JQuery :: User Control Via Jquery And Control Events ViewState?
Jan 26, 2011
have a page that use JQuery to get markup of user control from a web services. it is successfully giving me what i want the markup etc.Jquery Code:
You can see that user control have a button that have a click event handler. i want this button to trigger on click. but when i click on this button i found server error "The state information is invalid for this page and might be corrupted."i can imagine what is going on viewstate is not valid for form for obivious reason......how can i fix this problem or update viewstate.
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<script type="text/jscript">$("#LoginInformation").load("LoginInformation.aspx");</script>
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how I should be handling my events so that my rendered grid is up to date and not showing these hidden rows. I have a feeling I am just doing things in the wrong place/order but this is my first real swim in the deep end of the asp.net pool.
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function loadHandler()
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<div id="frame" style="height:100;width:100;" >
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May 25, 2010
I have a really odd behavior here: I created a little popup dialog in jQuery UI, and in my test HTML page, it works flawlessly. When I click on the button, the popup comes up, covers the background, and remains on screen until I click on one of the two buttons (OK or Cancel) provided.
So now I wanted to add this into my ASP.NET 3.5 app. I wanted to add it to a GridView inside a user controls (ASCX), which is on a page (ASPX) contained inside a master page.The jQuery 1.4.2 and jQuery UI 1.8.1 scripts are referenced on the master page:
<form id="XXXXXX" runat="server">
<Ajax:ScriptManager ID="masterScriptManager" runat="server" ScriptMode="Auto"> [code].....
Update: OK, one problem is solved - it appears that for whatever reason, the default MS Ajax stuff is adding some kind of an "observer" to my popup dialog and closes it right away after it shows up
So I changed the OnClientClick="showDialog();" to OnClientClick="showDialog(); return false;" and how that doesn't happen anymore - the dialog box pops up and stays there until I click on either of the two buttons (OK and Cancel).
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Mar 4, 2011
I have Parts.aspx page, UserControl1.ascx,[ it contains a textbox and one button1 ] Add.ascx Controls [ it contains a textbox, button2, button 3 ]I have added UserControl1.ascx in parts.aspx page Now when i click button1[ usercontrol1.ascx] it should open like a popup Add.ascx on top of the page using JQuery Dialog
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Mar 16, 2011
I am trying to fire a Javascript call when an ASP.net user control to an aspx page.
The Web site allows users to add user controls to a page (similar to adding a widget etc to a page like google widgets). But when the control is added the javascript does not fire, only if the page is refreshed will it fire the javascript. IF the next time the website is accessd and the controlis still there the javascript fires too.Do I need to use the RegisterClientScript method to register the call (setAutoTimer()) on the control load or OnPreRender event.In the User control I have this at the start of the ascx file:
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Mar 12, 2011
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Mar 10, 2011
I'm working on an ASP.net application.I had a problem with a user control I'd designed called LocationSelector. It worked great, but I couldn't use it within an ASP:UpdatePanel. I learned, by browsing SO, that I needed to put my in-line javascript in an external file and register it with ScriptManager so that there are no Response.Write calls in the Javascript.Next, I discovered that the control worked at first, but when I enclosed it within the ASP:UpdatePanel, it would stop functioning after the first AJAX postback. I read that to fix that, I needed to replace my $(document).ready call with function pageLoad() which is automatically executed with each ASP.net page load.
Several of my pages in my ASP.net application work fine (and I was really impressed with how well the framework seemed to drive the application). However, to my dismay, I discovered that my LocationSelector control no longer works at all on three of my pages. The HTML renders, but the pageLoad (which uses jQuery to bind events on control elements) does not fire.I verified this but putting alert('pageLoad'); as the first line of my pageLoad function. On the pages that work, I see the alert. On the pages that don't work, I never see the alert, even on the initial page load.What kind of problem could be causing the pageLoad function on my user control LocationSelector to execute on some pages, but not others?
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Jul 22, 2010
I want to access my textbox with id=UserName from javascript but its giving me error (on the highlighted JS line) that UserName does not exists in the current context.
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Here is my code-
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Jan 8, 2011
i have a problem with this snippet:
sepetbos and sepetdetayi are panels. when rowcount==0, $("#sepetdetayi").css("visibility", "hidden") code works. but $("#sepetbos").css("visibility", "visible") part doesn't work. i try for sepetbos display attribute but i didn't work also. i can't show sepetbos panel with jquery in this part.(i set panels' clientidmode=static)
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