Web Forms :: Passing A Querystring In User Control Tag?

Feb 12, 2010

Again, I am wondering why there is no one asking this kind of question. And may be my idea is wrong. Let's see the code:

<uc1:drilldown ID="drilldown1" runat="server" sType="F.W" rID='<%=request.querystring("r") %>' />
After it passed into my property in user control, the value is <%=request.querystring("r") %>

It is absolutely not reading my function!!

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State Management :: Passing Querystring To User Control?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a aspx page and there is a web user control that must load dynamically with the data related to the aspx page....

ok so I want to use a querystring and pass it to the web user control.....how do I do this?

then also how do I pass a querystring from a web user control back to a aspx page?

This is a question I always had...and therefore never actually started to use the web user control

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Id To A Querystring In A Listview Control?

Aug 31, 2010

I have tried almost evrything and nothing seems to work,,, I dont see errors but the code is not firing when I bind in the properties of the button control ,,nor the code behind.



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Forms Data Controls :: Using GridView With A User Control And Passing Object Into Control?

Jan 8, 2010

I would like to use the gridview paging feature and have built a gridview with a user control. The data source has lots of columns, so to make it easier I want to return a LIST<MyObject> and just pass <Myobject> into the user control rather than all the data elements. Not sure how I access the object of the data source to bind to the control. Assume it would be during ondatarowbound.

Also, my guess is there is a better way to do this than gridview. I'd take either solution that allows me to have easy paging and pass the complete object into the user control

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Web Forms :: Passing Collection To User Control

Apr 28, 2010

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I want to pass the following collection into the user control: oPerson.Address[i].listHistory (listHistory is a List of objects which I want to manipulate inside the usercontrol)

How can I pass this into the usercontrol so i can do this

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Web Forms :: Passing Querystring Within The Same Page?

Feb 23, 2011

Can we pass querystring in the same page?? if yes then how ?i am using Tab Container control of AJAX Toolkit and in that i have 5 tabs all of them gets the value through querystring from another page but i want to pass different querystring to tab no 4 so for that i am trying to pass another querystring on the same page on TabContainer1_ActiveTabChanged event.i give another querystring to tab no 4

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<%@ Register ........%>
<asp:dropdownlist ID="ddl" runat="server"></asp:Dropdownlist>


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Web Forms :: Passing Special Character Plus In QueryString

Apr 26, 2014

I am doing user authentication from mail. So I am sending the email and encrypted pass to user. and user clicking on the link getting the value of query string

[URL] ....

thisĀ l=1+E4Hccj9hE=

the value of l is "1+E4Hccj9hE="

but when i am getting the value of the query string the value of l is getting "1 E4Hccj9hE="

string password = Request.QueryString["l"].ToString();

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Web Forms :: Passing Values / Calling Functions To User Control?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a page that contains a few user controls which all use an id in a querystring. I want to change this so that the page can send the id to the user control and can call a function on the user control.

Also is it possible for the user control to get the id from the page or a control on the page as its parent?

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Web Forms :: Passing Primary Key To User Control To Display Record Detail?

Aug 15, 2010

I'm building a user control to display detail information on a parent record. The user control will be displayed via an Ajax Modal Popup. The user control works and is displayed when expected. The problem that I'm having is that I'm not able to pass in the primary key for the parent. The control is displayed via the _ItemCommand event of a Repeater. In the markup for the user control, I explicity set the ContactId to 0 to avoid an error when the control loads (its still underdevelopment, eventually that I'll check if the value is valid).

I was assuming that I could change the property in the _ItemCommand event, but obviously its not working.In the Page_Load event this code successfully sets the ContactId property of the control. The _ItemCommand event appears to set the value. However when I set a test label on the user control to the Me.ContactId, its showing '0' as if it was never passed in.


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Grid As A Property To User Control?

Aug 10, 2010

In my project, I need to create a user control to handle the sorting and pagination of all the grids in the application. The grid however will be different in different pages with different formatting.

I am able to do this by exposing a property from user control which takes gridview as the input.

then in page load, i bind this grid, and assign the sorting and paging event handlers to this gridview variable.

This way I am able to do the sorting and paging, but the problem is I have to bind the grid in all the post backs, and then in the sorting and paging events.

