Populate A Table Using A Dynamic Drop Down List?
Jul 22, 2010
This may or may not be possible but I'm trying my best to find out, I'm a complete novice when it comes to ASP.At the moment I have drafted a basic html page. This page contains a drop down list and several tables all hidden by javascript and then displayed based on the drop down selection (onchange event)I'm trying to convert this into an asp page so that I can dynamically populate the drop down from a table (this will be a list of names)and then based on the drop down selection (onchange does not necessarily have to be used, could maybe use a submit button) will populate a table below the input box with all the information for that name, in many cases this would be multiple rows.
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Jul 2, 2010
Basically I want to populate a drop down list with time slots for a user to select. If the time slot is already recorded in the database table I want to skip that one so it doesn't display as a selection in the drop down list.
So my drop down list looks like;
And then I have setup a datasource (even though I may get rid of it to bind in the code behind file)
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Mar 4, 2010
I'm trying to populate a drop down list from a datatable. Is this correct way of doing it?
public ViewResult Index()
ViewData["CampaignList"] = List;
return View();
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> List
DataTable dt = CampaignRow.GetList(DB, 100, true);
List<SelectListItem> list = new List<SelectListItem>();
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
list.Add(new SelectListItem
Text = Convert.ToString(row["CampaignName"]),
Value = Convert.ToString(row["CampaignId"]),
return list;
how can i stylize drop down list? how can i add an empty first value ie "select campaign"
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Jan 31, 2011
Is it possible to populate the values of a drop down list inside a repeater when the user chooses to activate the drop down list? I have a page that has 2300 rows of data generated by a repeater. The users have the option of showing a drop down list or not. If the drop down list is shown, right now I bind the values in the drop down list at the time the repeater is generated so they are available immediately.However, this adds an additional 2mb of data to the page, which increases the amount if time that it takes to render the page. I am being asked to decrease the page size. The idea they have is that if I only load the first value of the drop down list into the repeater, the amount of data on the page would drop significantly (which it does).
The problem becomes, how do I then load the remaining items into the drop down list when the user SELECTS the drop down list? These aren't static values, they are completely dependent on the data row key, so I have to go out to the DB and get the values for that individual row.I thought maybe AJAX and jquery, but can that be done inside the repeater?Ayone have any ideas as to if/how this could be done? Personally, I think the users should be educated that it is going to take an additional 5 seconds for the page to load if they choose to display the dropdowns, but the business is hesitant to go that route.
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Jan 22, 2011
I have a date and I need to populate a drop-down with the months/years between that date and today. For instance, if that date is 10/14/2010 then the drop-down should contain October 2010, November 2010, December 2010, January 2010.
The way I'm thinking of doing this is to pass that date to a function, loop from today backwards step 1 month while adding each month to a collection until we reach that date and finally return a collection of strings. Then, populate the drop-down control on page load. Finally, use some ajax with a page method to parse back the string and trigger a partial page reload.
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Feb 3, 2011
I'm trying to dynamically populate a drop down box with fields from a SQL Server Database, but I'm having some issues. I am able to get it to work well with only one field, but I need to get display two fields in the ddl. I've seen that you can do it in the command statement, but I have two different data types and I think that causes it to throw an error: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'This is a Title' to data type int.
here is my code:
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May 14, 2010
I am going to add a computed column to a stored procedure that will combine the last and first names of all of the customers in my db. This will be used to populate a drop down list that will allow the user to select a customer so a new record can be entered for that customer.
I was planning on creating this computed column on the procedure that returns all of the customers and all of there information. My db is small so this shouldn't be a big deal, as far as overhead. This doesn't seem like the best approach if the app was using a much larger db. It would unnecessarily return a lot of extra data and make it slower.
I'm curios when a procedure that's dedicated to returning just the customer's first name, last name, and ID should be used, instead of one that returns everything. There are a number of variables that could make this hard to determine, such as number of rows and columns. I wanted to try to get an idea of a cut off point or rule of thumb on this, if possible.
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Mar 17, 2011
This is my first post as a newbie to asp.net.
I am in the process of creating a "news system", you can add, edit and delete news. The news items can be entered into the SQL database and you select a category where you want the news item to go into.
What I want is when someone comes to the "Edit" screen, they have a drop down list and what that does is allows you to select a category for you to edit news items from, so rather than at present having the "Edit" page display all the news items, I want people to be able to choose a category that they can edit news items in.
So far my edit page has a datagrid with the following code:
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Jun 22, 2010
I've got a drop down list that I want to populate with items from a SQL Server database, which I did successfully, but I can't figure out how to write an if statement that will clear the drop down list based on a selected index and repopulate it with data from another table. The drop down list is inside an update panel that auto posts back.
