VS 2010 / DataGrid Update Command Runs Twice?

Aug 21, 2013

I have a page that has a datagrid on it and using inline update functionality and when I click the edit link, update text and click update link it updates fine but I put an email function in and I see two emails being sent. why it runs twice?

HTML Code:

<%@ Page Title="Courses" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/themes/admin.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="courses.aspx.vb" Inherits="admin_courses" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHead" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHeader" Runat="Server">


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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid To Call Itemcommand Or Update Command?

Mar 31, 2010

I use the following with datagrid to call itemcommand or update command etc, and i do this:

If e.CommandName = "doAdd" Then

End If What is the equivalent check in gridview?

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VS 2010 - Command Button With Update Panel

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I have a command button in an update panel but when I click the button, it can't fire. How I can fire button in update panel?

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DataSource Controls :: Microsoft Matrix Framework DataGrid - Update Command - Convert Empty Strings To NULL?

Sep 30, 2010

we have a AutoGenerateColumns-enabled WmxDataGrid in which we are able to update table rows in a DataBase connected with a SqlDataSource.

Each time we clear a field an empty string is written to the database where we want to write DBNull values.

At the moment we generate the update string via UPDATE... SET.. and the SQL Server function NULLIF(value, '').

Works proper but when I want to add the values to e.NewValues in BeginUpdate event I'm not able to read the values from the auto generated text boxes. How do I do that? Is there an easier way to automatically convert empty strings to NULL values?

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VS 2010 - Update Command For DetailsView Throwing Implicit Conversion Error

Oct 14, 2014

I've got a simple detailsview on a webpage for viewing, adding, and updating inspectors. Since it is a simple details view I'm just used the datasource select, update, delete, and insert commands. When I debug the page it populates the detailsview appropriately and allows me to page through the inspectors but when I try to update a field I'm getting the implicit conversion error in the attached doc. Below is my detail view markup. I was thinking the error is caused by the checkbox type being boolean while the SQL type for "Active" is bit but I've tried to use various conversion methods and can't seem to get them to work.

<asp:DetailsView ID="dvInspectors" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="InsID" DataSourceID="InspectInfo"
Height="50px" Width="212px">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Insp ID" InsertVisible="False"

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update / Delete Command Like A Update Command?

Apr 26, 2010

how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?

im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...

DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"

UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"

when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...

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Is It Necessary To Do Select Command Before Update Command In OracleDataClient

Aug 19, 2010

I've recently started working in ASP.NET and RDBMS.I'm making a test form where I can do basic add,update,delete operations.I'm using OracleDataClient to do the DB operations.I was able to populate a listbox using OracleDataAdapter.

Now after clicking on update button,I intend to Update in DB.I've Dataadapter with it's update property.But the update query is not happening.The examples I saw over net all have Select command before Update.Is it actually like that or am I missing some point.

How does Oracle DataClient work with Insert,Update,Delete Commands.

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C# - Datagrid Selected Index In The Delete Command?

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i am using asp.net, c#. I want the selected index for the current row which is selected by the user.

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VS 2010 - Web Service Runs Locally But When Deployed Has Error Could Not Create Type Service

May 24, 2012

I developed a web service in VS2010 on my local machine, wrote a consumer of it also locally, and that all works.

I copied the dll and the asmx file to our server, and I am getting an error when I try to invoke it from a browser (also still on the server machine) to make sure it correctly exposes its web methods, but it is not, it is saying "Could not create type 'Service'". That error comes from this line:

Line 1: <%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WarrantyDuplicate.cs" Class="Service" %>
There other web services in the same folder on the server that all work fine so I don't believe it's an IIS setup thing.

This is my first web service in C# and when I created it in VS I did think it odd that the code behind file went into App_Code (as you can see from the line in the asmx file) and is just named dot-cs rather than asmx-dot-cs. But since it worked fine locally, I wasn't sure that mattered.

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DetailsView Update Command Doesn't Update Unless All Of The Fields Are Present?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a page that binds data from DB to a DetailsView.I want to use the auto-generated Update command.

Everything went OK, and also updating was successful, but if I remove any field that I don't want to have chance to update, then the Update command doesn't update! the old values retain!

I mean: if all of the fields are present in the detailsView, the update will be OK, otherwise, the update will NOT update any thing.I've tried to mark the fields that I don't want to view as "Visible = 'false'" but with no good results!

