Web Forms :: Prevent Entry Of Everything Else Except Numbers Between 0 And 120

Mar 18, 2010

I have a text box (txtbx1) and a button(btnadd). Id like to use a regular expression validator or of some sort to prevent the user from continuing on the form unless its a number entered.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: RegularExpressionValidator To Prevent Numeric Entry Not Working

Jan 9, 2011

I have a 'City' TextBox on one of my web pages but people from many European countries sometimes prefix the city name with the postcode instead of putting it in my dedicated 'Postcode/ZIP' TextBox. I have therefore just added a new RegularExpressionValidator to this TextBox. Its purpose is to prevent the user from entering any numeric characters but allow everything else. After browsing for a suitable regex (I am not a regex expert), I found the following code that was claimed to do what I want.


Unfortunately, the RegularExpressionValidator does not work as expected. Instead of just rejecting numeric characters it appears to reject everything! Where might I be going wrong?

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Web Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Entry Into Aspnet_profile Table Through CreateUserWizard?

Jul 29, 2010

Is it possible to setup the CreateUserWizard to check for a duplicate entry in the aspnet_profile table (for a custom field) before the new user is created? For example, if I added a phone number field and wanted to make sure nobody else could create an account using that same phone number if a user already has an account with that phone number in the aspnet_Profile table's PropertyValuesString row?

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Web Forms :: Can Validators Automatically Prevent Database Entry If Triggered

Nov 8, 2010

When I use RequiredFieldValidator inside a DetailsView control field template, it automatically prevented DetailsView from inserting new records into the database, when triggered. JavaScript was disabled.

I'm a bit surprised and I'd like to know whether this is caused by the validator or is there a built-in feature in DetailsView that prevents database from being updated if some validators on the page are triggered?

If so, how is it possibly implemented (e.g. inside when eventhandler)?

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How To Prevent The Entry Of Two Characters Together

Feb 16, 2010

I want to prevent the entry of two characters together but I want the user to be able to enter one or the other as well as use the enter key. I would like to use a white list instead of black listing characters. The regular expression also needs to support a min and max length. I'm doing client side validation using the asp:regularexpression control. I do not want to have to do server side validation unless that's the only solution to this problem. Has anyone else run into this?

Here is the regex I'm currently using:


I'm using a asp.net textbox that is set to multiline so I have to allow for
and or what's the point of using a multiline textbox :)

I want to keep the user from entering &# together but allow them to enter text with & or # in it and allow all of the characters a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*_=+~''"";:,

A valid text entry would be as follows:

I have a question about my order. The order number is 12345.

An invalid text entry would be as follows:

I am trying to keep the user from entering &# in the textbox, but I want to allow them to enter & or #.

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C# - Prevent Entry Of HTML Into Web Form Textbox?

Sep 2, 2010

I have several text boxes in an ASP.NET Web Form. I want to ensure that users are not entering HTML into those text boxes. However, I'm not sure how to prevent HTML from being entered. Because of this, I decided that I want to only allow alphanumeric characters, spaces, exclamation point, sharp sign, dollar signs, percentage signs, carets, stars, and left and right parenthesis. I'm omitting the ampersand because I do not want them entering something like "<script&rt;..."

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Prevent URL Entry And Redirect The User To Login Page?

Oct 26, 2010

I am using forms authentication on ASP.NET. If I try to access a page by copying the query string and pasting it into the browser, it allows me access to the page. How can this be prevented? I want the user to always have to login.

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Data Controls :: Prevent Default Formatting On Numbers When Exporting GridView To Excel File

Feb 1, 2013

I my exporting data through dataset to excel. But one column say awb no having datatype nvarchar contains long int no say : 123456789012345.

Then instead of displaying this no in numeric format(123456789012345) it is displaying in exponent form(1.23457E+19).

Is there any way to stop this i want data in numeric format (like this 123456789012345).

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How To Make A UI With A Panel Of Numbers / Highlighted Numbers

Feb 15, 2011

I would like to to make a UI with a panel of numbers, and when hovered above one of them ten the number becomes larger. something like that:


I want that when I press a numbers it shows it's value in some other textbox. In which .NET technology is it possible to do it? Windows Forms? WPF? other?

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Web Forms :: Log Entry From Any Page?

May 15, 2010

I want to log some user actions in the appication I'm writing. I would like to call a sub routine from any page that takes a few parameters and inserts that information into my table.

I know how to do the database interaction, I'm just not real sure where I write the sub routine so that all pages have access to it.

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Dec 6, 2010

i need textbox that is only entered money value. my code is below:



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Web Forms :: Preventing Same Data Entry?

Mar 21, 2010

How can i prevent a user from entering the same data twice, i guess i need some validation in somewhere?For example:I add a name of a city, added successfully to the table.Try adding it again, click add and the program crashes.What type of coding do i need for this, some type of compare tool or something for the table?

