Web Forms :: Event Is Not Triggering?
Nov 15, 2010
I create one set it contain three column in the 1st row with seven texbox having the name with Amount and 2 column with textbox(7) as qty and 3 column as totalamount(7).in the !st row i i will add the amount by coding.Now in the quantitytextbox i enter the amount and press enter means i got this error
Multiple controls with the same ID 'txtamount7' were found. FindControl requires that controls have unique IDs.
My code
void amounttextbox()
int number = 7;
for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++)
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Jan 22, 2011
I am working on windows form using C# language and I need to trigger the Checkbox's CheckedChanged event.
What code do I need to write to call or trigger this event.
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Sep 14, 2010
I've been working on a web form that has lost it's ability to respond to most event handlers, though code that I write in Page_Load still fires. No button click or text changed events will fire. This has been working for months, and suddenly stopped. I did a windiff comparison to an older version of the webform, and don't see anything suspicious.
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Mar 16, 2011
I have a ListView (table inside) and it's first row are some TextBoxes for filtering actions.
In the last column I have a button that calls my Search function and filters the records according to the inputs.
My Search function for now only displays a text inside a Label at the top of the page.
When I load the page, I'm using ListViewPesquisa.DataBind() so it shows it's EmptyDataTemplate, but when I click the button inside the event isn't called at all. If I do put some data (any data) in the ListView and it shows it's LayoutTemplate instead, the event is called properly.
I can get around this issue by moving the filter line out of the table, but I'd like to know why is that the button inside the EmptyDataTemplate doesn't work.
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May 10, 2010
I've created two buttons using javascript; yes and no. I need to get the event triggered when the button is clicked.i.e... onclick=getvalue().
public void SetYesButton(string msg_button_class) {
this.msgbox_Yes_button = "<input type="button" value="Yes" class="" + msg_button_class + "" onClick="getvalue()";>";
public void SetNoButton(string msg_button_class) {
this.msgbox_No_button = "<input type="button" value="No" class="" + msg_button_class + "" onClick="document.getElementById('pagedimmer').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('msgbox').style.visibility = 'hidden';">";
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Apr 24, 2010
My application allows a team captain to enter the results of an 8-ball game then submit those results. In doing so the captain is brought to the next page to enter the results of the 9-ball game. But, there are games every week so there is a dropdownlist on both of the forms allowing the captain to select which date he/she is entering the information for. There are 14 weeks with the date displaying as the text value.
After the user selects the appropriate date and enters the results of the 8-ball game he is brought to the next form but he has to select the date again. Both forms ddl selectedindexchanged event enacts a whole lot of code which is required to allow the processing of the data.
I can capture the selected value from the first form and get it to the next form for 9-ball and even set the selectedvalue correctly, but that doesn't trigger the selectedindexchanged event. I want to put some code in the pageload to pass the selectedvalue to the selectedindexchanged event and trigger it to run with that value.
Is this even possible? I haven't been able to google my way out of this perdicament despite many hours of effort. And I know that users are going to spend 20 minutes entering all the data before realizing that they forgot to select the correct date in the ddl. What to do?
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Apr 22, 2010
I'm dynamically generating radio buttons in my code behind and assigning javascript to them as they are created. This javascript will change the value in a hidden field for when a postback is eventually triggered (autopostback on the buttons is disabled). I am using the exact same method with ASP ImageButtons and it works fine but when I do it with the radio buttons the event never triggers the Javascript. I suspect that I may be using the wrong event name but I have tried several (onclick, onCheckedChanged, etc).
Here is a sample of the VB.NETcode - how come this works fine with my button but not my radiobutton!
//This is my hidden field
ClientScript.RegisterHiddenField(Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable", "")
Dim radDefault As RadioButton = New RadioButton()
radDefault.GroupName = "radio buttons"
radDefault.AutoPostBack = False
//This adds the Javascript to set the hidden field with an onClick event
radDefault.Attributes.Add("onClick", "document.forms[0]." & Me.UniqueID & "_someVariable.value='0';document.forms[0].submit();")
The code is simplified as the button generation is actually through an iterator but the same properties are given to each generated radio button.
