Web Forms :: Clear The Contents Of Wizard Between Calls And Without Url Redirect?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a complex page which has a series of panels and buttons.

one of those buttons pulls up an a wizard control.

the user does not need to go to the finsih button of the wizard if they wish to cancel the wizard.

What I want to do is to clear the values of a wizard as it is being called by a button click.

Uncle google tells me a solution is to use a URL redirect to effectively reload the page into memory. This would also destroy the view state of my page for the nonwizard controls which I dont want to do.

I cant put the wizard into an Iframe (company policy) so I cant just reload the iframe.

I dont want to go step by step and control by control to clear the values - Also the wizard is not using databinding.

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C# - ObjectContext.ExecuteStoreCommand - Clear Parameters Between Calls?

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System.ArgumentException: The SqlParameter is already contained by another SqlParameterCollection.

Is there a way to clear parameters between calls as I would do with straight up ADO.NET?

Updated with a code sample:

string sqlDeleteWebUserGreen = "delete WebUserGreen where WebUserId = @WebUserId";
string sqlDeleteWebUserBlue = "delete WebUserBlue where WebUserId = @WebUserId";
var argsDeleteWebUserXref = new DbParameter[] {
new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "WebUserId", Value = user.WebUserId }
rowsAffectedDeleteWebUserXref += base.context.ExecuteStoreCommand(sqlDeleteWebUserGreen, argsDeleteWebUserXref);
rowsAffectedDeleteWebUserXref += base.context.ExecuteStoreCommand(sqlDeleteWebUserBlue, argsDeleteWebUserXref);


Basically I am unable to find any better way of doing this, so I ended up accepting the answer below. The only difference is that I simply put the creation of the parameter into a separate method, so my calls look like base.context.ExecuteStoreCommand(sqlDeleteWebUserBlue, MethodThatWillGiveMeTheParameterArray());

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I try to write on clipborad the HtmlTextWriterin Render Event of Web Page.Why do i recive this error ?Prima di effettuare chiamate OLE, occorre impostare il thread corrente sulla modalità Single Thread Apartment (STA). Assicurarsi che la funzione Main sia contrassegnata con STAThreadAttribute.Before OLE calls, set the current thread to single thread mode on Apartment (STA).Make sure the Main function is marked with STAThreadAttribute.his is the of ASP.NET page that throw the error

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
public delegate void ClipBoardEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);


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Web Forms :: Using Asynchronous Calls With Dropdownlist Control?

Jan 7, 2011

I am currently developing a project management application using ASP.NET (VB). I am nearly done with it. But whenever users select an item from drop-down list control, a post back is triggered and screen is returned to the bagining. This is very irritating at times.

So, I want to know how can I make partial postbacks so that page is not refreshed again and appropriate binding of list control with my oracle database is also made.

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Feb 11, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET 3.5 and C#.I load an SqlDataSource into a DataView on my Page_Load event. My SqlDataSource queries arandom record from the database. On my page I have an ImageButton, which when clicked uses a Response.Redirect("AnotherPage.aspx + "random id from database"). My problem is that when the button is clicked it fires the Page_Load event before the Response.Redirect takes place in the button_click event. This causes the current data(the users "id") that I had pulled from the database to be overwritten with new data(a different "id") from the database. So essentially the the page is redirecting to the 2nd random id that is queried from the db after the button is clicked and Page_Load is fired again, not the original id. Here's my code, hope it makes sense.Here's my Page_Load:


Then my Button_Click Event:

protected void btn1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
Response.Redirect("~/Profile.aspx?id=" + id1);

Can I put my dataview in another event or method so it's not called when a user clicks an ImageButton. Also I want the DataView to be repopulated on a postback/page refresh, just not on button clicks.

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May 24, 2010

public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Jan 7, 2011

I am currently developing a project management application using ASP.NET (VB). I am nearly done with it. But whenever users select an item from drop-down list control, a post back is triggered and screen is returned to the bagining. This is very irritating at times.

<p> So, I want to know how can I make partial postbacks so that page is not refreshed again and appropriate binding of list control with my oracle database is also made.

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Web Forms :: Use Some Javascript Code To Make AJAX Calls To Different Handlers?

May 12, 2010

I am currently building an asp.net webforms application in ASP.NET C# using Visual studio 2008 and the Framework .NET 3.5.In my application main page, I use some javascript code to make AJAX calls to different handlers (.ashx files) in order to get some information.In this handlers définition (in the CodeBehind), I use the Oracle provider for .NET (Oracle.DataAccess.Client) to get the requested information from an Oracle database.The thing is, when I make a first call to one of these handlers, everything works just fine, but when the main page try to repeat the call in order to update the information requested, I encounter a problem.In fact, it appears that the different Oracle SQL request results that were made during the first call are still in memory and that the requests are not repeated correctly in order to obtain the updated information from the database. The application keeps the first results and this is these results that are sent back to the main page once again.I don't know how to force the handler to obtain new results and work with it instead of working with the previous results.In the handlers définition, the IsReusable methods are all set to false.I have called the Dispose() méthods of every Oracle object at the hand of the handlers définition and then the System.GC.Collect() méthod to force Garbage Collection. But this does not seem to be sufficient to be sure that nothing is kept in memory.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid ItemDataBound Event Calls?

Sep 23, 2010

how many times itemDataBound event calls exactly, if my datatable have 2 records it is calling 4 times , first time in item index 0 , second time it is 1 and third time again it contains index 0 and forth time it is 1. so, could anyone please help me how the itemdatabound event actually works,

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