in a formview as well as a dropdown. When I select a value in the dropdown, the textbox should be made visible or invisible based on the value I select.
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Jul 13, 2010
My dropdown boxes in my GridView just show the top item in the list when I select edit.
Do I need to do something in the CS file to make these show the selected value when you hit edit?
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Jan 19, 2010
I want to show a grid view Control that is initially displayed to allow the user to enter multiple records. This grid view will not be tied to a database nor will it need to save the data that is enter into the GridView Control directly to a database.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have one repeater on page which has his own sql data source. I've placed 2 dropdown lists on the page. The repeater has jQuery DataTable plugin. With 2 dropdownlist I wish to change the sql stored procedures so when each will be selected the data in repeater will change. When user select the first there will be only data (users) according to selected item and in the second the same. I wrote 2 simple functions for changing stored procedure of repeater and rebiding it. Everything works but when I try the second one and then the first I always get warning about error "Procedure or function .... has too many arguments specified".
I think that when I select the first one the second function is still called although I don't call it.
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May 7, 2015
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Jul 25, 2012
As we use datalist it will shown all the data which is on my data base. But I want to show only 5 row and rest of my data will be show on the button click so how can i do it...
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Nov 10, 2010
this is my html code
this is my code behind
this is my bal code
in my javascript popup i am getting the checked values but i need it in record by record in the lblsave data
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Feb 27, 2011
im tryin to create repeater from code behaind using C#. The data bind is working good, im tryin to put some pager. the pager is half working. i can see the pager links at the bottom, i can see the the code split the records to 10 lines each page as i set it but when i click the next link the records stay the same it wont changing for the next 10 records. my code
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May 27, 2010
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Sep 3, 2010
i have a dropdown with month names if the user has data for the month tht is selected then gridview displays the rows with day nos as per the month but if the gridview has no data for the same the dropdown or gridview via some event should call a insert procedure to insert data into the table for tht month with daynos ad rebind the gridview witht the rows just created
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Mar 4, 2011
I have a gridview where i have two fields. one is product and second is sub category.
I need to do 2 things.
1. I need to populate the two combos from the database. But depending what is selected in dropdown 1 this will determine what needs to be populated in drop down 2?
how can i achieve this?
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Oct 14, 2010
I have two dropdown linked with sqldatasources.When I select item in ddl1 then on the basis of selection ddl2 is being loaded.Is there any possiblity that if I select ddl2 then ddl1 will also load on the basis of selection?
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Jan 18, 2010
I've the following tables and I want the query to show all possible combination of records with SegmentID, RateCodeID & MealPlanID.
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Jul 29, 2010
I've currently got a form with two dropdown boxes on, and an XML file sitting on the site.
My two drop down boxes are Location and Date and what i'm trying to do it get the Location box to filter the XML and put the dates in the Date dropdown box.
I'm using C#.
Unfortunatly, its not working.
My code is:
and my XML is like this:
why my dropdown boxes are not being populated?
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Apr 5, 2010
I have 2 dropdown i.e. ddlStatusType and ddlPriority.In ddlStatusType dropdown I have 3 valus i.e. "Yes", "No" and "Not Sure".I want that if user select "Yes" then ddlPriority dropdown should hide otherwis ddlPriority dropdown should show.I want to it on client side,let me know how can I do this
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Aug 30, 2012
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Jun 22, 2012
I use grid view to show my data
when there isn't any data in data base it doesn't show grid view I want if there isn't any data in database it just show Grid view header.
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