Web Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Entry Into Aspnet_profile Table Through CreateUserWizard?
Jul 29, 2010
Is it possible to setup the CreateUserWizard to check for a duplicate entry in the aspnet_profile table (for a custom field) before the new user is created? For example, if I added a phone number field and wanted to make sure nobody else could create an account using that same phone number if a user already has an account with that phone number in the aspnet_Profile table's PropertyValuesString row?
I am retrieving user data from aspnet_user table from aspnetdb database but I also want to retrieve data (such as first name, last name, email, address etc) from aspnet_profile table. I am using dropdownlist which retrieves user names from the aspnet_user table.
I have a text box (txtbx1) and a button(btnadd). Id like to use a regular expression validator or of some sort to prevent the user from continuing on the form unless its a number entered.
I want to prevent the copy and paste of passwword to confirmpassword. I have tried to prevent this action with the Javascript below but I continue to get the error "The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).".
The jvascript I am using is as follows:
$(document).ready(function () { var PasswordClientID = = document.getElementById('<%= CType(CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("Password"), TextBox ).ClientID %>'); $(PasswordClientID).bind('copy', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); var ConfirmPasswordClientID = = document.getElementById('<%= CType(CreateUserWizardStep1.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("ConfirmPassword"), TextBox ).ClientID %>'); $(ConfirmPasswordClientID).bind('copy', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); });
I have a 'City' TextBox on one of my web pages but people from many European countries sometimes prefix the city name with the postcode instead of putting it in my dedicated 'Postcode/ZIP' TextBox. I have therefore just added a new RegularExpressionValidator to this TextBox. Its purpose is to prevent the user from entering any numeric characters but allow everything else. After browsing for a suitable regex (I am not a regex expert), I found the following code that was claimed to do what I want.
Unfortunately, the RegularExpressionValidator does not work as expected. Instead of just rejecting numeric characters it appears to reject everything! Where might I be going wrong?
I've recently used the CreateUserWizard to add firstname, middlename and lastname to my aspnet_Profile table. I was wondering how I would go about placing these values in a dropdownlist (ddlEmployees) so that I may wind up with a list displaying these values concatenated, eg. Mary Anne Brant, Joseph Ezra Shultz etc. That's the firstname, middlename and lastname from the profiles table.
When I use RequiredFieldValidator inside a DetailsView control field template, it automatically prevented DetailsView from inserting new records into the database, when triggered. JavaScript was disabled.
I'm a bit surprised and I'd like to know whether this is caused by the validator or is there a built-in feature in DetailsView that prevents database from being updated if some validators on the page are triggered?
If so, how is it possibly implemented (e.g. inside when eventhandler)?
I have 2 listboxes, when i add a item retrieved from database to Listbox1, i need to select the item and bring it to listbox2. But i do not want to have same records added again. In my case, i cannot use the codes below
because the text displayed on listbox1 and after transferring to listbox2 are different. So i come out with a logic which is "if listbox2 does not contain the item value in listbox1 then populate listbox2". So i tried the codes below, but it is not working as there are errors
when i hosted my page in a previously maintained project i got error like http error 500.19 the requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.config error:cannot add duplicate collection entry of type 'add' with unique key attribute 'name''
I want to prevent the entry of two characters together but I want the user to be able to enter one or the other as well as use the enter key. I would like to use a white list instead of black listing characters. The regular expression also needs to support a min and max length. I'm doing client side validation using the asp:regularexpression control. I do not want to have to do server side validation unless that's the only solution to this problem. Has anyone else run into this?
I'm using a asp.net textbox that is set to multiline so I have to allow for and or what's the point of using a multiline textbox :)
I want to keep the user from entering &# together but allow them to enter text with & or # in it and allow all of the characters a-zA-Z0-9!@#$%^&*_=+~''"";:, .()?-.
A valid text entry would be as follows:
I have a question about my order. The order number is 12345.
An invalid text entry would be as follows:
I am trying to keep the user from entering &# in the textbox, but I want to allow them to enter & or #.
I have a database table that stores a list of friends. The table can store many friends and there can be duplicates, for example - John is James' and davids' friend. John will be in the table twice but will be linked to the others via another data-member. What i dont want is james to be down as johns friend twice in the table. I'm doing a small social network and this is possible by james accepting john as his friend twice. Is there anything to check if there are 2 columns identical?
