MVC :: Using A NullTempDataProvider Crashes At PossiblyLoadTempData()?

Apr 27, 2010

I'm trying to use a dummy TempDataProvider for some of my controllers.

The provider looks like this.


But I'm getting an error that says

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.PossiblyLoadTempData()

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C# - VS Crashes With RAZOR VBHTML?

Feb 27, 2011

For some reason, with the Razor view engine, VS is crashing on me. I copied the CSHTML content over to a VBHTML file and begin reformatting it, and VS has crashed on me twice now as I change a helper or function method syntax from:

@helper SomeHelper(string text)


@Helper SomeHelper(text As String)

The whole machine must be rebooted to get intellisense/markup highlighing to work.

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How To Prevent Crashes When Parameter Is Null

Feb 18, 2010

i am inserting the value of dynamic controls into the db like so;

Dim ae1 As DropDownList = FindControl("AreasExpertise1")
If (ae1 IsNot Nothing) Then
x.Parameters.AddWithValue("@areasexpertise1", ae1.SelectedValue)
End If

then in my query i have parameters like so;

INSERT INTO [foo] ([etc], [etc], [etc], [areasexpertise1], [areasexpertise2])
VALUES (@etc, @etc, @etc, @areasexpertise1, @areasexpertise2)

When the user fills out the form, they see only areasexpertise1 and have to press a button to dynamically insert another area of expertise...If they only have 1 area of expertise, the query crashes and says 'must declare variable @areasexpertise2.Please can you tell me a way to either insert nulls when the parameters are empty, or to ignore them?

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Installation :: Development Server Crashes On Run?

Apr 29, 2010

One of the projects I'm working on crashes the development server everytime I go to compile and run, or preview a page.

It's only just started happening, and I really need to resolve it.

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.NET Program Fine For 30 Minutes Then Crashes?

Mar 1, 2010

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Web Forms :: CSS For ListView Crashes For FireFox 3.0?

Jul 21, 2010

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Large Table In IFrame Crashes IE8?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a page with an iFrame whose source is an ashx page. The handler takes in 3 arguments through the query string and generates a text/html response containing a table. When the table gets >1700 rows it crashes the IE8 browser. The browser freezes and returns a null reference error.If I take the html that is being rendered and place it inside a DIV on the page it renders fine in IE8.

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MVC :: VS2010 Crashes After Opening Site.Master

Mar 28, 2011

I have web applications which were developed before I installed during mid week last week the SP1 from Web Platform Installer and MVC3. My applications currently still use MVC2. When I open Site.Master, the VS2010 would crash every time and tries to restart. The problem doesn't apply to .aspx, ascx, or other extension. Does anyone have the same problem? Here is what I have done to my computer:

1. Installed MVC3
2. Installed VS2010 SP1 and associated components using Web Platform Installer (install failed several time, but succeed this morning)
3. Modified myProject.csproj file using NotePad to change <mvcBuildViews> from false to true

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AJAX :: PopUpCalender Crashes On Multiple Clicks?

Jun 5, 2010

Ive had problems with the calender throwing an exception when i clicked the previous month to many time to fast. Sometimes it doesnt happen. Is this a known problem? Is there any known typical solution?

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VS2010 Crashes Closing Specific Project?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm working on a "Website Project" (as opposed to an ASP.NET Web Application) which we received from another company as part of an acquisition.In general it works fine, however every time I close the project ("File" -> "Close Project" or just "File" -> "Exit"), the IDE crashes.If I create a new project this doesn't happen, and it doesn't happen for any other project/solution file I have handy.The other information I have that might be useful is that this project may have stared out as a VS2008 project, and previously it was under Microsoft source control (it's under Subversion now).

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C# - Loading Sandbox AppDomain Crashes Debugger?

Mar 2, 2011

I am creating a sandbox AppDomain so I can load up an assembly and release it.

var sandbox = AppDomain.CreateDomain("Sandbox", null,

However when I Load an assembly into to sandbox, the debugger crashes. I am in ASP.NET.

var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(assemblyPath);
var assembly = pluginDomain.Load(assemblyName); // crash here

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Visual Studio :: Worker Process Crashes, Debugging Not Available?