Basically I want to allow the user to choose an item, but rather than populate another drop down list control, i just want to repopulate the current one with new data.I'm guessing that if I want to get data from more than one table the code below isn't going to work for me. Could I get the data from all the tables at once and store each table data in its own variable until I need to use it? (Each table will have under 10 items, in 5 tables.)
Here is the code to get the data from the database:[Code]....
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Dec 21, 2010
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When I choose a Vendor from the ddl, I am able to populate a textbox outside of FormView with the Vendor ID from the ddl. However, what I need to do is populate a textbox within FormView with the Vendor ID. FormView is in Insert Mode by default since my page will be used for Adding Contracts only.
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Feb 8, 2011
I'm trying to populate a dropdown list from a list of existing SQL tables in a database. Does anyone have a code sample for doing this?
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Apr 7, 2010
I want to create a drop down menu in ASP.NET such as this website [URL] when I click on the button or the object I get other links to other pages that I specify by myself. Can anyone show us steps or guide me?
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Oct 19, 2010
i have radio button list ion my web page
<asp:radiobuttonlist id="radio1" RepeatDirection="horizontal" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="radio1_SelectedIndexChanged">
<asp:listitem id="option2" runat="server" value="CarrierCode" Selected=True/>
<asp:listitem id="option1" runat="server" value="ConsolidationName" />
what i am trying to do is load the dropdwon list cboDealers if the first radio buton is selected and load cbocarriercode if the second one is selected
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Sep 6, 2010
I have created a dynamic grid view using Itemplate .now i have also created a dynamic drop down list in the grid . how to create a event handler for on selectedindexchange .
i created a slectedindexchange event but it didnt work .the control never passes to the event ?
what to do create a event handler
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Jul 14, 2010
In my application i used drop down list dynamically so that if i enter the the value in the text box that many drop down list genrated with data from database. if i select the different iteam in the drop down list it will not changed it remains the first iteam of the dropdown list. if i use post back event is true in code part that drop down list is not visible.
nt i = 0; i < rows; i++)
TableRow row = new TableRow();
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
TableCell cell = new TableCell();
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a query give me two column and several rows say 20.
The first column i want to bind with dropdown list and second to textbox.
i would like to dynamically create dropdown list as well as textbox as i do not know how many rows i will get it every time.
My select query is like this -
"select subcatid,categoryname from category where catid=10"
That give me say 12 rows with two columns,i want to select the subcatid and bind it with dropdown list and categoryname to textbox that can be edited by user.
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Aug 4, 2010
i am using SQL table to cascading 3 drop down list. this is search fields for cars by manifacture, model and year. the 2 first ddl has autopostback and AppendDataBoundItems (true) i want the user will select the facture first, then the 2th ddl will display the models of that manifacture and then the year. for the first time its working good, but when i change the manifacture for the second time, in the model i have the new values + the old values, and go on and on, if i select diffrent facture the model ddl have now values of 3 diffrent manifacture,
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Mar 14, 2010
i want data to drop down list using stored procedure .
However im not able to do that.
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Nov 10, 2010
I would like to use a C# foreach loop to access a column in all records in one of two tables that can only be determined at runtime. I have used the foreach command with arrays, but I don't know how to use it with a table in an SQL database. I was using a query command and Reader inside of a do-while loop that fails after all records had been read.
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Apr 16, 2010
I am trying to populate table column names into a dropdown list . how can I query using Linq to SQL to just get the list of few Column names ? in a method in DAL which I can use to load in my UI page !!
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm trying to get a drop down list to select a field from a table.
Below is the code for my existing datagrid. I need the maintenance column on the end to be a drop down box fetching values from a datasource. I can sort the datasource bit myself i think
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Mar 30, 2010
I have a drop down list that has the initials of about 12 of our sales guys.How can I make it so that when they select their initials from the list, the next drop down list only shows their customers.In my database there is a column for customer name and salesman.
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Sep 7, 2010
am creating dynamic rows in a table from List<Productos> but this list have repeats same objects depending of quantity for one product.
I like that the products are not repeated but instead that show the quantity in a label.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have a datagrid that populates correctly and a drop down list.
I have a table with (below) and it popluates a drop down and works properly.
UploadFile -- UploadFileTypeID
-Select 0
Images 1
Spreadsheets 2
Documents 3
Inside the datagrid sort command I want an IF statement. But the IF statement I have now doesn't recoginze whats inside the SQL table ( == "Images").
I have this...
From my understanding this if (ddl_Upload.SelectedValue == .... Is only recognized if I would have listed -Select, Images etc as List Items for the drop down???
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Mar 12, 2010
How can I have 2 Cascading Drop Down Lists for the same Drop Down List?here is my problemi have 3 drop down lists read from database1- Schools List 2- Classes List3- Teachers ListEvery School will have more than 1 Class and more than 1 TeacherWhat I want is when user select a School from Schools Drop Down List then BOTH (Classes and Teachers) should be refreshed based on the School Drop Down List
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