SQL Server :: Data Export With Bcp With Respect To Char Data Type?

Feb 1, 2011

There are 2 tables in sql server 2008. I am updating 2nd table with 1st table data. one of the column data type in the 1st table is char(10) and the same field in other table is varchar(10).

On updation I m using bcp utility to export to txt file from table 2.

But data exported is exported with spaces at the end.

Is there any way to remove these spaces.

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The error appears:

"DataBinding: 'System.Char' does not contain a property with the name 'Firstname'."

Here's my gridview:


Here's my code behind:


The error occurs when the selected index of the DDL is 1 and I have to bind it in an accessdatasource. First condition is working fine where I will check a value and put all items that matched the date criteria in a data table and then bind gridview in the data table.

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AccessDataSource1.SelectCommand = "Select Firstname,Middlename,Lastname,Jobseeker.IdNo,SchDate,Time,Venue,JobPosting.JobCode,JobTitle from JobPosting INNER JOIN (Jobseeker INNER JOIN ApplicationProgress ON Jobseeker.IdNo = ApplicationProgress.IdNo) ON JobPosting.JobCode
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What I'm currently doing is the following:

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I'm using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Edit: I'm working with 10.000+ rows per sheet.

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the error is:DataBinding: 'System.Char' does not contain a property with the name 'hotelname'.

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