In C# Or OOP, Should 2 Classes Reference Each Other That Are Related?
Mar 4, 2010
I am working on a class library using C#. I have designed 3 main classes to model our data. They are designed such that class A contains a list of class B instances, and class B contains a reference to a class C instance, ie:
I feel like the class design works well for modeling the data and our business rules, but it does create a few limitations like the above situation. I liked the separation of the PolicyTerm and Billing for the ability to allow that code to be modified and tested independently. Also, I feel like it keeps each section smaller and simpler.
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assignment1 assignment2
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Student 2 87 56
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Jan 18, 2011
I have 2 tables:
User(Id PK, TitleId FK, Name, Active)
Title(Id PK, Text)
Title is a lookup table of titles (Mr, Miss,...) and its got a relationship with table User by TitleId.
Now I'm trying to display the data in a web page using .net and Entity Framework. I'm using a ListView control and a query as a source. it all displays fine except for the Title.
Here is my code:
MyEntities _entities = new MyEntities (); User user = new User(_entities); IQueryable u = (from x in _entities.Users where x.Active == true select x); ListView1.DataSource = u; ListView1.DataBind();
and the code in the front end:
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" EnableModelValidation="True" DataKeyNames="Id"><ItemTemplate> <tr> <td> <%# Eval("Id") %> </td> <td> <%# Eval("Title.Text") %> </td> <td> <%# Eval("Name") %> </td> </tr></ItemTemplate><LayoutTemplate> <table ID="itemPlaceholderContainer" runat="server"> <tr runat="server"> <th id="Th2" runat="server"> Id</th> <th id="Th1" runat="server"> Title</th> <th id="Th3" runat="server"> Name</th> <th runat="server"> </tr> <tr runat="server" ID="itemPlaceholder"> </tr> </table></LayoutTemplate>
How do I manage to get the Title Text associated with a User to display on the ListView?
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Jun 10, 2010
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Sep 3, 2010
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Jan 3, 2011
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Nov 9, 2010
Here's my DB structure:
I have three tables.
User, Details, Optional
User has fields: ID, FirstName, LastName
Details has fields: ID, MyDetails1, MyDetails2, User_ID
Optional has fields: ID, MyOptions1, MyOptions2, User_ID
There is a 1 to many relationship with User & Detail (User ID & Detail User_ID)
There is a 1 to many relationship with User & Optional (User ID & Optional User_ID)
With that said, one user can have many details and/or many optionals
Now I'm trying to build a linq query that will say:
"where user id = x, select FirstName, LastName, all MyDetails1 from every record where User_ID == x, all MyOptions1 from every record where User_ID == x"
After the merge I should have one string that lists the distict user & all of their many fields:
FirstName + LastName + (MyDetails1 + MyDetails1 + MyDetails1..etc) + (MyOptions1 + MyOptions1)
Anyone try this before?
I tried this with JOIN but this doesn't do the trick for what I'm looking for.
So if I had 3 MyDetails records associated with ID == 2, I would get three results like:
John Doe MyDetails_X
John Doe MyDetails_Y
John Doe MyDetails_Z
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May 20, 2010
What's the best way in ASP.NET MVC to get a few questions related to the current question (like on stackoverflow) without using tags?
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