SQL Server :: Multiple Users Inserting Values In The Same Table At Same Time?

Dec 15, 2010

I have one SP in sql server which takes the data from user and inserts into three tables. My problem is if multiple users call the same SP in same time it throwing error..(I guess one user at a time can access the table and table will be locked, that is why remaning users getting error)how to handle this situation. it is a web application, so at a time so many people can call the same SP.How can many users insert data in the same table in the same time?

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Inserting Records From Multiple Computers In The Same Database At The Same Time In SQL Server 2005?

Nov 12, 2010

I have a web portal designed in ASP.NET in which we ask customers to enter the data. On the click of submit button all i have done is, just read the data and called a stored procedure which inserts that into a table. There seems to be a problem in SQL Server 2005 while inserting the data from multiple computers at the same time. We have tested in our lab with three computers, result is that we get the data inserted successfully in only one machine and on the other two machines we get error on page. I have used transactions in the stored procedure and also tried setting the isolation levels to READ_UNCOMMITTED, SERIALIZABLE and SNAPSHOT. Nothing seems to work properly.

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SQL Server :: Write A Stored Proc To Prevent Multiple Users In Uploading The Reports At A Time?

Aug 11, 2010

I wanted to know how to prevent more than one user from uploading the report at a time .

This is a Windos based app written in c# . When User A clicks Upload option on one server from the menu to upload the files and at the same time when User B clicks Upload option on different server , User B should be alerted a message saying "User A's uploading is in progress,pls wait" . How to achieve this, with the code..I am thinking this logic should be kept in a stored proc, How do I write that proc?

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SQL Server :: XML With PrimaryKey Values To Delete Rows In Database Table At A Time?

Oct 25, 2010

I'm having a gridview in my aspx page with checkbox, User can select one or more than one record(s) at a time and clicks on delete button, Then i'm constructing an object of my DTO and adding all the checked row's Primary Key (DataKeyNames - GUID's in case) to a serializable class and generating an XML and sending it as parameter to the Stored Procedure.

My Doubt is, can i bulk delete all the rows from database table those are present in my XML document??

If it works, I can do bulk update with XML only, i already did bulk insertion by generating an XML..

My Another Question is, Will it affect the performance? Each time when i construct an DTO object and adding it to the Generic List??

WHich one is better, I mean ObjectDataSource or SQLDataSource or my XML method?

My XML will be like this


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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Multiple Values?

Apr 8, 2010

generating logic for follwing:An option to add a range of computers based on tag numbers, for instance, user input 800101 and 800110 would add computers SYS800101, SYS800102, SYS800103, SYS 800104, SYS800105, SYS800106, SYS800107, SYS800108, SYS800109, and SYS800110. Currently the app adds a single computer at a time.Here I am using ASP.NET using C# and my backend in active directory. I had made the following code and the problem is when I enter the range like given above only the first computer in entered in the list and does not give me any error.


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Forms Data Controls :: Date Time In Text Box Not Inserting Into Database Table?

Mar 13, 2010

In short, I have 3 text box fields on an .aspx page named as follows:-


in addition a sql datasource is on the page which is connected to the incident table with an insert query which allows the data entered into the fields to be inserted into the database...

The Textboxincident and textboxdescription fields allow the user to enter data into them...

the TextBoxDate field is a read only and the code behind file enables the text box to show the current date and time the code im using is shown below...

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

Dim TextBoxDate As TextBox
TextBoxDate = FormView1.FindControl("TextBoxDate")
TextBoxDate.Text = DateTime.Now
End Sub

When run in browser the textboxdate field shows the current date and time...and Once the textbox incident and text box description fields have been filled in and the submit button is clicked, the fields should be bound to MS SQL table called Incident. This did work before, however it as suddenly stopped working and now displays the following message to me:-

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime. The statement has been terminated.

View 2 Replies

MVC :: Update Multiple Users At A Time?

May 21, 2010

I have to update the users based on input value..

here is my code..


here i have two textboxes and two dropdown list boxes.. this is the fiedlset user is going to enter their information..


on the same page i have couple of other Fieldset with there studentInfo with twotextboxes and two dropdownlistboxes smililarly above Fieldset..this data dynamically generated from database for each users.

so all here my intension is insted of updating each and every Fieldset i made one generic fieldset to update all other Fieldsets information

on the Generic view I have this BeginForm

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Update", "home", FormMethod.Post,
new { @id="studentid"}))
{ %>

my JsonResult is

public JsonResult Update(StudentBE e)
var UStatus = Generic.UpdateStudent(e.student,"","");
return Json(UStatus.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
return Json(ex.ToString());

using this I can update only one user perfectly but I need to loo update all users based on generic Filedset values?

