Web Forms :: Can Validators Automatically Prevent Database Entry If Triggered

Nov 8, 2010

When I use RequiredFieldValidator inside a DetailsView control field template, it automatically prevented DetailsView from inserting new records into the database, when triggered. JavaScript was disabled.

I'm a bit surprised and I'd like to know whether this is caused by the validator or is there a built-in feature in DetailsView that prevents database from being updated if some validators on the page are triggered?

If so, how is it possibly implemented (e.g. inside when eventhandler)?

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Postback Not Being Triggered On Button Click When Using Validators

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How To Prevent The Entry Of Two Characters Together

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Here is the regex I'm currently using:


I'm using a asp.net textbox that is set to multiline so I have to allow for
and or what's the point of using a multiline textbox :)

I want to keep the user from entering &# together but allow them to enter text with & or # in it and allow all of the characters a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*_=+~''"";:,

A valid text entry would be as follows:

I have a question about my order. The order number is 12345.

An invalid text entry would be as follows:

I am trying to keep the user from entering &# in the textbox, but I want to allow them to enter & or #.

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Feb 15, 2011

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Green Flag (WBGTI of 80 to 84.9 degrees F): Heavy exercises, for unacclimatized personnel, will be conducted with caution and under constant supervision.

Yellow Flag (WBGTI of 85 to 87.9 degrees F): Strenuous exercises or physical labor will be curtailed for unacclimatized, newly assigned personnel in their first 3 weeks. Avoid outdoor classes or work in the sun.

Red Flag (WBGTI of 88 to 89 degrees F): All PT or very strenuous work will be curtailed for those not thoroughly acclimatized by at least 3 weeks. Personnel not thoroughly acclimatized may carry on limited activity not to exceed 6 hours per day.

Black Flag (WBGTI of 90 and above degrees F): All nonessential physical activity will be halted.

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Jan 13, 2011

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Jan 31, 2011

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Jan 8, 2011

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Web Forms :: How To Send Mail Automatically Based On Date Saved In Database

May 21, 2013

I want to send clients remainder automatically when he set remainder for particular date. mail automatically send to his mail on that day.

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Web Forms :: Automatically Generate Auto Incremented Code From Database In TextBox

Oct 25, 2012

How to generate a employee code in textbox automatically while in run time  in web application.......when i run the page it will check the employee code in the database and it automatically shows the next value in the textbox how?  

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Forms Data Controls :: Database Is Updated The Updation Must Be Availabe To All The Users Automatically

Jul 29, 2010

Lets take an example of online ticket booking system. Many users could be booking the tickets at any point of time. a GridView displays the list of Allotted and Free seats If a seat gets booked, this information must get updated in all the opened pages in user's browser. User need not require to refresh the page to see if a seat is booked or not Should i put GridView in update panel and keep looking into the databse constantly ??? This could turn out to be a heavy work if databse is too large any other alternative?? or should i stick with the above approach....?

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