Web Forms :: Toggle Controls That Are On Different Pages?

May 28, 2010

If I had an e commerce website and wanted to toggle certain controls on or off through a check box or other control that resides on say an admin back end page, how would i go about doing that in C#?

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Forms Data Controls :: Toggle Visibility If Database Is Null?

Aug 17, 2010

One task that I would like to make a lot easier, is to be able to toggle a control's visibility to off/false if a particular database field is null. Is there an expression I can put in the visibility='<%# %>' part of my code that could handle this?

IsDBNull(DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "expLeaflets")

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Forms Data Controls :: Toggle Show/hide Details In Datalist Using Javascript?

May 30, 2010

I have a datalist bound to a sql source having two columns: Name and Description. The datalist contains a "Show Description" link as follows on clicking on which it calls the javascript which shows the description div.


The asp.net page source for itemtemplate of the datalist is as follows.The problem is that since the div id "Description" is applicable to multiple records, no matter I click on whichever "show details" link, the description of first record in the datalist is shwon and hidden since its the first div encountred by the javascript. In other words, I want a way to show/hide the description of each record in datalist indivigdually.

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Forms Data Controls :: Grouping Gridview With A Toggle Button To Show Hide Rows?

Jan 19, 2010

I am looking at building a grouping gridview, which I will know, will suit my needs. Therefore, I am not looking for a nested gridview. My answer is based upon an example I found at [URL]

However, what I am looking to do is to add a button to the group header row, which when pressed the rows within the group can either be shown or hidden.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Toggle Visibility Of A Textbox Based On Data Not Null?

Sep 3, 2010

I want to toggle a Textbox to be visible (true, false) contained within an InsertItemTemplate based on the data being Null/Empty.

It Works in the Item Template since it is calling the "select parameters", but once it is in the "insert parameters" on databinds, I am unable to get this to work.

<%# String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Eval("qu_8")))?Convert.ToBoolean("false"):Convert.ToBoolean("true") %>

(works in Item Templates, but not in InsertItemTemplate to toggle a textbox to be visible or not visible). I am using C# in code behind.

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Controls :: Remove Language Selection From Toggle Spell Checker In TinyMCE Editor

Dec 6, 2012

I've used TinyMCE Editor for textareas in my webpage, it works fine but the problem is, When I select a only listed language English in Toggle Spell Checker it is throwing a javascript error. 

I don't want to display the list (arrow for selection) for language selection as i only show English language in the list of Toggle Spell Checker.

How can i show only  Toggle Spell Checker button, not language selection list?

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Web Forms :: Why Double-postback In Different Toggle Buttons

Oct 17, 2010

I am using a toggle button and when a button is clicked, the CSSclass is changed by checkign whether it is a 1 or 0. if it is a 1(on) , it will be set to 0, if it is a 0, it will be set to a 1.

Only 1 postback occurs on each click , and thats how a button is toggled on or off. In Internet explorer, this is working great. However, in FireFox and in Google Chrome, something odd is happening! When I click teh buttons, it is causing a double-postback.

This double-postback cancels out the first postback which was to turn on the button.

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Web Forms :: Toggle Or Switch Back And Forth Between Two Views?

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do is have a Multi view control on my form with two views that toggle between each other. When I click on a button on each view (Like a Next Button) I want the view to show the other view or to redisplay itself. I keep getting an error saying that the index is out of range.

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Web Forms :: Toggle LinkButton In A GridView With A Loop

Jul 29, 2012

I am using GridView to display a list of forms submitted by a user and in one of the column I have a LinkButton which has got a conditional logic behind it to either display or hide it. The pseudo code for logic basically goes like this:If User has received a comment    Show the link to the comment on the GridView. Else     Hide LinkThis is the SQL that checks whether the user has got a comment for each submitted form:

Sql = "SELECT * FROM TableStudent INNER JOIN TableComment ON TableStudent .sID= TableComment .sID WHERE TableStudent .sID=@sID"
The SQL is working fine but I am having problem with looping through each form row to check if they have comment or not. Currently, the code hides the first row (correctly) but does not seem to be hiding the link for the following rows that does not have comments. I think my syntax for looping throw each row is incorrect.

