Web Forms :: Change To 4.0 Causes All Disabled Buttons To Lose Their Theme?

Mar 8, 2011

We have a problem on a new server where disabling a themed button loses its theme. This happens consistently on all buttons now.

We just switched to a new iis server 7.5 using asp.net framework 4.0

Before, the buttons through out the website have a nice style/theme. These are not set inside each button and there are no classes set specifically for buttons I dont think but I believe inherit the theme from I believe the web.config in either:

All the buttons did display a nice light blue gradient, and when disabled they go a few shades lighter blue

For some reason now in .net framework 4.0 all disabled buttons seem to lose their theme and become the default grey color. Enabling them again brings its theme back

why the disabled button would look different now?

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Keep GridView Sorting With JavaScript Disabled - UPDATED - Header Buttons Not Working?

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I posted the question below, and then discovered that the code I posted does work, if the button is not in the GridView header. In fact, I can't seem to make the button in the header do anything.As long as I can trigger the sort, I can make this work somehow, but ideally, I'd like the mechanism to be in the headers.Any ideas on why that button isn't working? Original message:I've got a GridView bound to a SQLDataSource, and have sorting enabled. This works great, but some of my users will have JavaScript disabled, and the page has to have the same functionality for them.

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...where "ColumnA" is the sort expression. I know I'd have to check the current sort direction for the Gridview and reset it - I just wanted to see if this would work at all, and it didn't seem to do anything. I also have both CausesValidation and UseSubmitBehavior set to False, since I just want to sort.

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Jan 26, 2011

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<pages styleSheetTheme="deftheme">

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But right now he uses both themes. I would like to change it so in the admin directory he should use 1 theme and not the default one. How can i change that ?

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in all pages in have used


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Change page layout .

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C# - How To Change Theme Via Web.Config On The Fly

Sep 29, 2010

I have a web-application with more than 5 themes. Each themes covers a completely different style for different customers. whenever we publish a new version of our application we send it for all of customers.

We specify theme in web.config file in <Page> tag. like

<page theme="Theme1" /> // or Theme2 for second customer.

with this approach we easily change the style of application from each other without writing codes which needs a new publish for each one.

With changing the theme="Theme1". nothing change and we didn't write a code in application , so why changing theme don't change the theme and we need a new publish?

we want to change it in web.config or somewhere else and with changing it the theme change without needing a new publish for each one.

Update :

I Publish Once and then copy the published version for each customer (5 times) then in each web.config file I change the theme="CustomerTheme". but only the theme which was active in publish process is usable in all of 5 versions and other 4 themes are un-usable Actually the main question is that why changes in Web.Config need a different publish while it is XML and do not need a complie. I should Add this note that, App_Theme include all of 5 themes so that all of them Compiles and are ready to use

This is the way I publish the application

Photo Link

Update 2

here IFound the exact problem reported by someone else. he resolve the problem but I can't underestand how he resolved this Issue.

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protected virtual CSSClick (_sender : object, _e : System.EventArgs) : void
//Session("Theme") = "Advanced";

Google & MSDN didn't gave me the answer :( So no matters on C# or VB.NET , just how to make it ?

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Custom Server Controls :: Change Theme To Customized Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a customrize control (GridView)

I am trying to add theme for GridView

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" SkinID="GVfour"> // this is work

<JJ:RxGridView ID="JJGV" runat="server" SkinID="GVfour" ... > // this is my custom control , skin wonk work , can't findout the Skin named GVfour

this customrized control was not written by me... I just guess the problem may be the render code..

I found out the customrized control alerady assign Css Style on Gridview when OnPreRender
like this


I also tryied to change skinid on page_preInit

which will return error because , gridview is null..

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JavaScript - How To Change The Color Of Disabled Controls

Jan 18, 2011

I wanna to change the color of any disabled control to black like in enabled one because of special case, i tried many solutions like make the textbox read only but (i donot want this solution because of some reason of this case) , i use Css file , every thing is changed except the color of the text how to change the color to be more clear .

EDIT:: tested against IE


input[disabled] { border:solid 1px red; background-color:White;color:red !important;font-weight:bold;font-size:medium; }

My .aspx sample::


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