Web Forms :: Installing A License Key For Application?

Oct 8, 2010

i would like to install a license such that it should run for a week or so. What i am doing is i will make setup file of my application and give it to the user when the user install it on PC i would like to give a default license which can run up to a week. After that even if he changes the date i would like to show a message as License expired

I need to know how can i give the user a default license which can run up to a week.

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Me.Page.Header.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl(String.Format("<div style=DISPLAY:none'><object id='PrtLabel' codebase='{0}' classid='CLSID:AB61148E-D4B5-4D4B-8867-9E4CE8229B5E' viewastext></object></div>", "PrtLabel.CAB#version=1,0,0,12")))

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The license file is located in the same project as the.cs-file that creates the pdf, but is in a separate folder. I cannot get this simple thing to behave correctly, which makes me a bit sad, since it really shouldn't be that hard. :(

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But it just isn't working out for me.


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http://www.highprogrammer.com/alan/windev/sourcesafe.html or this one:

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Does VSS require a separate license? I mean, for the VSS server or repository.

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Installing PHP Site In IIS?

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Installing Personal Web Server?

Jun 9, 2010

I have asp.net apps I have written that might be useful running locally on a users machine. My question involves how practical or impractical this might be? In the past, we've written separate desktop and web user interfaces. But we find asp.net programming so much easier to develop and maintain than desktop (although that perhaps is mainly due to the fact that we control what operating system/environment it is being run on). But in any case, it seems it could be desireable to be able to install a personal web server on the users machine (like those that come with VS) so that the same exact asp.net app could be run locally thru a browser instead of distributing a separate desktop interface. We would need it to be a professional download/install that could be performed by the user without aid. Is this something that's done? Is it practical? Are there particular pitfalls to worry about? What personal web server would make sense that could be freely distributed?

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C# - Connect To MySql Without Installing DB?

Mar 29, 2011

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AJAX :: Installing ControlToolkit In GAC?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm having trouble with a web application in IIS 6.0 that doesn't seem to be able to run Ajax Control Toolkit that is in the Global Assembly Cache. I thought I had installed it correctly using GACUTIL /I etc., but perhaps I am misunderstanding the process. Is there more to it than just running GACUTIL? Is there a custom installer that I should be using? The web application complains that it cannot find System.Web.Ajax ... is this a separate dll download? If so, where would I get System.Web.Ajax 3.0.31106.0 , there doesn't seem to be a download available on the Codeplex pages.

I currently have the following showing as installed in my GAC:

AjaxControlToolkit 3.0.31106.0

where I am going wrong, do I have the wrong versions of the System.Web.Extensions dll ?

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