In my website their is a module in which I m retrieving the data from the student master table..
In my gridview their are 5 columns (Student Id,Student name,Roll no,and a checkbox column,Date Textbox column which is empty) in which the data is retrieved from student master table....
I m adding the date in the textbox which is out of the gridview and when i check the checkbox for each student the data is stored in another table in database with a status as present for the checked students and absent for the unchecked students...
What i want is dat when i check the student and i select the date for the student and the data is entered in new table after all this i wld not be allowed to make the attendance for the same student for the same date bt i wld be allowed to mark attendance for the same student for another date..
for example i check the checkbox for the student "Rohit" and entered the date 1/1/13 and rohit is stored with status present in the another table for date 1/1/13 and now he shld be disabled so dat i wld not be able to mark his attendance for the date 1/1/13 and prevent the duplication...Bt after dat i would be allowed to mark "Rohit's" attendance for the date 2/1/13...
means he should be disabled for the single date...
Wat i did is in the first header of gridview dropdownlist i have binded the PO Item , so that user can select item n make invoice...
Here the problem is user will click addnewrow button to create new row second row , again user is able to select the same item what he selected in first row of gridview. here how to avoid duplication in the second row .
Say i have four PO item
user may select Item1 in first row , after clicking addnewrow button user will get second row
here again user is able to select Item1 from dropdownlist ... how to avoid duplicate selection
coz the dropdownlist is binded from database using sqldatasource n filter based on user selected PO no.
Duplicate Item selection should be removed until all the four item is selected ...
I have several text boxes in an ASP.NET Web Form. I want to ensure that users are not entering HTML into those text boxes. However, I'm not sure how to prevent HTML from being entered. Because of this, I decided that I want to only allow alphanumeric characters, spaces, exclamation point, sharp sign, dollar signs, percentage signs, carets, stars, and left and right parenthesis. I'm omitting the ampersand because I do not want them entering something like "<script&rt;..."
I am using forms authentication on ASP.NET. If I try to access a page by copying the query string and pasting it into the browser, it allows me access to the page. How can this be prevented? I want the user to always have to login.
i have a dropdownlist (asp.net control) and a listbox control and a Add button when the user select the item from dropdownlist and click on add button to add to the listbox.
how can i prevent the user from adding duplciate items and alert saying its already in the listbox?
in my particular scenario, i have a dropdwonlist and adding the item to listbox both are asp.net controls and i am adding the items from code-behind and your solution is pure on client side, is there a way i can read the listbox and compare and alert the message?
Simple one here... is there a clean way of preventing a user from double-clicking a button in a web form and thus causing duplicate events to fire?
If I had a comment form for example and the user types in "this is my comment" and clicks submit, the comment is shown below... however if they double-click, triple-click or just go nuts on the keyboard they can cause multiple versions to be posted.
Client-side I could quite easily disable the button onclick - but I prefer server-side solutions to things like this
Is there a postback timeout per viewstate that can be set for example?
This code cause double record... i checked my insert code for all tables and it works fine...
and this is insert code:
StoreDO store = new StoreDO(); List<BrandDO> brandList = new BrandBL().SelectBrands(); StoreBL storeBL = new StoreBL(); store.StoreName = txtStoreName.Text;
Now we are worried that since the site is public what could happen to the Jira server if we get alot of issues in the production environment.
We have already filtered on Critical and Fatal, but we want to see either some acumulator service on log4net or a plain filter which identifies repeating issues and prevents them from being sent via Email. Preferably without having to change the error reporting code, so a config solution would be best.
I have two tables for storing language translations - tblEN and tblES. They have the same structure which is nvcEnglish and nvcLocal - both nVarChar fields.
In nvcLocal of the Spanish table, I enter the Spanish translations of words and phrases used within my app. Problem is, when I add a bunch of new records to the English table I also have to go in and repeat the data entry into the Spanish table. I am wondering if there is a way to import the newly added records into the Spanish table using Transact SQL?The plain language query would be something like:
If the data in tblEN.nvcEnglish does not exist in tblES.nvcEnglish then insert a new row into tblES with the values from tblEN