Web Forms :: How To Store Data In Database / Without Changing Table Structure

May 28, 2010

In my form there are about 6 parameters and two of them have multiple values, upto 6. I'm imposed by the restrictions that I can't change the table structure. The table have 8 fields one for ID as primary key, one for foreign key and other to store data. The two fields which have multiple values are color and size. A size may have different colors and vice versa.

The programmer which have developed the site earlier used a stored procedure to store the data in database. And he implemented the above scenario one by one for each color/size. Now I have to put all in one.

How can I do this. As I can't change the table structure at current moment as this will disturb the whole E-commerce site.

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May 14, 2010

I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.

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And this is my error:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.

The statement has been terminated.

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So I want to just have 1 controller called main and then have my view folders organised like this..../Views/Main/en/Index.cshtml/Views/Main/fr/Index.cshtml I have tried creating a custom view engine but i don't know how to access the countrycode route value because none of the examples show how to do this.

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1.store them in the file system of web server and put the url in the table?
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C# - Store Dynamically Changing Data Into Server Cache?

Apr 7, 2010

EDIT: Purpose of this Website: Its called Utopiapimp.com. It is a third party utility for a game called utopia-game.com. The site currently has over 12k users to it an I run the site. The game is fully text based and will always remain that. Users copy and paste full pages of text from the game and paste the copied information into my site. I run a series of regular expressions against the pasted data and break it down. I then insert anywhere from 5 values to over 30 values into the DB based on that one paste. I then take those values and run queries against them to display the information back in a VERY simple and easy to understand way. The game is team based and each team has 25 users to it. So each team is a group and each row is ONE users information. The users can update all 25 rows or just one row at a time. I require storing things into cache because the site is very slow doing over 1,000 queries almost every minute.

So here is the deal. Imagine I have an excel EDIT(Excel is just an example of how to imagine it, I don't actually use excel) spreadsheet with 100 columns and 5000 rows. Each row has two unique identifiers. One for the row it self and one to group together 25 rows a piece. There are about 10 columns in the row that will almost never change and the other 90 columns will always be changing. We can say some will even change in a matter of seconds depending on how fast the row is updated. Rows can also be added and deleted from the group, but not from the database. The rows are taken from about 4 queries from the database to show the most recent and updated data from the database. So every time something in the database is updated, I would also like the row to be updated. If a row or a group has not been updated in 12 or so hours, it will be taken out of Cache. Once the user calls the group again via the DB queries. They will be placed into Cache.

The above is what I would like. That is the wish.In Reality, I still have all the rows, but the way I store them in Cache is currently broken. I store each row in a class and the class is stored in the Server Cache via a HUGE list. When I go to update/Delete/Insert items in the list or rows, most the time it works, but sometimes it throws errors because the cache has changed. I want to be able to lock down the cache like the database throws a lock on a row more or less. I have DateTime stamps to remove things after 12 hours, but this almost always breaks because other users are updating the same 25 rows in the group or just the cache has changed.This is an example of how I add items to Cache, this one shows I only pull the 10 or so columns that very rarely change. This example all removes rows not updated after 12 hours:

DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["GetRows"] != null)


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for refference in my application


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orderid int primary key autoincrement
productname nvarchar
price nvarchar
quantity nvarchar
total nvarchar

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Store Multiple Rows In A Table From Gridview

Apr 9, 2010

iam using asp.net2.0 with c#

in my gridview iam at page load event iam displaying data from view.my 1st column in the gridview is checkbox, when user selects the checkbox and iam using paging in gridview, when user selects the checkbox and selects the rows from first page or from any page, that have to be stored in database.

in my database the table contains

orderid int primary key autoincrement
productname nvarchar
price nvarchar
quantity nvarchar
total nvarchar

when user selects the rows then in database how to store multiple rows in that table field

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In classic ASP I would write some logic to get a nice menu on the site, but now with the Menu-control, it's as easy as it gets.. Maybe to easy. I can't quite figure out how I would do this.. I have a multilevel navigation structure (from a database) that I want to put into the Menu-control, but I don't know which approach is the best/easiest way for me..

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DataSource Controls :: New Structure Of SQL Server Table?

Jun 14, 2010

I have a table named Transactions in which there are Four Coulmns

ID, TransactionsID, LablelName , Data

In Current scenario all the Data is containing in the above table for example

ID, TransactionsID, LablelName , Data
1, 1, CustomerID, 1
2, 1, CustomerName, John Smith

and so on ...

Columns are only four and data is increasing in Row Format.

Clear me advantages and disadvantages

is this datastructure entry or logic is correct or what are the drawbacks of using this technique?

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Security :: Userid Of Newly Created User / To Store Additional Details Of The User In Another Database Table

Nov 10, 2010

Our application lets the administrator create new users. Since the administrator is logged in, I have set Logincreateduser = false so that the administrator is not logged out even after creating the new user.

The problem is :I need the userid of the newly created user to store additional details of the user in another database table. I see that i can get the username using Createuserwizard1.username; but how do I get the userID?

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Restoring Dynamically Created Javascript Table Structure

Feb 9, 2011

On runtime I am creating table structure using javascript and appending it to the div which is placed in an update panel. Problem here is, when I use asp.net button control, onClick of the button it posts the page to server and whatever javascript tables I have created it goes off. When I use html input button (input type="button") I don't face this problem and tables also stay there. But I have to use asp.net button to take necessary actions on the server side. Is there any way that I can restore the structure or use asp.net button control alongwith dynamic javascript.

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Creating A TreeView Nested Structure Using Self Referencing Table?

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to create a TreeView nested structure with the use of self referencing table fields. Here is a simple example:

Category 1
Product 1
Toy 1
Toy 2
Product 2
Toy 3
Toy 4

more categories.. The database table has a single table called "Category". The ParentCategoryId points to the Category which is the parent. So, for the Category 1 the ParentCategoryId is null since it is parent. For Product 1 the ParentCategoryId is that of the Category 1 id and for Toy 1 the ParentCategoryId is that for the Product 1 id.

I am using the following code but it does not generate the TreeView (ASP.NET) successfully.

public void BuildTree(List<Category> categories, TreeNode treeNode)
if (treeNode == null) return;[code].....

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Then I have one more. SizeId and ColorId can be null in db. That is not good when I try to receive those rows.


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May 14, 2010

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Mar 1, 2011

I need to read and store data from tableOne, then insert those data to tableTwo.

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