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Multiple Selections Into A Table?

Feb 3, 2010

Using SQL Server 2008, C#, .Net 3.5

I have two tables - Reports, Usage

Report table:

Usage table:

What I want to do is make a page that will list all the reports in the Reports table and have a checkbox next to each name. A user can check each report they use and when they click "submit" it will insert each ReportID into the Usage table.I'm guessing that I should use a GridView to display all the Reports?How would I make it so that the "submit" button would insert each "checked" record into the Usage table?

View 8 Replies

C# - Error When Multiple Users Access Web App At The Same Time?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm using .Net 2008 and Oracle 10g as my database. The problem I'm getting is after deploying the application in IIS, when multiple users access the same page at a time i'm getting the error. Can't get the output.

Note: Both the users accessing the same page, same menu at a time.

How can I resolve this?

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Row In A Gridview And Send The Row Values To Database Table

Apr 27, 2010

I want to insert Data Rows into Gridview from web page and I want to send the Inserted Row to Database table.

So I have 3 columns to insert the row.

I added itemtemplate & fotter template with textbox control for each column Inside Templatefield.

I added two buttons [Insert & Cancel buttons ] in fotter template to insert the row in Gridview.

After debugging the page I can't see gridview in my webpage. i can see only EdItdatatemplate items only.Why ?

Can you look at my code & me to insert the records in gridview..

.aspx page,




View 7 Replies

Web Forms :: Multiple Users Accessing Web Service Or Web Page At Same Time

Dec 14, 2010

i am still relatively new to web development and have been encountering some issues when multiple users click a button at the same time.

i was wondering what could be causing this as i have already removed all static variables realiseing that was a mistake and replaced them with viewstates were needed then sessions when moving across pages

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C# - Selecting Multiple Table Values And Binding The Data Into Multiple Grids?

Oct 5, 2010

i have multiple tables .

I have created one stored procedure where I am selecting the table values.



I am using LINQ to retrieve the Data. So Using Linq I am calling the stored procedure.

So I ll get the table values in the C# Code the table values.

so in my UI i have 4 gridviews.

I want split the output values into four source and bind it to the grid.

View 1 Replies

SQL Server :: Setting Or Inserting Initial Value In Time (7)

Jan 4, 2011

I have a Time(7) feild in my table that needs a default value of 0. How do I set this?

I tried to do it like this:

Dim DFTSVal as Timespan = 0

then insert the new record? But that was a no-go

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VS 2008 Multiple Users Using The App Will The Variable Get Overwritten Each Time A User Calls It?

Jul 19, 2010

If I declare a public variable in my module then publish it out on the server...then have multiple users using the app will the variable get overwritten each time a user calls it?

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SQL Server :: Inserting Whole Data Table Into Another

Oct 22, 2010

If I create a data tabe in C# like so:

datatable t = new DataTable;
DataColum C1 = new DataColum;//ID column
//the same with column C2

Then I fill up the table with some data. Then the goal is to either insert this data or update data in an SQLtable in SQL. If the data is inserted, the ID column in t would be empty, if updated, it would not be. So in the insertion case, the sql query needs to make sure that unique IDs are assigned during insertion, in the update case, it just has to look for the right IDs.How to go about this? Asking because I am only familiar with updating and inserting single lines into a table. One could loop in C# over the datatable t of course and insert or update line by line, but this would probably be slow. Is there a way to write an SQL query like this somehow:

Insert Into SQLTable Values (@t)
And Update like this:
Update SQLTable SET ... Where C1 = @t.C1
Or something like that.
I know that SQL server can create automatic update and insert queries and that you can then type things in C# like


But, this has proven to be super slow on our server, for unknown reasons. I have asked on this forum and got some answers from experts, but was not able to srot out the problem. How can we write a custom SQL query that allow updating and inserting a whole table, instead of just one line at a time?

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DataSource Controls :: Multiple Users Updating The Same Table Simultaneously?

Apr 19, 2010

In general, If multiple users thru an application try to update the same tables in database simultaneously, then by default on what basis the priority will be given.Like if we don't have any extra logic for the locking implemented.

