Mapping All Requests Except .aspx To A Custom IHttpHandlerFactory

Jul 26, 2010

I have an interesting scenario. Here is what I want to do:1. Map all requests to a custom IHttpHandlerFactory implementation. This is easy enough to do by setting up a * mapping.2. Have requests for .aspx though still go through the default PageHandlerFactory (I think that is what it is called), basically be handled as normal.Is this possible in ASP.NET 4 using IIS 7?My use case is that we are building an RESTful application of sorts that will be serving data back in different formats based on the file extension specified on the url. So for example .xml will be an xml format of the data while html serves an html format.We are using an MVC framework to accomplish this and have this piece all figured out.

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Mapping A Class To A Custom Page Extension?

Mar 3, 2010

What I would like to have is a mapping between a custom file extension to a class that is not System.Web.UI.Page but a class of mine that inherits from System.Web.UI.Page.


*.aspx -> System.Web.UI.Page
*.my -> My.Package.MyClass (inherits from System.Web.UI.Page)

I know I can map any extension to be treated like .aspx but I can't find the way to do what I have in mind.

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ADO.NET :: Mapping Stored Procedure With Custom Entity

Feb 22, 2011

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Make Server Run Aspx Requests With Php

Dec 3, 2010

We are creating a real estate website. The National Franchise site wants to pass us searchs that fall in out local area. The searches MUST follow this format:


The issues is that we have built a site in PHP and buying a windows server and learning aspx seems like overkill for this one script.

So... I think I need to make a redirect, like this:

RewriteRule /propertysearch/findpropreties.aspx$ [R=301,L,QSA]

But it does not work.

In summary:

Does anyone know how to trick the server into running aspx files as php?

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.net - Map All Classic Asp Requests To Default.aspx?

Mar 24, 2011

I'm using and want to add a rule to map all classic asp requests to default.aspx.Unfortunately my attempt below just results in a redirect loop, so I must be doing something wrong.

<add name="LegacyRedirect"

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Testing ASPX Page Performance On Simultaneous Requests

Oct 26, 2010

I have to test my web application for performance when there are simultaneous requests for the web site in my developer machine before deploy in production. How can I achieve this using Visual Studio?.(without using third party tools preferably Visual studio 2010 professional edition

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Custom Principal Reverting To GenericPrincipal On New Requests?

Feb 3, 2011

I'm trying to implement a custom principal and custom identity in a .NET MVC website. I've created a custom principal class which inherits from IPrincipal and a custom identity which inherits from IIdentity.

When a user logs in I set both Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.Current.User to my custom principal. When I view either through the debugger the values are set with all the properties.

However once the request is complete and I try and request any other pages both Thread.CurrentPrincipal and HttpContext.Current.User are of type System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal and not my custom principal.

Do I need to do anything "extra" to get my custom principal out of the thread or HttpContext?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: Set Handler Mapping To Redirect .php File To .aspx File On IIS7?

Mar 15, 2011

Our website used to be a php website, now everything changed to .net, but the customer still want to keep the original php Request url. I want to know How to set Handler mapping on IIS7 to redirect .php file to .aspx file ? In more details, when you click handler mappings on IIS 7.0, what kind of hanlder should you add (add managed handler or add script map or add wild card script map or add module mapping) to redirect .php file to .aspx file?

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Selectively Redirecting HTTP Requests To HTTPS Requests?

Jun 18, 2010

What's the simplest and most effective way to selectively redirect HTTP requests to your ASP.NET page to its HTTPS equivalent? For example, if my page site URL is [URL], I want to redirect some (or all) page requests to [URL] What's the easiest way to do that?

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How To Add A Custom .aspx Into Already Compiled Website

Jan 28, 2011

We have a company product ( website) that gets compiled and distributed to our clients. I need to figure out a way to allow us to add in an ad hoc aspx webpage into the website (so it recognizes the master page, the forms authentication, assemblies, etc) without having to provide them with an un-compiled version of the website product.Is this possible. Is there a better method than having a special compiled version of the website on their server.

