How To Insert Dependencies Dynamically In View (Javascript And CSS Files)

Apr 7, 2010

I am willing to follow the rules of the W3C where it is recommended that javascript and CSS files should be in individual files and not within the page.

Good, following this rule, and not wanting to overload the master page, I would like to embed the dependencies dynamically. So how could I insert the libraries dynamically? I think the bigger problem is the Ajax requests.


<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

I tried using the JavascriptResult, but he writes the content on the page, and do not run as "Stream."

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MVC :: How To Add Dependencies To Output Cache Dynamically

Sep 9, 2010

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public class HomeController : Controller
[OutputCache(Duration=10, VaryByParam="none")]
public ActionResult Index()[code]....

I need to dynamically set dependency to an external file inside the code. How can i do that?

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Outputcache - Dynamically Update Dependencies?

Jan 13, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application which requires output caching. I need to invalidate the cached items when the data returned from a web service changes, so a simple duration is not good enough.

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The thing I am struggling with is what I should add to the cache?

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Using C# To Dynamically Generate CSS Files?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a site that gets deployed to over a dozen clients. The main website has a base template, and each client has a client folder that overrides the colours. The problem is that there are a lot of CSS files, so making a change that forces us to update every client takes a long time. The automated build process takes care of replacing the updated files.

I would like to change the CSS files to be usercontrols instead, and those usercontrols could then inherit from another usercontrol where client specific values are stored.

So instead of having a forms.css file and then a /client/forms.css file I would have a Forms.ascx file that inherits from a usercontrol that contains the colours.



Then the masterpage would inherit from the usercontrol instead. This would make the maintenance of the client sites much easier.

If this is possible, would it also be possible to have the Forms.ascx control output the markup as CSS? Or make the extension .css and still have the ascx properties?

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Dec 28, 2010

I have a scenario in which user having a collection of comma delimited (txt) files in a folder.

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Our requirement is dts should read all file one by one and insert all files records into database.

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Name, id, roll no, address, city, phone, pin,


Test, 01, 0001, bandra, Mumbai, 9898989898, 400410

how to read a comma delimited file and transfer each file records into sql server using dts package through and

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Apr 23, 2013

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How to resolve this error....

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Web Forms :: JavaScript JS Files And CSS Files Not Loading In Forms Authentication

Mar 26, 2016

i have made an .aspx page of c# in  folder named as "USERPANEL". Also placed all my js in "js" folder and css files in "css" folder & all these pages are placed under "USERPANEL" folder same location where i have create a page. If i would placing the css on the page itself then it's working but not loading any external stylesheets. why? below is code as i am attaching  the fontawesome file placed in fonts folder.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href= "fonts/font-awesome.css" runat="server"/>.

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Php - Load And Call Files Dynamically?

Nov 24, 2010

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Web Forms :: Uploading Multiple Files Using Single Insert Query?

Sep 14, 2010

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How To Insert A Row At Any Position In Grid View

May 24, 2010

I want to insert the record at any position in a grid view means

means if i add Insert buuton at every row of grid view.

& when i click on insert button of an perticular row a new row is created just next to this row on which i click.

But it does not made any effect on its id.

i make my id auto incremented so i just want to insert record at any position but id remain as its in a usual manner

supoose i add 7 record i have 7 record id is 7 & i click on a insert button of id 7 record then now row is display to insert the reord just next to record 3 & the inserted record id should show 8 id

like this



3---------> click on that row

8------>new inserted record





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C# - Insert A New Row Using A View With Linq To Entities?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a view on my database and I am trying to add a new record using the AddTo method but it is not working. I noticed that LinqToEntities is creating the insert statement like this

Insert into (select field1, field2 from my_view) (field1, field2) values (value1, value2)

Is it possible to make LinqToEntities create the insert statement like the one below ?

Insert into my_view (field1, field2) values (value1, value2)

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How To Use Cache Dependencies In MVC

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How to clear cached pages when new data is inserted?

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Dynamically Insert Rows In An Existing DataTable (No DataSource Used)?

Jun 1, 2010

I have created a datatable with three fields namely TimeTask, TaskItem and Count (count of user) eg; {"12:30AM-01:00AM" , T1 , 3}.

dataTable.Columns.Add("Task Time", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Task", typeof(string));
dataTable.Columns.Add("Count", typeof(int));
dataTable.Rows.Add("12:00AM-12:15AM", "T1", 6);
dataTable.Rows.Add("12:45AM-01:00AM", "T1", 5);
dataTable.Rows.Add("01:00AM-01:15AM", "T1", 1);
dataTable.Rows.Add("01:15AM-01:30AM", "T2", 4);
dataTable.Rows.Add("01:30AM-01:45AM", "T2", 9);
GridView1.DataSource = dataTable;

In this there is no task for the TimeTask "12:15AM-12:30AM" and "12:30AM-12:45AM" yet the TimeTask should be inserted as,

TimeTask TaskItem Count
12:00AM-12:15AM T1 6
12:15AM-12:30AM - -
12:30AM-12:45AM - -
12:45AM-01:00AM T1 5
01:00AM-01:15AM T1 1
01:15AM-01:30AM T2 4
01:30AM-01:45AM T2 9

How to chk for the missing rows? Is it possible to dynamically insert rows in an existing DataTable (No DataSource used) in this scenario.

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Web Forms :: Use Dynamically Created Texbox And Labels During Insert?

Sep 28, 2010

i was able to add a table dynamically to my form.[URL]

Now i need to grab the values and insert into the database. Below is the code used to create the table when a selection is made from a dropdown. My insert expects 3 parameters, ID, CamID, CamName

The ID will be from a field in the form, the CamID needs to be the "j" value below and the Camname to be the txtcam value.


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Web Forms :: How To Use Iframe To View Pdf Files

Jan 16, 2010

How can I view pdf files within my documents? I came to know from a link that I can use Iframe to view pdf files. But it doesn't work. When the page is loaded, the download file dialog box shows up.

<iframe src="Documents/test.pdf" width="500px" height="500px"></iframe>

Is there any other way I can view pdf files in my .aspx page?

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Web Forms :: How To View And Download All The Files Except .msg

Jan 28, 2010

I developed a datagrid in my aspx page which was to show all the files present (with details) in a particular directory on my webserver. The column containing the name of the file in the datagrid is a hyperlink and when you click on it you could view or download the file.

Everything works great. When I click on the file name, it either opens up the file in browser or asks me to save it except the fact that when I click on a file name with extension .msg (outlook message file) it says - The Page Cannot be found

The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable..

The files are very well present there in the directory! Moreover, same everything was working absolutely fine (even the .msg messages) in my local system during the application development.

I dont know if sending the code makes sense in this situation - because code is correct and is working as it should be. It looks more of an issue with internet explorer or probably somerthing with Production web server configuration.

Anyways the code for aspx and .cs files are -


<asp:DataGrid runat="server" id="articleList" Font-Name="Verdana"

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Web Forms :: View The Files Upload?

Nov 4, 2010

I am using a upload control to upload files and that works. But I want to see what files I uploaded.

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Web Forms :: View PDF Files From Server?

Apr 5, 2013

I need vbcodeto view pdf files in iframe from the server  using the parameter .

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