Nov 27, 2010

I made a small app to capture frame from video using, in visual studio, it works fine. however the problem arises when i try to use any other servers, I am currently using iis 7.5, and trying to debug on server, but alas when i reach some region of code the attached w3wp.exe just get detached, the process crashs, no debug available anymore.

Faulting application name: w3wp.exe, version: 7.5.7600.16385, time stamp: 0x4a5bd0eb
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x00000000
Exception code: 0xc0000005

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AJAX :: Why CollapsiblePanelExtender Crashes Every HTML Editor Used Inside It

Mar 28, 2010

Why CollapsiblePanelExtender crashes every HTML editor used inside it

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State Management :: Application Crashes - Lost All Values Of Dropdown

Jul 23, 2010

I have a web form with a whole bunch of drop down lists (mainly) that works perfectly well and has been for some time. However, we've found a scenario that seems to corrupt the viewstate of this form in someway, or cause it to lose it's viewstate. The problem occurs when the user has this form displayed, then clicks on a link that opens up another window. A few more steps to open up a second and third window, followed by a write to the database. Then the user closes these windows down, leaving this original window open. At this point, the user selects something from one of the dropdowns. And the app crashes because the dropdowns have lost all of their values (and so a bit of code that is trying to work with one of the ddl's selectedvalues fails).

When the user selects this dropdown, the page_init event fires, followed by the page_load with postback = true. The dropdowns themselves are defined in the aspx page markup, but the values of them are generated and added in page_load (where postback = false). I've relocated the code to populate these controls to the page_init code and now the app doesn't fall over, because the values are re-populated. However, all of the selectedindexes are being reset, so the original values are lost and the screen redraws after this postback with all of the dropdowns reset.

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Configuration :: Code Works Fine On Test, Crashes On Server?

Nov 5, 2010

I can't believe the number of issues that seem to work fine on test but completely crash and burn on production.I have a situation where the code works fine in the test/development environment, but when you press a button in production, it crashes with:


Its just a button push, that is suppose to rebind a quantity change back to the database that the user has changed in a textbox in Gridview Edit.



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Visual Studio :: VS 2010 Crashes On Adding Class Attribute?

Jul 29, 2010

VS 2010 crashes instantly when I press = when adding the class attribute to anything.

The exact error I get is

Microsoft visual studio 2010 has stopped working.

Adding any other attribute works fine.

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Visual Studio :: Windows XP Crashes On Building Website In VS2008?

Mar 24, 2010

I am ruuning VS 2008 on Windows XP Service Pack 3. The problem I am facing is that my windows crashes after a blue screen whenever I run a website in VS2008.Its only with websites projects in VS2008 but not with WinForms projects. WinForm applications running without any problem.This happens in this sequence that when I run the project, it starts, debugs and port is opened for my project (a popup that comes right near the system clock in taskbar) and suddenly after that a blue screen comes and Windows restarts. After restarting,
a message comes that system has been recovered from a serious, send report to Microsoft blah blah blah...Can anybody figures it out what problem there can be?

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IIS Application Pool Crashes When Create Temp Files In Virtual Directory

Aug 25, 2010

I have static content like html,css javascript stored in DB. when a user requests for these i create a temp file in virtual directory and return the url. My web app is hosted on a IIS server. On some systems on creation of a file my IIS Application pool crashes and restarts. If i disable file-monitoring though the problem is resolved, but i dont have this luxury when i am deplying at the client end. Is there any way by which i can avoid app pool crash during file creation? If not is there any way by which i can serve static content like html, css, images, xml and js without creating temp files. I would need a generalized way of handling all these data types.

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Update Crashes If ID Fields Are Empty?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a Formview control that has several lookup fields. The value is an int ID but the textfield is the name, e.g. value = StateID, displayed text = StateCode)

If the user leaves that field blank, I get a Server Error when attempting to Update: Failed to set one or more properties on type orgOrganization. is not a valid value for Int32.

In the table for the LinqDataSource which provides the data for the Formview, all fields except the text field OrganizationName allow Nulls.

Does anyone know why this might be happening? I tried a test which just has the numbers, no lookups, and get the same result.