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Feb 2, 2011
In my ASP.NET app I have a control in the master page that raises an event Foo on certain occasions / interactions.I also have a couple of pages that have another control that must re-bind itself when this event is fired.Unfortunately the only way I can see them communicating between each other is by creating a long event chain (deriving a new MasterPage MasterPageSuperDuper, attaching an event handler to Foo's event in the user control, and then referring to this event in the masterpage from the control present in a couple of pages - basically using the masterpage as a control center).
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Jun 28, 2010
look at the code below.btnCustomDateOk dosen't trigger postback at all.it's supposed to run a date range validator (javascript) first and if succeed then triggers a server-side event.(I've been testing around and when I replaced the button with a linkbutton, everything ran perfectly fine, wt? am I misusing the button control?)
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Nov 16, 2010
I built a webcontrol showing a complex user interface with a lot of javascript. Basically my webcontrol is similar to : [URL]
Now that most the user interface is working properly, I'm stuck with the following issue: I want to add a button (html button tag) which has to trigger an event. I have been able to declare the event, the event args, the delegate,etc. The page using my control may assign a handler and that handler is called correctly when I explicitely call OnServerControlClick (The name I gave to the event). I cannot make the link between the button in the user interface and the event in the webcontrol source code. When the button is clicked, I get an error message saying a dangerous Request.Form value has been detected.
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May 24, 2010
Master page Treeview events are no triggering...
(trvMenu_SelectedNodeChanged,trvMenu_Unload .)
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Jan 1, 2010
I have a web form F1. It has a button in grid B1. On clicking this B1 one dialog box opens thorugh javascript.
Now problem is on closing this dialog, Page_load event of F1 is not fiering. I have no output cache declared in dialog. I have to trigger the Page_Load event.
Code in F1,
<% @
Title="Update Customer Complaints"%>
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Feb 10, 2010
I hate this bugs in Visual Studio..I have this code:
Click event is not triggering. This is the head of aspx file:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="wucIskalnik.ascx.cs" Inherits="indcms.datapages.wucIskalnik" %>
I don't have an idea what the hell happens just imeddiately that so simple stuff don't want to work.I use some javascript jquery too, and I tried to remove all JavaScript, still the same.. Deleted button and events, reapplied them on page, still not triggering Click event.. Wth?
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Mar 30, 2010
On my page I have a calendar. The idea being that the user clicks the date, which runs a query to update a gridview to list things happening on that day. Everything there works fine.However, I want it to run on the Page_Load to automatically display today's events at start up. It refuses and will only update the gridView if I actually click on the calendar.in my Page_Load I have the following code :
if (!IsPostBack)
... other code... [code]...
Is my code in the wrong place? Are there events I don't know about. Fairly new to this asp.net business. Any light please shine it here.
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm very new to ASP.NET and MVC2 but I've managed to piece together a project that allows a user to create an entry in the SQL Express database - just like the "MVC Movie Application". However, I now want to utilize the [Log On] Forms Authentication feature. Requirement: when the user successfully registers an account my existing database needs to be updated with a row of data.
Using the MVC Movie Application as an example: the method "public ActionResult Register(RegisterModel model){}" [see: AccountController] needs to be wired to also perform "public ActionResult Create(Movie newMovie)" [see: MoviesController] how is this achieved ? (specifically, to update the MVC Movie application to create a new movie whenever someone registers a new account.)
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Jan 12, 2011
I am having an issue with using a GridView template that contains an imagebutton control. my current ASP code is as follows:
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Dec 14, 2010
I am using fancyBox Scripts to display a link in IFRAme.
script for FancyBox is
<pre><script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
'titlePosition' : 'inside',
'transitionIn' : 'none',
'transitionOut' : 'none'
'width' : '75%',
'height' : '75%',
'autoScale' : false,
'transitionIn' : 'none',
'transitionOut' : 'none',
'type' : 'iframe'
But till now i have used anchor tags <a> to invoke or trigger fancyBox Script. i.e <pre><a id="various1" href="#inline1" title="<b>Dr. abc</b>"> View Profile</a></pre> But now i want to trigger this on Asp buttonlink or Image Button.
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Jul 10, 2010
I want to use the JQuery FancyBox on an asp.net page but all the examples I have found show triggering a fancybox from anchor tag (< a >). I am not able to find an example where a fancybox is triggered from codebehind. To be more specific, I create a pdf file on the fly on a LinkButton click. After the file has been created, I want to show it using fancybox (I am using Jquery and FancyBox for the first time). Any examples showing how to do this will be much appreciated. PS: Fancybox is not must. Any JQuery plugin that will show the pdf in a popup will do.