For Each row As GridViewRow In gv1.Rows  If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then     TryCast(gv1.Rows(0).FindControl("lnkBtnComment").FindControl("lnkBtnComment"), LinkButton).Visible = False  Else     TryCast(gv1.Rows(0).FindControl("lnkBtnComment").FindControl("lnkBtnComment"), LinkButton).Visible = True  End IfNext

I revised the code as it seemed to be affecting only the first column and changed it to this:

For Each gvrow As GridViewRow In gv1.Rows                If ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then                    TryCast(gvrow.FindControl("lnkDisplayComment"), LinkButton).Visible = False                    Response.Write(ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count)                Else                    TryCast(gvrow.FindControl("lnkDisplayComment"), LinkButton).Visible = True                    Response.Write(ds.Tables(0).Rows.Count)                End IfNext

Now the output for this has been if the associated form has any comment, it shows all the links and if the associated form has no comment, the comment links are hidden. And I have one applicant with two forms submitted; one of them has comment and the other does not. But my repsonse.write is returning 1 for both rows when I should clearly be 0 as it does not have any associated comment.

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Web Forms :: Toggle Panel In Master Page From Webform

Mar 5, 2011

I'm planning out a new website, using a master page. Now the site calls for two different layouts throughout. The home page will have a big image slider in jQuery. It's almost like a landing page. All other pages in my site will be without this slider, and will just have a bar with a heading on it.

Now my question is, can I use the same master page for both layouts by setting up certian areas of that master page into Panels that I can toggle the visibility on? The HTML is modular, so technically I can surround the slider div with a panel and depending on the visibility property, display it.

The bit I am wondering about, is, can the master page panels be toggled from the individual pages that use said master page?

I know I can probably put some code in the Master page to detect what page the user is on and toggle the visibility accordingly, but ideally i'd rather use the previously mentioned method.

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C# - How To Toggle The Grid Cells Value

Apr 29, 2010

I want a 10*10 (100 cells which is created dynamically) grid to be displayed in the following manner.Initially all the cells' color is green.If i click on any cell its color becomes red if it is green and if i click again it becomes red.(Toggle the cell color)I should be able to display dynamic number of link buttons in each cell.On the click of which it pop ups a window.

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How To Toggle The Visibility Of A Script Tag

Feb 12, 2010

How do I toggle the visiblity of a

<script> tag in the markup? Have the following javascript code in my master page:

<script type="text/javascript">
var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www.");
document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E"));
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-108xxxx-2");
} catch (err) { }

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AJAX :: Toggle Visibility Of A Div On Page?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a web page where a div needs to be displayed under certain conditions. I'm using the following code to toggle the display and have verified that it works.


To call this javascript function, I'm using the following code in the code-behind for the page:


I traced the flow using the debugger. When the page load, txt_Cat_ID.Text = "2" correctly resolves to FALSE and the toggleOptionsDiv script is run with the 'hide' parameter. The page correctly hides the div.

When I click on the link that makes txt_CAT_ID.Text = "2" resolve to TRUE, the code executes the line where the toggleOptionsDiv script is run with the 'show' parameter. However, the div remains hidden.

The link that is clicked triggers an asynchronous post back and I'm not sure if that is the problem. How can I get the div to display on postback?

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Expanded Form In C# Validation Toggle?

Jul 18, 2010

I've a radio button list which expands a section of a form depending on which item is selected. While I've got this working, how do I switch off the validation for the (additional) form items when the form is not in the expanded state? Do I group the expanded section form control validations and turn off that validation group? Is that the best way to do it and if so, how do I do that in C#.net?

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How To Toggle The Visible Field In The DataGrip ItemTemplate

Feb 8, 2010

I am trying to toggle the visible field in the DataGrip ItemTemplate. True or False

Language --> ASP.NET VB , I am using Dreamweaver 8 this is their format for DB format --> (Products.FieldValue("ProductName", Container)

I am getting the following Compiler Error Message: BC30201: Expression expected.

<asp:TemplateColumn HeaderText="TEST" Visible="True">
<asp:Label ID="Test" runat="Server" Text='<%# Products.FieldValue("SKU", Container)%>' Visible='<%# IF (Products.FieldValue("ProductName", Container) Is DbNull.Value, False, True)%>' />

If I remove the code from visible

<asp:Label ID="Test" runat="Server" Text='<%# Products.FieldValue("SKU", Container)%>' Visible='False' />

Everything works fine

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SQL Reporting :: Toggle Value Based On Visibility Of Another Textbox

Jan 24, 2010

I have a tablix with subtotals at each level in the header and footer of each group. I know how to toggle the header textback to Hidden when expanding that group, but it then leaves a jagged appearance to he whole report. If I leave it the way it is, I have subtotals in both the header and the footer. What I'd like to do is to blank out the subtotal text in the header when expanded so only the footer is showing the subtotal, thereby retaining the header's textbox's color, borders, etc. and generally eliminating the jagged-looking right edge of the tablix.