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Using SQL INSERT Command With DataGrid - Must Declare The Scalar Variable Error

Mar 28, 2011

OK, this may be a little difficult to explain, so I will try my best and post the code I currently have.

I have a table with a list of usernames. I have the list of usernames displayed on a page through a GridView. What I am attempting to do is for each username in the column "adminUsernames", I need to insert a set of values in another database table for EACH "adminUsernames" that exists. Example: There are 2 adminUsernames vales in 2 seperate rows. These are "Admin 1" and "Admin 2". For each adminUsername values (Admin 1, Admin 2), I need a row interted in another database table. Maybe the code that I have (that does not work) will help you see what is happening:


I keep receiving this error when running: [Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Inside The Datagrid Sort Command Want An IF Statement?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a datagrid that populates correctly and a drop down list.

I have a table with (below) and it popluates a drop down and works properly.

UploadFile -- UploadFileTypeID
-Select 0
Images 1
Spreadsheets 2
Documents 3

Inside the datagrid sort command I want an IF statement. But the IF statement I have now doesn't recoginze whats inside the SQL table ( == "Images").

I have this...


From my understanding this if (ddl_Upload.SelectedValue == .... Is only recognized if I would have listed -Select, Images etc as List Items for the drop down?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Database In Datagrid By Clicking Single Update Button

Feb 21, 2011

i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Command Parameter Is Null When Button Is Clicked Inside Datagrid?

Dec 2, 2010

I have placed a button inside datagrid.I have use MVVM model to do all manuplation in the grid.

when i click the button i am getting null parameter .

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Update Command In Vb.net

Mar 21, 2011

My program is doing good when I suddenly bumped into this problem. I dont know how to do the next functionality that I need to accomplish. I am done with inserting values, showing the gridview etc and it works great. Now my problem is the update command.

I have 2 tables
table: tblDest

Now, when I run my update command in sql server, it works great! I just right click the database, click new query and i run this command:


update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)
what the query does, is it updates the table tbldest email where lastname and firstname exists in both tables that are equal,
the question is, I want to automate this, I am done with inserting values, the problem is, I dont know how to run the update command,
I tried doing this:


Dim sqlds As New SqlDataSource
sqlds.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ConnectionString
sqlds.ProviderName = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("sqlconnect").ProviderName
sqlds.UpdateCommand = "update tblDest set DestEmail =(Select SourceEmail from tblSource where tblSource.SourceFname = tblDest.DestFname and tblSource.SourceLastname = tblDest.DestLastname)"
DestGrid.DataSource = sqlds

but nothing happened.

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Web Forms :: How To Install Websetup In Visual Studio 2010 Using Command Prompt

Apr 22, 2012

I have created webset using the below link,   now i need to install using command prompt so that the virtual directory gets stored in c:/inet pub/ wwwroot/ finish where finish is the name of virtual directory. how can i do it. need command line. 

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VS 2010 DataGrid - Row Contains Textboxes But Should Be Labels

Nov 23, 2011

I have a datagrid on my aspx page (it is actually a user control on an aspx page). I dont ever want this datagrid to be editable. There is an Edit and a Delete link in the last column, so if you want to edit the data that are in the row you go to a new page for that purpose.

Let's say I have four rows in the grid. If I use the Delete link to delete the third row, when the page refreshes and the grid is rebuilt, the last row contains textboxes. I do not understand why this is happening. I was not the original author of this code (disclaimer).

This is the datagrid code on the ascx page:

<asp:Panel ID="ShowListPanel" runat="server" Visible="true" CssClass="aspPanel">
<asp:Button ID="AddNewPrinter" runat="server" Text="Add New" />
<h1>My Printers</h1>
<asp:DataGrid ID="PrinterList"

[Code] ....

When I bind this grid to a dataset, what would be happening to create the last row with textboxes?

Sub BuildPrinterGrid()
Dim UserID As String = SFTools.FindUserID()
Dim outputDS As New DataSet
outputDS = SQLCalls.GetPrinterList(UserID)
PrinterList.DataSource = outputDS

[Code] ....

Note that there are two procedures that handle PrinterList.ItemDataBound. Is that unusual? I don't know if this is something obvious that I just am not seeing, or something lurking underneath seemingly correct code, but I don't understand how the textboxes are getting created.

View 3 Replies

VS 2010 - Blank Row In Editable Datagrid

Feb 14, 2013

I am currently working on a new data application that is a vb.net web based application using visual studio. I have a form with a datagrid view that I have customized to have all rows editable at all times. I need to get this form to show a blank row for inserting data if there is no data returned from the sql server table. I also need to get this form to prompt you to save your changes when you navigate away from the screen by any method. My asp and vb.net code is shown below.