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Web Forms :: Add Numbers 0 - 100 In DropDownList

Apr 27, 2012

How to add the quantity in the drop down dynamically from 0 to 100.

I tried

for (int i=0; i<=100;i++) {

But there is some thing wrong ....

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Web Forms :: How To Add Superscript To Numbers Like 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Apr 27, 2013

I want to write down like 6th I want th should be in small letters 



How to write this one ? 

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Web Forms :: Trying To Use A Cascading Drop-down For Data Entry?

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to use a cascading drop-down for data entry. However, I'm having problems because I need to set the value of the drop-downs when I load the screen. I use a stored procedure to retrieve the values from my database, and then set the drop downs in my code-behind. Then the web service kicks in and wipes them out. :( How can I set these values and utilize the cascading drop down control?

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Web Forms :: Menu Arrows To Appear On Left Of Entry

Mar 27, 2010

I'm developing a website for a company. They want the website to be in Arabic. So, a lot of things need to inverted in a classical website. The menu control has arrows indicative of child items. Now, I know that the menu control renders as a table. Also, I know I could change the shape and look of the arrows with a custom image by modifying StaticPopUpImageUrl & DynamicPopUpImageUrl properties.

What I need is to make the arrows appear left of the menu entry. I tried wrapping the menu control in a div with the attribute dir set to "rtl", but it didn't work. So, what could I do to fix this? Also, if I couldn't do that in the menu control and needed to create my own menu control. Are repeaters practical?

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Web Forms :: Add Additional Contact Entry On Same Page

Jun 14, 2010

I am try to write code that will allow me to click an add button that will add unlimited text box entry on the same page.

example form:

Client Name: companyTxtBx
Address: addressTxtBx
City: cityTxtBx
State: stateTxtBx
Zip: zipTxtBx
Employee: empTxtBx
Employee Identification Number: empIDNumberTxtBX
Employee Address: empAddressTxtBx
Employee City: empCityTxtBx
Employee State: empStateTxtBx
Employee Zip: empZipTxtBx
Employee Phone Number: empPhNumberTxtBx

Button = Add another employee button that autopostback and insert empty textboxes that is listed in the table.

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Web Forms :: Adding 'New' Entry Into Bound Dropdownlist

Mar 25, 2010

I thought this would be very simple but I can't get it. I have a dropdownlist bound to a datasource in order to produce a list of items. At the top of the ddl, I want a 'NEW ITEM' entry. It's not showing up.


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How To Disable Input Entry Validation In Web Forms

Nov 10, 2010

I need to show some html code in TextBox.this is my TextBox description:

<asp:TextBox ID="responseTextBox" runat="server"
Width="910px" ReadOnly="True" TextMode="MultiLine" CausesValidation="false" />

i am passing the html to it programatically, and it works, but on postback from page i'am getting the following error:

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$MainContent$responseTextBox=" ...

How can i disable input validation ?

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May 26, 2010

How can I databind a MenuItem to a SQLTable entry?

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Web Forms :: Force Direct To Entry Page?

Jun 17, 2010

I'm not sure if this is the best category for this one... Might be more appropriate in the navigation section.I am curious as to the standard for redirecting users to a entry page on first accessing a website. In my case, I am working on an adults only website that requires a warning for users that the content is only appropriate for users over 18yo, as well as containing the scripts to activate several different monitor systems to prevent children from accessing the site.

I know I can use session_start to redirect and check for a cookie... but that seems heavy. Is there a better way? Something in IIS or... something I have not thought of yet?

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Web Forms :: Text Box Should Accept Only Numbers?

Oct 19, 2010

i want a text box in asp that should take only numbers if we enter alphabets or special characters that should give an error how can i achive this

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Web Forms :: Cannot Display Negative Numbers

Oct 19, 2010

I have the following issue where I cannot seem to display a negative number and the result seems to stay on zero.

The code is as follows:


In my code iNumber1 = 108 and iNumber2=27 however when the result is divided again by 108 the answer seems to stay on 108. I tried using doubles but with no luck.

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Web Forms :: Check For Sign Before Numbers?

Feb 23, 2010

I have a textbox which accept the quantity of any material ,it could be in decimal also,my problem is how to prevent sign such as +,_ before quantity numbers ,like -2 or -2.5.

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Web Forms :: Add The Numbers To An Array In Javascript?

Jan 19, 2011

I know that I can declare an array using the following method, but assume there is an easier way.

var elem as new Array();

elem[0] = 1;
elem[1] = 2;
elem[2] = 3;
and so on......

Is there a short cut to simply adding the numbers 0 -20 to an array, and is there a shotcut to adding the 20 nuumbers minus a few such as 3, 9, and 17?

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