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Web Forms :: Custom Views On .aspx Webpage?

Aug 17, 2010

i have a client that needs me to create a custom view on thier webpage similar to Microsoft Word.

It goes about that, when I click on an image it redirects me to another page and must create a custom view for a certain paragraph on that page. I am not sure how to do this and wonder if anyone knows how.

I am using C# programming language if that helps at all. I Heard that using javascript would work but i dont know javascript yet so is there any alternative?

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CSS Getting Distorted While Using The Custom WebUserControl In An ASPx Page?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a very simple Web UserControl derived from System.Web.UI.UserControl. At Design Time the user control looks perfect in the VS2008 Pane with all CSS styles. When I drag n drop this control on an aspx page, the CSS style gets applied but some texts get hidden and the CSS looks distorted.

I have checked the path of the CSS, UserControl and the ASPx page. All are in the same level under root. The aspx page just contains the UserControl in a FORM tag.

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Creating A Custom Tree View In ASPX

Feb 2, 2015

I've created a basic table in SQL,

ID, Foldername, ParentID, parentLevel
1, Domestic, 0,0
2, commercial, 0,0
3, Product, 1,1
4, product, 1,1
5, Item, 3,2
6, product, 2,1
7, item, 6,2

I've created a basic web page to that drills down level by level. that all works fine.

I want to manage this table now in an admin page, and was looking for some kind of tree view type code that will allow a user to expand a level and drill down to sub levels.

Private Sub LoadList()
Litlist.Text = ""
Litlist.Text += "<tr style='background:#808080; color:white; text-align:center'>"
Litlist.Text += "<td>ID</td>"
Litlist.Text += "<td>Name</td>"

[Code] ....

This kinda works but doesn't allow me to expand to create have a collapsible tree view or show/hide TR's. How to do this using a simple table like I have for multiple levels.

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Web Forms :: How To Append Custom String After ASPX In URL

Sep 27, 2013

I hv two pages default.aspx and readall.aspx from default.aspx page i m redirecting to readall.aspx page like this URL>...above last part is used as id which i hv to use in my code;I hv only one button in readall.aspx page nothing else.When i click on this button it is redirecting to readall.aspx/readall.aspx 

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How To Hide Property Of Custom Control In Aspx Page

Feb 8, 2010

I'm writing ASP.NET custom control, and I want it to have a few properties which should be visible only from code behind during run-time - I mean, these properties should not be visible both in a designer and in a aspx code of page containing this control. I've tried to use following attributes:

public List<Item> SomeData

but unfortunately this property is still visible in an Intellisense combobox when editing aspx page. Is it possible to hide this property everywhere besides server-side code ?

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SQL Reporting :: Custom UI For SSRS (Mimic Report.aspx)?

Jun 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a project that will allow users to do the following:. Choose one or more reports from the report library.2. Cycle through each report, choosing the parameter values to use to run each report.3. Generate a pdf containing all of the reports in one large file.4. Download the pdf.I'm handling 1, 3, and 4 just fine but running into some problems with item 2. The multi-select parameters are giving me headaches. Basically I want a page that contains the parameter selection piece of the standard SSRS web interface but instead of "View Report" it would fire off a function I've created that saves the parameter values and then reloads the page for the next report in the list chosen by the userDoes anyone know if the Report.aspx source code is available somewhere? I'm currently using a PopupControlExtender, CheckboxList, and Textbox to try and mimic the functionality of the multi-select parameter interface that's provided by SSRS but am having trouble getting the page to postback when the user clicks outside the list
of parameter values (the default SSRS interface does this).

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Sharepoint Custom Aspx Page With Database Connection?