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SQL Server Deadlock While Inserting Rows In A Table

Oct 15, 2010

The topic of sql server deadlock has been discussed many times, however, I was unsure that even two simultaneous inserts on a table can end up in a deadlock situation. Scenario: While testing our application (SQL Server 2005 as backend, ASP.net 3.5) we inserted records into a table simultaneously (simplified overview) and that resulted into a deadlock for more than 70% of users.

I could not get a hang of this as how an insert is being deadlock as this is not a case of multiple resources. After a detailed analysis (of reproducing the bug by two users) I found that both the processes were holding a RangeS-S lock on the primary key index of the table and were trying to convert this into RangeI-N lock, that resulted into a deadlock and one transaction being killed.

Question: Can we avoid or reduce these kind of deadlocks as this is not a case of change in order of access of resources? Cant' we force the transaction to get exclusive lock initially so that it blocks the other process and avoid deadlock? What (adverse) effects that may have? Also could some one explain more about RangeI-N lock.

Isolation Level for this was "Serializable".

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Datatable Values Into MS SQL Server DB

Feb 7, 2011

I have a 3 column datatable in a session. I know I can use DataAdapter to do the insert but i only need to insert 2 of the columns.

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SQL Server :: Inserting Multiple Records Under The Single Query?

Sep 9, 2010

I have to insert a multiple records under the single table.So i have to execute the command in the frontend for every records.

Inorder to avoid i write the query like this

insert into table1(field1,field2) values('1','Test1'),('2','Test2');

and also i tried

insert into table1(field1,field2)

SELECT "1","Test1"

Union all

SELECT "2","Test2"

But I am getting syntax error.

How to insert a multiple records under the single query?

View 4 Replies

SQL Server :: Inserting Records Into Table Which Is Dynamically Created?

Sep 16, 2010

I have created table into database dynamicaly,while inserting records into that dynamic table i faced problem.

The name "STD000001" is not permitted in this context. Valid expressions are constants, constant expressions, and (in some contexts) variables. Column names are not permitted. this error occured.

I created dynamic table by ,

declare @STUDENT_Table varchar(50)
set @STUDENT_Table = [dbo].[GetStudentTable](@SchoolID)
exec (@cmd)

this stored procedure.....

Should i give any permission while creating dynamic table.

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Date Values Into Sql Server 2008?

May 28, 2010

I have 3 dropdownlist with day,month(e.g Jan, Feb...) and year value. However I am getting an error from my code when trying to insert the concantenated values into a date field in sql server 2008.

My code:


View 9 Replies

MVC :: How To Insert One Data Into Table Multiple Time

Jul 21, 2010

When the user clicks submit I want to insert the data into database table multiple time (depend on one field of data) in one go. Of course primary key will be different

I am using Oracle and here is my example code it maybe help you to understand what is my problem:

(I bolded important part of code and sorry for bothering so many code and image but THANK YOU VERY MUCH!)

Following code is in Controller: [Code]....

Following code is in Facade:public void FreeTicketAdd(FreeTicket _FreeTicket, decimal _UserId)

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DataSource Controls :: Looping Through Textbox Values And Inserting Into SQL Server Via Stored Procedure

May 9, 2010

I have a database table as follows:


This table receives data from my web application via a stored procedure, snippet pasted below:


In my quote.aspx page, I have a wizard control that collects numerous data points. In one of the wizard steps, I have 20 textbox controls for PartNumbers and 20 textbox controls for respective Quantity.

Question:How do I write a for..each loop that checks for values in my Part Number and Quantity fields and inserts them via my SQLDataSource?

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server Deadlock / Only Inserting/updating Data Into A Table

Jun 11, 2010

I m getting following error in my eventvwr . I couldnt find reasons of the following error.

"Transaction (Process ID 110) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. "

The only thing my page is doing is inserting/updating data into a table in sql and the thing I can think of is because multiple users are using the same page to insert/update data? Will that cause deadlock?

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SQL Server :: Reading Xml File And Inserting Data Into A Tsql Table (no Duplicates)?

Feb 25, 2011

I am writing code to insert values from an xml file. I check for a duplicate before inserting and delete if there is a match. Is there a more effecient way to prevent duplicates before insert a record? my code: private void LoadFData() { SqlConnection oConn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString); SqlCommand oCommand = new SqlCommand(); oCommand.Connection = oConn; oCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text; oConn.Open(); // Load committee master files string[] strFiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles("fff", "ffff.dta", System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); for (int i=0; i

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