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Jul 10, 2010
I want to use the JQuery FancyBox on an asp.net page but all the examples I have found show triggering a fancybox from anchor tag (< a >). I am not able to find an example where a fancybox is triggered from codebehind. To be more specific, I create a pdf file on the fly on a LinkButton click. After the file has been created, I want to show it using fancybox (I am using Jquery and FancyBox for the first time).
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Nov 22, 2010
I have a form with my own JQuery validation. When a JQuery <button id=btnRegister type=submit> is clicked, my validation code is invoked and if invalid, form does not submit. All works great. I have another <button id=btnSave> on this form. I would like btnSave to fire asp.net server side event (onserverclick) only if form data is valid. I have tried following -
<button type=submit onclick='if($(this).closest('form').submit()==false) return;' onserverclick='btnSave_click' runat =server>Save</button>
When I click on the btnSave, it does invoke my form's submit event handler, which correctly returns false, if invalid. So far so good. After this point, I would like the onserverclick event not trigger. However, the onserverclick does trigger and the page posts back, even when the form is invalid. As I see it, cannot have onclick and onserverclick at the same time. What should I do to make them co-exist harmoniously? If I change <button> to <input type=submit> it all works out. But I like <button>'s look and feel more.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have created a simple modalpopupextender the extender has several options for the search functionality and when i press the okay button it supposed to do a search but.. it not...
<ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender ID="MPE" runat="server"
public void Search()
//code here--- not triggering
View 2 Replies
Nov 17, 2010
I am trying to trigger a postback if a certain condition is true. Initially, a user will click on a button on my form, the server does some work, and in the process of doing that work it assigns a hidden field the value of '1'. When the page reloads after that very first postback, I am trying to use javascript to check the hidden field, and if it is '1' I need the page to postback again so the server side can do some additional processing. The reason for doing it this roundabout way is so that I can create controls on the form from my C# code behind as well as download a file in 1 user interaction. Here is what I have so far:
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
function atload() {
var HWInfo = document.getElementById('HiddenHW').value;
View 3 Replies
Sep 13, 2010
My page contains a Repeater that is loaded with data asynchronously as the data becomes available, using an UpdatePanel to manage the asynchronous requests.The page contains something a little like this:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="DataUpdatePanel" runat="server">
<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterBlock" runat="server">
<HeaderTemplate><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Status</th><th class="empty"></th></tr></thead></HeaderTemplate>
The problem being that the LinkButton does not appear to trigger a postback of any kind- there is no visible response to clicking on it and putting a break point on the event listener in the codebehind, it is never triggered.
hat the linkbuttons ceased working.
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Dec 3, 2010
So I've just inherited an application which used the SQL Dependency function associated with SQL Notification Services in order to perform some functionality whenever one of the tables in the DB was changed. Specifically I have an MVC website - in the global.asax file there was a listening function which updated the route constraints whenever a table was changed, based on the data changes.
Unfortunately we've also migrated to SQL Server 2008. Now, I can't get this functionality to work at all. As far as I can make out it has actually been removed in SQL Server 2008 although, annoyingly, it does sometimes seem to fire when it errors. Which confused me for a bit, but it would seem that the service is no longer available.
I took a look at StreamInsight but it seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, frankly. Plus I'm more than a little suspicious that support for it might be removed going forward, just like support for Notification Services was. The simplest approach is simply to schedule a console application to do the work every 5 minutes or so, but immediate updates would be hugely preferable, and I'm not sure how easy it would be to get a command-line application to update something as fundamental on a website as the routing.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have been strugling with this for a while and not gettting anywhere fast.I am trying to make a reorderable list using the AjaxtoolKit control ReorderList.It compiles fine and the select works, the problems come with the updates. When I try and reorder I get the following javascript warning: "Reorder failed, see details below.Couldn't find sort field 'ItemPos' in bound data."On investigating I can see that the update command it not being triggered. I can even remove it from the file code and nothing changes.So anyone any ideas what I do? I feel I need a handler in place but I cant seem to get that one figured out.The base code was taken from the toolkit examples and there is no code behind.Code Below:::::
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