JavaScript Minifier (e.g. YUI) Integrated To C# Webdeploy Publish?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a javascript file that I minify using the Yahoo YUI. When I 'Publish' the web application project, I want it to only copy the .min.js file and not the original one too. I can use a pre-build event to create the minified version, but how do I prevent 'Publish' from copying the non minify file?

I suppose I can 'exclude' the original non minified file from the project, but that would not be helpful because I want to edit the script file through VS 2010, but when I publish I want the minifier to run first and then publish only that.

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Using The Microsoft Ajax Minifier With Web Setup Project & Source Control?

Feb 22, 2010

I've just started investigating the Microsoft Ajax Minifer 4.0 for use with a Visual Studio 2008 Web Application I work on. It's proven easy enough to hook it into the .csproj file so it produced .min.js files for all scripts, however I'm stumped as to how to integrate this with the Web Setup project & Source Control.

Essentially what I want to do is have the resultant .min.js files included in the Web Setup project without having them included in Source Control because:

Having to check them out prior to the build being executing is a pain (the minifier cannot modify them if they're not checked out).

As they're created as a "build artifact" it just seems wrong to have them stored under source control.

The only option I've managed to come across so far is to explicitly include the .min.js files as part of the Setup project by right clicking on the Web Setup project and choosing "Add > File", and then having the relevant folder hierarchy duplicated in "File System on Target Machine" so that I can force the file to the correct location. This is neither elegant or simple/robust as:

It requires me to manually add every minified js file to the Web Setup project by hand Maintain a copy of the relevant directory structure in both the Web Application project and the Web Setup projec Remember to add any new js files minified versions to the Web Setup project.

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Oct 9, 2010

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Get The Exact Raw URL In IIS 7.0 Integrated Mode .NET 4.0

Nov 1, 2010

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http://localhost/a///b => http://localhost/a/b (remove all slashes but one)
http://localhost/a => http://localhost/a/b (changes backslash with slash)
I want URL string from within a HttpHandler (I use Request.RawUrl) as it is without any change.

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Setting Up Integrated Security / Ii6?

Feb 16, 2011

I have made my web site into an application.

I have disabled annonymous, on IIS6
<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<identity impersonate="true"/>
in my webconfig
and i am using both
to retrive the username.

The problem is i am being prompted to logon, i don't want the user to have to login as this is an intranet.

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Can't Allow Integrated Windows Authentication *for One Of Domains*

May 13, 2010

We have an ASP.NET web application which uses integrated windows authentication. It is accessed by users from two domains, A and B. A is the primary domain and B is an older domain which is going away. Web application is authenticating users using a group policy which only exists in domain A. Every user in domain B has an account in domain A. The application lives in domain A. There was no trust between the domains. So users from domain A would get silently authenticated and logged into the site. Users from domain B didn't get authenticated automatically and were prompted with the IE popup, to which they authenticated using their domain A credentials and everything worked. Now somebody has set up a trust between the domains and users from domain B get authenticated silently to IIS, and then their login fails (no group policy). So the question is:

can I either programmatically or in IIS configuration make it so that users from domain B still get prompted even though there is trust between the domains? Is there a way to tell the server where IIS is running to ignore the trust relationship maybe?

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So SHOULD it be classic for 4?

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Migrating Project To IIS 7 Integrated Modes?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a web project running fine with IIS 6, when I try to run this project in IIS 7 Integrated mode I am having all kind of problems with global.asax, it appears to me if any of the following objects or properties is access in Application_Start, exception will be thrown: HttpContext.Current.RequestHttpContext.Current.Reponse HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode The exception will be something like:Response is not available in this context.I have no ideas why this happens. I am not even sure if it only happens in Application_Start since project could not execute. Also there might be more objects causing other problems that I haven't encountered yet.

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Security :: Windows Integrated Authentication?

Mar 11, 2010

What's happening is when windows authentication/authorization fails the user get's a login prompt in IE6, IE7 and FireFox. Only when user clicks Cancel button in login prompt they are getting to 401 error page. What I am trying to achieve is to automatically redirect the user to a custom error page when getting 401 error instead of getting login prompt. Is this possible to suppress the login prompt in this scenario or is it this way by design?Here is my setup:I have windows integrated authentication configured in 2.0 web app.


In IIS I have website Directory Security configured to use Integrated Windows Authentication and disabled Anonymous Authentication

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Configuration :: IIS And Windows Integrated Security?

Aug 6, 2010

I've got Integrated Security up and running.Am I correct that when users initially access the site that they have to enter their user name & password? I was thinking that Integrated Security would allow the user to go directly to the site (it is an on intranet) without having to enter the un/password. My thought was that Integrated Security would eliminate the needs for the user to sign in once they've signed into Windows when they start up their machines.

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Tightly Integrated Private Helper Class

Jun 30, 2010

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if type=PanelType.Left then
set these 5 id strings to access components

The code got messy, so I moved a lot of the logic and static builder strings for the component ids into a private helper class in order to make other parts of the main class easier to read and follow. The problem I see is that the private class is extremely dependant on specific structures in the parent class. There's a very minimal amount of encapsulation going on and I'm possibly making the logic harder to follow even if the individual components in the code are easier to read.

My question is: When you're using a private class like this, is it acceptable to have it tightly integrated with the parent class (since it's private and implemented in the same file), am I better to refactor again and find a way of either simplifying my original code to be as short as possible without the helper class (stick all category/panel functions in one spot and hide them in their own region when I'm not using them), or should I move towards putting more of the logic in the helper class and simply mapping my events directly to the subclass. After typing all this out, I'm leaning towards the last option, but I'm still torn/confused about the whole thing...

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Security :: How To Enable Integrated Windows Authentication

Nov 2, 2010

In my masterpage application i have "Integrated windows authentication" enabled and it works fine for Active Directory Users. but i have created some users in my aspnetdb and i want few users to login and use my application. But for created users in aspnetdb i can getting "windows login screen". means when users not on active directory try to access application instead of getting login page, they get windows auth login popup.

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Access Asp Website On IIS 7 With Integrated Windows Authentication

Dec 7, 2010

Will I be able to access a website on IIS 7 with integrated windows authentication enabled from outside the domain?

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AJAX :: Failed To Load With Pipeline Set To Integrated?

Mar 8, 2011

As the header says - ajax failed to load with pipeline set to integrated. When I turn it to classic it will work but not the routing !! I use 4.0 I register my route in global.asax


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Security :: Integrated Windows Authentication Across Domains?

Jan 27, 2011

I've set up an ASP.NET MVC application for my company's Intranet that grabs the user's NT creds via System.Web.HttpContext.User and checks against its own database to perform authentication/authorization.This works just fine on my local machine, and I assume it will also work once deployed to the production server, but the development server is on a different domain than the users. While trying to test the app, Iget prompted for a username and password, which isn't supposed to happen. Worse, entering my login creds still doesn't work. I'm deploying a MVC 2 application to an IIS 6 server.The steps I read to take to get Integrated Windows Authentication to work included putting these lines in my Web.config file:


Then, on IIS in Directory Security uncheck the checkbox that allows anonymous authentication, and make certain that only Windows authentication is checked in the access methods section. I've done these things, but since I'm dealing with cross-domain authentication, it's dead in the water. I tried a Google search, and I'll continue with this, but I haven't found anything yet. I'm not incredibly savy when it comes to domain issues, so I might have seen a possible solution and not recognized it.

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