Forms Data Controls :: Use QueryStringParameter?

Oct 20, 2010


Let's say the current webpage name is ABC.aspx and I want to make two different webpages based on this page; ABC.aspx?Mode="A" and ABC.aspx?Mode="B" (By using querystringparameter). When the user opens ABC.aspx?Mode="A" page, I want to show below gridview but when the user opens ABC.aspx?Mode="B" page, I want to show below gridview except "Gender" column.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Customized WebControl.QueryStringParameter?

Jan 28, 2011


My question is: how can i create my own parameter based upon the QueryStringParameter?



I now called it QueryStringGuidParameter.

The purpose of this is: I'm not sending any querystring's via the aspx?querystring other thasn aspx?guid={guid identifier}.I hope my code below explains it al little bit.


A soon as a page Redirects f.i. with this example


Instead of calling Response.Redirect i call the Redirect i created. This transforms the querystring in a session with a guid and parameter. The Redirect only sends the guid in the querystring. and the receiving page picks up the guid and translates it back into a querystring.

Purpose is you have a secure way of dealing with info sending via querystrings. Lets say in the past you could easily get other info from the page by just changing a value in the key send via a querystring. In my case lets say the user request a Customer "A" with querystring ?ID=1.

Simple change the query in the addressbar to ?ID=2 (or something else) would give him another customer. Maybe a customer he is not allowed to see. (Of course this can be prevented also in the business layer, but that's not the point.)

So if i simply could create a new QueryStringParameter lets say called QueryStringGuidParameter which i can use in the ObjectDataSource but ideally just for all controllers which are able to use the QueryStringParameter , i don't have to go into code behind and set the SelectParameters in there.

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Access :: Using A Subquery Value As Default In QueryStringParameter?

Jun 29, 2010

Using this call;

<asp:AccessDataSource id="AccessDataSource2" runat="server" DataFile="_database/92592_Web.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT *, (SELECT MAX(ID) as Max_ID
FROM myMovies) FROM [myMovies] WHERE ([ID] = ?)">
<asp:QueryStringParameter DefaultValue="1" Name="ID" QueryStringField="ID" Type="Int32" />

How can I use "Max_ID" as my DefaultValue? So that basically if the page gets passed without a parameter, the SQL will use the Max(ID) as a default. Can I use Max_ID as a DefaultValue?

I'm an old .asp developer still on the learning curve of .NET so some of this stuff is a little daunting. In .asp doing something like this was pretty easy...

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C# - Encode A Datetime In A QueryString And Read It In The Asp:QueryStringParameter?

Mar 17, 2010

How to encode a datetime in a QueryString and read it in the asp:QueryStringParameter

out: (it's a asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl )
String.Format("~/Reports/Logs/Option_History.aspx?OptionID={0}&time={1}", id, time)
<asp:QueryStringParameter Name="time" QueryStringField="Time" Type="DateTime" ConvertEmptyStringToNull="true" />

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State Management :: How To Save Querystringparameter To Session State

Oct 19, 2010

if I can save the querystringparameter to session state, I want to use the parameter in code behind. Or is there a better way to do it?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Data From An Itemtemplate Or Any Other Form Views/data-bound Controls?

May 7, 2010

I would like to know how i could display data from an itemtemplate or any other form views/data-bound controls without having it render in tables? i know theres control adaptors, but is this reliable and will it work with 3.5?

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Forms Data Controls :: Find And Set DetailsView Controls In Empty Data Template In Gridview

Oct 31, 2010

I would like to find controls in the detailsview control placed in the EmptyData Template of the gridview. I am trying to create Insert new record for the gridview control.

1. If there are existing records in the table - works fine and sets my two values: I placed Detailsview and Insert Button in the footer of the gridview. I needed to set the values of two fields. When I click on the Insert button it saves new record and sets the field with the value (code attached - works fine). I also have a popup extender that opens detailsview - this works just fine.

2, If ther are not records in the table - saves record but cannot find and set controls on the detailsview Same thing setup in the EmptyData Template. The record is saved but I cannot Find and set the field value on the control.

1. Link button (on click) in the gridview footer (works fine)

protected void LinkButton1_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
string zupa1;
zupa1 = ddlSelectEmployee.SelectedValue;
DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1"); TextBox zupa2 = (TextBox) zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");
zupa2.Text = zupa1;
DetailsView dettraining = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.FooterRow.FindControl("DetailsView1");
TextBox training = (TextBox) dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");
training.Text = "4";

2. EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl - can save record but cannot access txtInsertEmployee and txtTrainingType

DetailsView zupa = (DetailsView)gvTraining4.EmptyDataTemplate.FindControl("DetailsView1");TextBox
zupa2 = (TextBox)zupa.FindControl("txtInsertEmployee");TextBox
training = (TextBox)dettraining.FindControl("txtTrainingType");"4";

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Editing Without Using Data Source Controls And Autogeneratecolumn Set To True?

Feb 10, 2011

How to edit gridview row when not using sqldatasource and autogeneratecolumn property is set to true.I have a dropdownlist where table is selected on which gridview is populated (through sp from oracle) which is working but edit command is not working.Do i have to generate template myself or what ever solution?