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Forms Data Controls :: Chart Control Crashes 3D Stacked Bar Or Column

May 13, 2010

If my dataset contains any null values, then the 3D stacked bar (or column) chart crashes with the "Index is out of range" error.It works fine for 2D for the same data set.

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Visual Studio 2008 IDE Freezes/crashes When Opening .aspx File With Css Included

May 17, 2010

Visual Studio (SP1) runs fine until I try and view .aspx source files with the lines

<style type="text/css">

anywhere in them, upon which it freezes (i.e is totally unresponsive) and I have to use the task manager to shut it down.

I have read a lot of questions about Visual Studio 2008 crashing on viewing some source files. However, I still can't fix this problem.

I have systematically deleted and re-included all other code and it comes down to these two lines, which is very confusing. Sometimes it happens as soon as the lines are added, sometimes it doesn't freeze until I build the solution with any of the problem pages open. I can add external style sheets, and it only started recently.

I had Resharper 4.5 installed and have since uninstalled it, and do not have anything else installed.

Also, it happens to other people with the same source code, and re-installing Visual Studio does not fix the problem. So I have several questions:

Is there any way I can find out what's happening? I don't understand how the code (the css tag itself) could crash Visual Studio, and am thinking that this is unlikely and it must be something else within my solution, would this be a safe assumption? Could this have anything to do with installing Office 2010?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView OnItemCreated Event Crashes When OnPagePropertiesChanging Is Fired

Jan 22, 2011

I have a list view. Its OnItemCreated event works when page loads and items are displayed successfuly. However when, page index changed it says

Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index Followings are my methods:

protected void listview_ShowroomItems_OnPagePropertiesChanging(object sender, PagePropertiesChangingEventArgs e)
pager_ShowroomItems.SetPageProperties(e.StartRowIndex, e.MaximumRows, false);
MembershipUser currUser = Membership.GetUser(User.Identity.Name);


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When Encountering An Access Violation - W3wp.exe Crashes And Restarts Repeatedly Until The Application Pool Is Stopped

Feb 8, 2011

I have a CLR 4 WCF service hosted in IIS 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 R2), using the WebHttp binding (with [WebGet]). The service calls into an unmanaged component implemented in C++ (Visual Studio 2010). I deliberately added an access violation inside the unmanaged component (by calling delete on a pointer repeatedly, calling methods through a deleted pointer, etc.) to test dump file generation settings. The access violation crashes the w3wp.exe process, which is not surprising considering "Corrupted State Exceptions" in CLR 4. However, when the process restarts (due to warmup and always-on settings in IIS), the same request seems to be replayed to the service so that it crashes the w3wp.exe process again. After a few times (governed by the "max failures" application pool setting) the application pool is stopped.

I'm using the browser as the test client, and while the restart sequence is underway the request is still in flight. When the application pool is stopped, the request returns with 503 Service Unavailable. I can work around the problem by placing try...catch block around the code and using the [HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptions] attribute. When I do that, the w3wp.exe process does not crash. However, this is not the desired behavior -- I want the process to crash (an access violation or a memory corruption is bad enough) but I want it to restart into a clean state and not have the request replayed. I was not able to reproduce the problem using the BasicHttp binding.

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AJAX :: GridView Crashes When User Enters Html Open "" Characters In A Textbox?

Sep 17, 2010

My GridView is bound to a sql data source and allows editing of fields. Coding is in C# and JavaScript.

Using Visual Studio 2008 in test mode, if I enter a less-than "<" or greater-than ">" character in a GridView textbox an error is immediately thrown upon pressing enter:

"Microsoft Visual Studio Mirosoft JScript runtime error: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status dode returned from the server was: 500"

When the < or > is entered in production, the page aborts and loads the application start page.

I need to be able to catch and replace those characters BEFORE the error is thrown. I've tried hooking OnTextChange code to the textboxes, but the error is thrown as soon as I press enter...the OnTextChange code never runs.

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AJAX :: ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript Crashes With AJAX

Oct 12, 2010

I have a user control that needs a javascript function so I put my JS code in a variable and used the ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript in Page_PreRender of the control as follows

StringBuilder jscode = new StringBuilder();
jscode.Append(@"<script language=javascript>");
jscode.AppendLine(@"function MyFunc(x) { {alert('hi'); }");

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