I've tried accessing the Hidden property of the matching footer subtotal without success. I've even tried counting rows in the text-color expression of the header, but to no avail. Does anybody have any ideas on how to toggle the subtotal text in the header without creating a gaping empty space in that cell? I'd like to write something like,

=iif(ReportItems!sumFtrCustomerHours.Hidden,Sum(Fields!Hours.Value), "") but ReportItems only have one one property - Value.

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How To Toggle Visibility Of Combobox With Javascript Or Jquery

Feb 28, 2011

I have a set of server side combo boxes in a table. Based on client events, I need them to appear or disappear. I've tried the following with no success:

document.getElementById("cboToothNumber").style.visibility = "hidden";


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Jquery Toggle Should Expand After Page Reload?

May 7, 2010

I wrote below code for Collapse/Expand some section. It is working fine. Finally If I click "Save" button and I am re-loading page again in asp.net. So then sections are going default Colleapse again. I need them back to expand. How can I do that?

$(function() {
.css("cursor", "pointer")
.attr("title", "Click to expand/collapse")
.click(function() {
$(this).siblings('.RegText-' + this.id).toggle();

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JQuery :: Toggle() Is Not Working With Hyperlink Control?

Jul 23, 2010

I have used this Plugin in my asp.net(C#) web app.

I have modified the code according to my requirments and web app layout, here is my code-

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".signin").click(function(e) {



When I click on the login link it display the div but when I again click on the login link to close it it does not close the div.

It seems the toggle() is not working, I have checked it in FF, IE, Chrome and Safari and this issue apprears in all the browsers.

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Web Forms :: VS2010 Master Pages / Everything Shows On The New Pages Except The Jpeg Image Logo?

Sep 5, 2010

i'm developing a site using VS2010 and with my windows vista busniness OS. i used the default VS2010 wizard for new web application to create it. included a folder in the root directory and created new aspx pages to derive from the master page in the root directory of my site. everything shows on the new pages except the jpeg image logo in the master page. But other aspx pages i created in the root directory shows every thing fine.

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Web Forms :: Master Pages - All My Pages Inherit From The Base Page Class

Jun 21, 2010

Currently I'm doing common functionality required throughout my site inside of my masterpage. What I want to do is move this functionality to a BaseClass so All my pages inherit from the Base Class. However, I'm not sure how to set this up interms of c# code with regards to Using a Base Class and then having a masterpage applied to my aspx pages that i create.

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SQL Reporting :: Toggle Button In Reportviewer In Drill Down Reports?

Dec 1, 2010

When i click on the toggle button of the rdlc report it jumps up i.e the cursor positon is not maintained could

The same issue is faced when i search for a word uisng the find control in the report viewer

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Toggle Outlining Of Javascript Code In Visual Web Developer?

Mar 1, 2010

I am working in visual web developer and I have a code behind as well as a html documenet that contains some javscript. The hole thing is getting pretty big and I use collapsable outlining for the html stuff. But I don't see any options to collapse the javascript functions for better visibility.

Is there a way to get outlining for the javascript in visual web developer? Or how do people usually develope javascript inline with html (with attached aspx codebehind files)?

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Web Forms :: Toggle Full Screen Feature In Free Text Box Rich Text Control On Aspx Page

Jan 25, 2011

I am using FTB on my aspx page. is there any way I can have Toggle Full screen feature in FTB, is this feature availble in FTB? it is available on TinyMCE, but I don't want to switch to TinyMCE since I am already using FTB in most of the pages in my application.

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Web Forms :: Use Link Master Pages In Content Pages?

May 11, 2010

My requirement was to share master files among diff projects i read this doc [URL] so i use this technique to share msster pages among my diff projects in a soln but i dnt know how to reference such shared master page as if i use such

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" MasterPageFile="../masterPages/masterInvGen.Master"

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