May 7, 2010

i have created a custom aspx page whithin my sharepoint site with a sql server connection to a database on that server to select data when i view the page it works but when another user tries to view it it gives the following error :Server Error in '/' Application. Login failed for user 'GRINCORGuguK'.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Login failed for user 'GRINCORGuguK'.Source Error: The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>

or:2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:Note that this second technique will cause all files within a given application to be compiled in debug mode. The first technique will cause only that particular file to be compiled in debug mode.Important: Running applications in debug mode does incur a memory/performance overhead. You should make sure that an application has debugging disabled before deploying into production scenario. tack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Login failed for user 'GRINCORGuguK'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +248
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +245


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Web Forms :: Create Custom Aspx Page And Manage In Database?

Jul 28, 2010

I have to create the custom pages/ templates. User has to specify the fields and controls from UI and then we have to display the specified controls on an aspx page. We have mutiple users that are adding their custom fields and controls. How we can manage this data in database? Do we have to create different database for each user or we have to create different tables for each user in a single database? Also, I can go with any other option (XML, Sharepoint etc) so that all the data will be managed in a simpler form.

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Web Forms :: Custom Contol Which Include Textbox And CustomValidator In Aspx Page?

Apr 27, 2010

I have use my custom Contol which include textbox and customValidator in my aspx page.

iv noice it never get into the customValidator function.

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Reference A Control Defined In The Code Behind From The Aspx File

Jul 1, 2010

I have the following Report class that I want to serve as the base class for my pages.

I will have several aspx files MyReport1.aspx, MyReport2.aspx, ... MyReportN.aspx


public class Report : Page
protected readonly ListView reportListView; [code]....

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite Control Which Contains Arbitrary Content Defined In .aspx Of Parent And Thier ViewState

Aug 21, 2010

I want to write own control which can contain other. And I want to define content of the control in the .aspx file where the control is defined. I have written such control. But now I have issue with ViewState of inner controls of my control. The following samle illustrates the issue: I defined two asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1" and ID="ddl2" One of them is inside of my control and other is outside. When posback is occurred asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1 loses state and becomes empty. How to say to store state of inner controls defined by this way?


<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="MyControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="DynamicControls.Controls.MyControl" %>

<div class="box"> [code]....

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Web Forms :: Binding Custom Object To A TextBox In Aspx-file Not In Cs-file?

Aug 14, 2010

A have a custom object - Person in my cs-file and I want to Bind the property Firstname from Person to my textbox txtFirstname in my aspx-file but I cant seem to make it work.

I usually work with webcontrols so its very rare that I get out of my cs-file and use the aspx-file. I can solve my problem by letting my cs-file update the Text-property on my TextBox - but I dont want that I have declared my Person object as protected in my cs-file like this

protected Person myPerson = new Person { Firstname = "Testname" }; and my aspx-file looks like this

<asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstname" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("myPerson.Firstname")%>'></asp:TextBox>

I get nothing in my textbox and I want to use this method to update the text-property for a change - you know just to learn some new and not getting stocked in the cs-file all the time.

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.net - Disabling Authentication For A Single Aspx Page (custom Error Page)?

Mar 29, 2010

I am using a custom error page in IIS 6:<customErrors redirectMode="ResponseRedirect" mode="On" defaultRedirect="Error2.aspx"/>I want to disable authentication for the custom error page because the error being raised is related to an authentication module and I don't want to get into an infinite loop and I want to display a clean error page to the user. I have been trying the following configuration to do that.

<location path="Error2.aspx">
<authentication mode="None"/>


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MVC :: Parameters Not Mapping To Action

Nov 12, 2010

I have a problem getting a (very simple wep app this is) parameter to map into my action. The controller code action:

My global.asax:


Problem: Calling a url like /Ax/Delete/525782 always returns the 'ParameterNotFound'-view. Its been bugging me for several hours

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Mapping Xml Path In A Web Project?

Nov 10, 2010

I am using a xml file to get some values.

I am reading xml like this

Dataset ds = new Dataset();


I want to know that is this a better method to read xml file or storing xml path in web.config file and then using it is a better choice.

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