SQL Reporting :: Getting "Service Unavailable" Error?

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to setup and run a instance of SSRS. Everything through the configuration manager seems to be setting up properly, but when I try and go to the ReportManager I get a "Service Unavailable" error. I have tried eveything uder the moon to fix this issue. This is on a clients network. I have tried to run this under nerwork service, local service, local system and nothing seems to work. I have also went to component manager and added some permissions there. Any other suggestions as to what this might be? I have setup quite a few SSRS's for clients and have never run into this problem before.

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Getting Service Unavailable Error When Browsing IIS Website?

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I have a website in IIS 6.0 using an application pool with a custom service account. when I browse the website, I get an error "service unavailable" and the error in event log says "The identity of application pool 'SampleAppPool' is invalid, so the World Wide Web Publishing Service can not create a worker process to serve the application pool. Therefore, the application pool has been disabled". I think the utility "Aspnet_regiis" can be used to grant access to an account to IIS metabase according to the article [URL but is that the right way to fix this issue? because this utility is used for multiple things and may do more than just granting the permissions to the account, or should I just add the account manually to "IIS_WPG" group?

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"Server Application Unavailable

The web application you are attempting to access on this web server is currently unavailable. hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.

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Annual Appraisal Probation Appraisal
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SQL Reporting :: PDF Rendering Fails With Reporting Service For Some JPG Images?

Jun 13, 2010

I am using Microsoft SQL server 2008 reporting service to generate PDF reports for my application.All was working fine, until I start to get the following error. I came to know after some google that this is because of some JPG images having metadata. If I have png image then its fine, but for me to convert these jpg to png is not an option, since all I have available is JPG.I installed service pack 1 as well, but its same. I have following SQL server installed.

SQL Server 2008 (SP1) - 10.0.2531.0 (X64) Mar 29 2009 10:11:52 Copyright (c) 1988-2008 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.0 <X64> (Build 6002: Service Pack 2)"

I found few solutions like mentioned here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/967618 But thats for 2005. Surprisingly, already solved error for 2005 coming for 2008.

Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: value
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative
number required.
Parameter name: value

Source Error: An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace: [ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Non-negative number required.
Parameter name: value]
System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Position(Int64 value) +10435528

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Mar 28, 2011

i am trying to call a report with a ReportViewer control using this code:


but i am having this error

Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.MissingReportSourceException = the source of the report definition has not been specified.

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SQL Reporting :: Reporting Services Error?

Aug 23, 2010

This is the error I m getting. Can anyone tell me what exactly the problem isAn error occurred during local report processing.An error has occurred during report processing.Query execution failed for dataset "DataSet1".ExecuteReader : CommandText property has not been initialized.

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SQL Reporting :: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute Or RSClientController Undefined - Error "Type Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider Cannot Be Instantiated Under A Partially Trusted Security Policy"

Feb 26, 2010

first of all: this probelm was already an issue in [URL] but it does not resolve my problem: I have VS2008 and SQL Server 2008 Express with Adv. Option istalled. When compiling a page with the reportviewer control I get the error Type 'Microsoft.Reporting.RdlBuildProvider' cannot be instantiated under a partially trusted security policy (AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute is not present on the target assembly). C:websitesadAgencyweb.config

From the obove mentioned post I learned to use <trust level="Full" /> in the web.config file (which I never used on other Implementations that work). Now the compilation works, but when I start the web application and call that page I get a lot of JScrip Errors like: Runtime error in Microsoft JScript: 'RSClientController' is undefined, which comes from a line in the dynamic page.aspx file: document.getElementById('ctl00_maincontent_ReportViewer1').ClientController = new RSClientController "ctl00_maincontent_ReportViewer1_ctl03", "ReportFramectl00_maincontent_ReportViewer1", ...

I should mention, that I had SQL Server 2005 Express uninstalled before the 2008 version.

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VS 2010 - Web Service Runs Locally But When Deployed Has Error Could Not Create Type Service

May 24, 2012

I developed a web service in VS2010 on my local machine, wrote a consumer of it also locally, and that all works.

I copied the dll and the asmx file to our server, and I am getting an error when I try to invoke it from a browser (also still on the server machine) to make sure it correctly exposes its web methods, but it is not, it is saying "Could not create type 'Service'". That error comes from this line:

Line 1: <%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WarrantyDuplicate.cs" Class="Service" %>
There other web services in the same folder on the server that all work fine so I don't believe it's an IIS setup thing.

This is my first web service in C# and when I created it in VS I did think it odd that the code behind file went into App_Code (as you can see from the line in the asmx file) and is just named dot-cs rather than asmx-dot-cs. But since it worked fine locally, I wasn't sure that mattered.

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WCF / ASMX :: "Service Error - Web Service Failure

Feb 2, 2011

I am keep getting an error that "Service Error : wbsTest failed" where wbsTest is my webservice.

The error comes up frequently enough for the user - normally reproducible within a minute or so of working with an application.

A bit of background: An user is a remote user accessing application hosted on our servers over https. He is software firewalled and his connection isn't the fastest but it is responsive enough. When errors do not present themselves, page loads are fairly quick.

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