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert The Data In Database From Controls Inside Datagrid

Jan 11, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding And Inserting Data Into Controls Inside A Gridview

Jan 25, 2010

Im having trouble accessing controls inside the gridview. I have a formview control on a aspx page and inside this formview i have controls that are bound to a datasource. Which works hundred percent. Also inside this formview i have a gridview which i have created my own template. Gridview1 has 3 columns with textboxes in each column.

Column 1 - LogDate
Column 2 - LogBy
Column 3 - Number dialed

Now this is what im trying to do. I have a dial button inside formview1 along with 4 textboxes which has telephone numbers in it. When i click on the dial button i want the time to be populated into Textbox1 which is inside gridview1 and at the same time Textbox2 to be pupulated with the Username as well as the number must be populated into Textbox3 inside gridview1.

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Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to grab text from a textbox in my listview control but whenever I run this code it comes back with "Nothing" as the text.

Dim txtlastname As TextBox = CType(LVbio.FindControl("txtlastname"), TextBox)
Dim txtcity As TextBox = CType(LVbio.FindControl("txtcity"), TextBox)
Dim txtstate As TextBox = CType(LVbio.FindControl("txtstate"), TextBox)

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Forms Data Controls :: Best Way To Select Data Using A Query Built By Controls

Jan 26, 2011

er trying to develop in and I think this is the best site that I visited ever.I'm trying to develop webapplications with some controls like calendars, textbox, check box etc. in order to allows to the user to built a query made by himself (and complementing with strings), and of course only to display data according to the gathered information by the controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Data From Code When Controls Are In FormView1?

Apr 28, 2010

I want to insert data into table from code behind. All the controls are in FormView1 insert Template.

Previously I have done this task using following code but controls were independent in webpage:


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Forms Data Controls :: Data Controls Don't Show Order By Correctly?

Feb 18, 2010

Here is my SQL statement.


And here is what the DatList control displays

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Forms Data Controls :: Check Whether Data Has Been Modified Or Not In User Controls?

Apr 4, 2010

I have 5 user controls in a web form. Data is being loaded into the user controls at the user control page load event. I have a single save button for the entire web form(the the top of the page). Each user control has update panel and consists of many web controls like textbox, dropdown,gridview and many other.

after the page has been rendered successfully to the user.

Considered that he has changed text in one user control ( in few textboxes,dropdowns , grid) and clicked on save button.

Now I should save only the changes user has made ( in 1 user control) instead of saving all the 5 user controls.

how can i achieve this?

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Nov 10, 2010

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Sep 12, 2010

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Budget ($)


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Empty GridView To Insert New Record If No Data Retreived From Data Table

Jan 11, 2010

How to display empty GridView to insert new record if no data retreived for some record on the result from data table?Actually i am trying to give a user an option to add recrod from Gridview. On result of some query it is perfectly displaying data and a footer row with the insertion textbox but when there is no data in the gridview it is not displaying. It should display with footer having insert textbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid View Control Producing Duplicate Data Results When Data Is Cached?

Oct 10, 2010

I have a datagridview control that I'm using to display cache data to the end used on a web form. The issue that I'm having is that every time I re-run the application, and the cache data is re-generated... it loads duplicate data that's being displayed to the end user. I can't seem to figure out how to keep this from happening.

What I would like to have happen is that only unique data rows be returned and cached for the end user. Unless there are new data rows on the database that needs to be included in the cache data results...the previous data results should not be duplicated. I've tried to change a few properties on the datagridview control, but nothing seem to keep this from happening.


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Forms Data Controls :: Preventing The Display Of Titles For Data Fields If The Data Field Is Empty In ListView?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a listview control bound to an SqlDataSource. As part of the formatting I want to add a title to the data returned from my database. For instance if the data base returns a phone number I want to add 'Tel.' first. However I do not want to diplay this
title if the datafield is empty. Here is what I have done so far.

<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# "Tel. "+Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Or This:Tel.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Business is a phone number. If the data field contains a number I get: Tel. 1234 123456. If the field is empty I get Tel. If Business is null I want nothing dsplayed, how do I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Data - Pulling Data From A SQL Database In Cases The Rows Contain One Or More Null Values

Feb 1, 2011

Using a class component, an Object data source and a formview I am successfully pulliing data from a SQL database. In some cases the rows contain one or more Null values and I would like them to be ignored completely. My simple code follows:-

<%# Eval("add_1") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_2") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_3") & ","%>


Rose Cottage, 123 New Road, Margate,

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Forms Data Controls :: No Dataset Or Data Addapter How To Insert Data From 1 Textbox With Username And Datetime

Feb 25, 2011

i have 103 column in database 1 column is id, 1 is user ,1 datetime, 100 button on webpage 1 textbox to input value , button1 clicked then value in textbox will insert into database with user:=user.identity.nam colum4 will get value from textbox......button2 for colum2 and buton100 for column100, if i use dataset i need 100 datataset, some other way to solve it ??

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Forms Data Controls :: Making A Data Grid Column A Hyperlink With The Text Of The Underlying Data

Nov 18, 2010

I would like to add a column in my datagridview that takes the value from the database and asigns it to the text of a linkbutton or make it a hyperlink. i know how to handle getting the value from the row but dont
know how to make a value a link, or set the text to a link button

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Oct 18, 2010

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