Forms Data Controls :: Lost Sortexpression After Page Changed?

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to do databind with listview, datapager, and objectdatasource.When I just change the page number, it works correctly. But, when I sort a column and change the page number, it lost the sort expression. How do I fix the issue?

here is the source code

aspx page
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" Runat="Server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="updMaster" runat="server">[code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Attribute Changed By Javascript Is Lost On Postback

Sep 10, 2010

I have a gridview control that extends the default gridview. I have added an attribute called "hiddenSelectedValues" to to the gridview during the "PreRender" event and I have a private variable that points to the value of that attribute.

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How do I keep the value of an attribute changed by javascript on postback?

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Forms Data Controls :: SortExpression Of Column Bound To Method?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Go To Top Of Page When Page Is Changed Using Bottom Pager?

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Forms Data Controls :: After Page Index Changed, Only Rows In First Page Are Accessible?

Jan 7, 2011

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I set itemsRead and startRowIndex in ViewState:


This is my PageIndexChanged event:


My purpose is to modified some data only for current page in a gridview. I call this function in page load and GridView_PageIndexChanged events. When it's called in page load event, it works fine. But when it's called in PageIndexChanged event, only the rows on the first page in GridView are looped through. For example, if I click page 5, the rowStartIndex becomes 100 = 5 x 20 (my pagesize). The if condition becomes itemsRead >= 100 andAlso itemsRead < 120. But after itemsRead is increased to 19, the For each gridViewRow loop stops and the if condition is never satisfied.

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Forms Data Controls :: Select 1st Row In Gridview When Page Index Changed

Jan 14, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Grids Goes Blank When Page Index Is Changed?

Mar 16, 2010

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how to overcome this problem. I am attaching .aspx and .aspx.cs files


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Jan 13, 2011

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Gridview Default Sortexpression?

Aug 10, 2010

Has anyone managed to extend a GridView with default sorting?This seems pretty trivial to me but i can't get it done.The idea is to add a property DefaultSortExpression to a Server Control that inherits GridView. Calling Sort() performs an additional select, we don't want that.Setting this.SelectArguments.SortExpression seems to get it's value set after i do so that doesn't work either. (Unless there's some magical event i didn't try yet).I want to be able to set the SortExpression before the GridView does it's databinding.

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Session Data Lost On Postback Of The Page In Windows XP?

Apr 26, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing In A Gridview All Data Is Lost?

Apr 5, 2010

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Dec 23, 2010

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Jan 5, 2011

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Aug 23, 2010

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State Management :: Session Data Lost On Postback Of The Page In Windows XP?

Apr 26, 2010 session data lost on postback of the page in windows XP.

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Row Command Event Lost?

Jan 31, 2011

The grid view row command does not execute on my production environment. This is a intermittant issue. I am not able to reproduct the exact steps but it does occur too often.

I have a load balanced environment with 2 identical servers in the farm. The servers are running on IIS 7.5

The other scenario in which I observe this is when the session times out. In that case the grid view events are lost. But this scenario is not a priority for me. I need to resolve the first scenario.

Any help on this or some useful links on "Understanding the session" or "understanding the complete event firing and execution" is welcome.

An update: we are overriding the PageStatePersister as:


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Nov 13, 2010

On a page load, how do I check to see if data in a table has changed? And if any data has changed, populate Gridview1?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Identify Which Row In A DataGrid Is Changed

Jul 2, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Determine What Was Changed In A Datalist?

Jun 15, 2010

I am creating a WebApp and got stuck on the "Save" process. I am gathering data from a SQL DB and using a DataReader to populate the DataList. The DataList hold employee data and there are quite a few. What is the best way to save the data to the database?

I had originally thought that once a Supervisor has verified the employee data, just click the "Update" button and save to the DB but how would I determine which fields in the DataList have been changed? I only want the changes saved.

use a Dataset to populate the DataList then build a second Dataset with the same structure and compare the two. Then save the changes to the DB. I had read before on the 4GuysFromRolla website that using Datasets in a web app wasn't the greatest ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox - The Value Is Not Saved/changed?

Feb 2, 2011

I probably should not bother writing these posts at this time of day. I have a gridview control on a web form page. Within the gridview I have

<asp:BoundField DataField="phone" HeaderText="Phone Number" />
<asp:CheckBoxField DataField="displayFrontPage" HeaderText="Display on Front Page?" />

From the documenteationI see, it seems to me that the checkbox I have here should be bound to the data field BIT on SQL Server. The gridview displays a checkbox. Lovely. But when I click the grid's edit, check the checkbox and click the grid's update, the value is not saved/changed.I thought this was straightforward asp control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview's Cell Have Changed?

Sep 23, 2010

does anyone know if the gridview can tell you if a cell's contents have changed (during an edit) in order to determine if an update should be made against the database?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Created Checkbox In GridView Are Lost In The Postback?

Mar 3, 2010

In design time I created a Gridview and a delete button in a page test.aspx:


The program stopped at statement "if ((row.Cells[COL_INDEX_SELECTED].Controls[0] as CheckBox).Checked)",

because it cannot find the checkbox created before.

I tried to shift all the code in Page_Load to Page_Init, but the ticked checkboxes are still lost.

I could find the ticked checkboxes names in its request object parameters(this.Request.Params.AllKey) if I setup a breakpoint on the error statement.

Does anyone konw what's happening and how to retrieve the selected rows?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging Not Working / Connection Lost Error

Dec 16, 2010

I have a rather large gridview that I need to page. the follwoing is my code but when I try to page it gives me a internet lost connection error??? I have not gotten to work in 4.0 this code is from one of my projects in 1.1 where it works fine but for some reason it is changes for 4.0.


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