How To Prevent The Entry Of Two Characters Together

Feb 16, 2010

I want to prevent the entry of two characters together but I want the user to be able to enter one or the other as well as use the enter key. I would like to use a white list instead of black listing characters. The regular expression also needs to support a min and max length. I'm doing client side validation using the asp:regularexpression control. I do not want to have to do server side validation unless that's the only solution to this problem. Has anyone else run into this?

Here is the regex I'm currently using:


I'm using a textbox that is set to multiline so I have to allow for
and or what's the point of using a multiline textbox :)

I want to keep the user from entering &# together but allow them to enter text with & or # in it and allow all of the characters a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*_=+~''"";:,

A valid text entry would be as follows:

I have a question about my order. The order number is 12345.

An invalid text entry would be as follows:

I am trying to keep the user from entering &# in the textbox, but I want to allow them to enter & or #.

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function Count(x) {
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