Web Forms :: Generate A Image From A Pane Object?

Feb 11, 2010

i have a webform, with a lot of controls (images, labels, etc), and then all you can drag to inside a panel, to organize the itens, and after the user was finished, i want to transform the content of the panel in to a image, so the administrator can check in what position the itens are.

So, how to generate a image from a panel?

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Web Forms :: Generate Image From The Content Of A Panel Object?

Feb 11, 2010

a page with a lot of controls (images, labels, etc), and i have a panel (the canvas), that the user will arrange the itens, and after he finishes i want to save the panel as a image.

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Web Forms :: How To Generate Thumbnail Image From Original Image

Jul 3, 2012

i want to generate thumbnail image from big image and store into separate folder.

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Dynamically Generate Image On Image Map Or Image Button?

Sep 30, 2010

Here is this thing which to me looks possible, but when I searched over the net I couldnt find anything.

I want to create a page where I can upload an image using any upload function and then display it. Now after diplaying it I want to select the hotspots for an image map. The coordinates of image map values are stored in a database.

Basically I want that to create image maps and hotspots I dont use any offline software, this work is successfully completed and working perfectly, but i want generate one identification where i click the hot spots position in image or CSS file Generate for user identifications, So how can i solve this problem.

I hope You are clear in that what I am looking for.

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Web Forms :: Generate And Display Thumbnail Of Image?

Apr 1, 2012

I have image in my webpage that it has this property  width=250px hight:200 and image size :200KB

i want when i put this image in my page with this Property width:100px and hight:100px    image size Automatically change EX:100KB how i can do it ?

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Web Forms :: Generate An Image And Save It On Server And Give Url?

Nov 27, 2010

i have following requirement.

1) A website will send a get request with a message and callback url as a query.

i want to generate an image and save it on my server and give a url to the calling server on the callback url as a query paramater.I already have the code to generate the image.I want to know how to save it on my server to be available to the calling server.and he should have no access to other images in the folder.

2)Can any one also tell me how to send an image to a url in a POST request.

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Web Forms :: Generate Thumbnail Of Image And Save It In Folder

May 7, 2015

I used below code for uploading image and show in image control with thumpnail metod for reducing image size:

protected void BtnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string path = Server.MapPath(".") + "../image/House/product";
string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fup1.PostedFile.FileName);
string[] validext = { ".jpg", ".png" };
string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fup1.PostedFile.FileName);
if (Array.IndexOf(validext, ext.ToLower()) < 0)


It save original image in host, now I want it save image that reduce size with GetThumpnail metod in other place How I can do it?

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Web Forms :: Generate Thumbnail Of Image Which Path Is Stored In Database

May 7, 2015

Refer below threads: [URL] ....
I used code for reducing image size(GenerateThumbnail)  in above threads my images were in datalist now I have image in my page that isn't in datalist 

<asp:Image ID="Image" runat="server" CssClass="GVimg" style="Height:85px; Width:110px" />

And bind it from database

SqlCommand _cmd1 = new SqlCommand("selectFUP1", _cn);
_cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cn.Open(); _cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Behcode", data);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd1.ExecuteReader();
while (_dr.Read()) {
image.ImageUrl = "~/image/house/product/" + _dr["Image2"].ToString();
lblerrorV.Text = " ";

Now I want use GenerateThumbnail code that was in threads for above code... How I can do it?

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Automatically Generate Business Object Class?

Jan 7, 2011

I create a database with more than 10 tables, how can I automatically generate business object class inside asp.net C# project?

I hope that one expert can give me steps for how to do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Image Button From The Gridview Then Generate The Excell Sheet?

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Control That Take System.Drawing.Image Object And View As Image?

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Creating Image Object From External Image URL?

Jun 27, 2010

I want to crop an image at the server side (I am using 'JCrop' and 'ASP.NET 3.5').

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How To Generate A Stub For System.drawing.image

Mar 22, 2010

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Generate An Image And Save It On Server And Give Url?

Nov 27, 2010


A website will send a get request with a message and callback url as a query.

i want to generate an image and save it on my server and give a url to the calling server on the callback url as a query paramater.

I already have the code to generate the image.

I want to know how to save it on my server to be available to the calling server.

and he should have no access to other images in the folder.


how to send an image to a url in a POST request.

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Web Forms :: Tags Are Breaking SharePoint Tool Pane Buttons?

Apr 20, 2010

I have developed a custom visual web part for SharePoint 2010. The function of the web part is to interact with a BI server and pull back html for different reports and write the html to the page to display the reports (the reports are specified by the user in the web part properties menu). The problem is that the BI reports have <form> tags in them with a bunch of hidden input fields (which are used for drill down, paging, etc.). When I include the html that has these <form> tags, it breaks the web part tool pane buttons (OK, Cancel, Apply). If I pull out the <form> tags, the buttons work just fine... Does anyone know what is causing this? When I say that the web part tool pane "breaks", it is just not doing anything - no javascript errors, server errors, nothing... I just click the buttons and nothing happens.

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SQL Server :: Failed To Generate A User Instance - Only An Integrated Connection Can Generate

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Visual Studio 2008 Team System Using C# SQL Server 2005 Express Management Studio (Service Pack 3) By using Visual Studio 2008,I opened Server Explorer and tried to modify Database connection,i wanted to use SQL Authentication,I entered User name and Passwored after pressing OK button,i got the following... Error message Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server.Only an integerated connection can generate a user instance.The connection will be closed.

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