<%@ Page Title="frmPublication" Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" CodeBehind="frmPublication.aspx.vb" Inherits="MCRN.frmPublication" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">

[Code] .....

View 4 Replies

VS 2010 - Converted Datagrid To Gridview Now It Is Broken

Jan 24, 2012

I am upgrading some code from a previous version of .NET so I converted the datagrid that was there to a gridview. I need to get the index of the row clicked. It is not working. I have an outrageous number like 577 but there's only five or so rows in the grid. Is something left over that is screwing it up?

I am clicking the View Status link:

<asp:GridView runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" ID="gvOrderGrid" AllowSorting="true" OnSorting="SortPageCommand" OnRowCommand="ProcessItemCommand"
OnPageIndexChanged="PageCommand" AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="alternatingItemStyle" CssClass="dataGrid" HeaderStyle-CssClass="headerStyle" RowStyle-CssClass="itemStyle"
PagerStyle-CssClass="pagerStyle" PageSize="20" PagerSettings-Visible="true" PagerSettings-Mode="Numeric" AllowPaging="true" GridLines="None">


Shouldn't this line of code Dim index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument) get me the row?

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 - Change Style Of Datagrid / Edit Mode

Jan 7, 2012

How to change to style of datagrids "edit mode".

Size of textboxes, change textbox to dropdownlist etc...

Doable in code behind?

[URL] .....

View 4 Replies

SQL Server :: Update Command Not Writing To Table?

Jan 15, 2011

I have a table that is not getting updated. My insert command is working fine. Here is the update code from business logic area and stored prodecure. The SP works fine when I execute it from sql mgmt studio and updates the table:


View 3 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Update Command Is Not Working?

Jan 17, 2010

given below is the simple update string am using to update my database...

string q = "update register set fname='" + TextBox1.Text +
"',lname='" + TextBox2.Text +
"',gender='" + gender +
"',edu='" + TextBox3.Text +
"' where username='"+check +"'";
SqlCommand cmd =
SqlCommand(q, cn);

but it is not working...database is not getting updated...why?

View 2 Replies

Using GridView Update Command For Specific Fields?

May 4, 2010

How do I use the Update command in GrideView?

I would like to use update command for specific fields in the dataset, but not all fields from database ( or maybe in GridView? )

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DataSource Controls :: How To Update Command Not Working Properly

Jun 25, 2010

I have the below code in my project..however its giving me an error on the update(bolded line)..please help me on this..

Private Sub ChangePassword1_ChangedPassword(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangePassword1.ChangedPassword
lblTempPassword.Text = ChangePassword1.NewPassword.ToString
CustomerName.Text = CType(Session("UserName"), String)
Dim FV1Updobjconn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
FV1Updobjconn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
FV1Updobjconn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBconnectionString1").ConnectionString
Dim dtUpdating As New Data.DataTable()
Dim sqlUpdating As String = "UPDATE [SuperAdmin] SET [TempPasswd]= @SU2TempPasswd, [TempPwd]=@CU2TempPwd WHERE ([CustomerName] = [@CU2CustomerName])"
Dim cmdUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlUpdating, FV1Updobjconn)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2UserId", UserIDValue.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2TempPasswd", lblTempPassword.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CU2TempPwd", False)
cmdUpdating.ExecuteNonQuery().... I get an error here saying..INVALID COLUMN "CU2CustomerName"
' Dim adUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmdUpdating)
' adUpdating.Fill(dtUpdating)
' Get the values needed to be passed on
' CtSUCompanyName.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CompanyName").ToString()
' CtSUCatPurch.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CategoriesPurchases").ToString()
End Sub

View 6 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Create Update Command In Code Behind?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a detailsview which I am populating using a SQLDATASOURCE, which is bound to a table in a SQL db. Because the number of columns in the table will change, I am using SELECT * from [TABLENAME] to populate the view, this works fine.

My problem is that I need to also be able to update the table and I thought the best way was to generate the updatecommand in the code behind. This is no problem, code is as follows:


But the next stage is to create the relevant parameters for the update command. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? All of the information I have found for the updateParamater reference knowing the final value.

What I really need to do is the code behind equivalent of

<asp:Parameter Name="PARAMETERNAME" Type="Int32" />

Not sure whether this is possible.

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