So when a user sorts, I have to bind the grid twice, once in page_load and then in sort event of user control.

I can store the first set of records in viewstate and bind that in page load, but is there any other way, so that i dont need to bind the grid in all post backs but only inside of not postback.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Querystring Value Into Gridview / Listview

Sep 13, 2010

I have a master-detail page consisting of a databound GridView and ListView. It's pretty standard - when you select a row in the GridView is shows up the ListView. The problem I'm running into is when I want to link to that page with a specific row pre-selected in both views. It seems like it should be easy enough, but I just can't figure it out. Currently, the ListView is connected to the GridView with a ControlParameter in the SelectCommand.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing A Whole Object Through To The User Control Inside A Repeater?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a user control inside a repeater. I am binding a collection of objects to the repeater.

My user control has a public property to retrieve the object (setobject)

How do i pass each object through to the user control and not just the object property value? What is the syntax to do this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Values With Querystring When Paging With Formview?

Dec 28, 2010

I am having a formview control with paging enabled. It's a simple page used for viewing pictures. (It's from the personal web site starter kit with some modification)


I would like the formview to pass not only the pageindex value but also the Next or previous picture's unique ID called in my case PictureID?

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Multiple Values In QueryString To A New Page?

Apr 18, 2010

I Have A GridView and DataSource with two databound colums and a templateColumn which holds an Imagebutton:


I can display my SessionID in the new (Boxes.aspx) page by using the following:


I do however want to pass more than one value using this method.

I've tried this:


But I'm sure my code is not correct @ the Eval declarations as I'm getting an error here...?

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Passing A Value Through A Querystring?

Apr 27, 2010

Im having problems passing a value through a querystring that is split by a '&' eg :

?value=Apples & Pears

Only the "Apples" part is being picked up by response.querystring("value"). I have other values which are split by a space eg:

?value=red shoes which I can successfully extract "red shoes".

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Passing More Then One Value With The Querystring With The Same Id?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a datalist that I want to list the Products that are comming from the Querystring. It works like this: Default.aspx/?ProductID=1
I get 1 product like I want.But I want to add more products like this Default.aspx/?ProductID=1,15,25 and get three products back. How do I make that to work?

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server">
<ItemStyle VerticalAlign="Top" />
<a href="../Product/Default.aspx?ProductID=<%#Eval("ProductID") %>">

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Passing Information From One User Control To Another?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a webpage having two user control uc1 and uc2. When user clicks a html server control on the page, i want to pass some property value of uc1 to uc2. How do i do that?

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Passing Querystring To Another Page?

Jul 25, 2010

what is the best way of passing querystring to another page, i would definitly avoid like using.......

<a href="Page2.aspx?WONumber=12345">

is there any better way?

i was thinking create a Baseclass with few prop and update the baseclass?

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C# - Passing Reportparameter Array To Web User Control?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a user control that contains a reportviewer control.And I want to send an array of reportparameter to my user control.But I can't figure out how to do.I'm getting "Object reference not set to an instance of an object. ".My param_reportParam variable is null in usercontrol.My user control's parameter is like that ;

public ReportParameter[] param_reportParam [code]....

And a simple page that uses user control to show server reports is like that ;

ReportParameter[] parameters = new ReportParameter[4];//parameter number can be different
parameters[0] = new ReportParameter("imza", imzalayacaklar);
parameters[1] = new ReportParameter("Sayi_Son_Eki", "984");
parameters[2] = new ReportParameter("PersonelTip", "2");
parameters[3] = new ReportParameter("parafli", "1");
wuc_rapor_genel1.param_reportParam = parameters;//this is my usercontrol

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Populated Search Values In A Gridview To Another Page Using Querystring Or Sessions

Nov 8, 2010

We do have a search page for customers which returns a list of data from a table.

Once we select on an item it should redirect to another page with customerId as a querystring parameter..

Now the problem is we have to save all the customerIds and need to send them to display page..and need to select next one once they done with previous one without going to the search page again..


if they got 10 customers in the search page then we need to send all 10 ids to display page by starting display of firstone and once they select next button on display page they have to move on to the next cutomer from that list..if they reached the end of list they have to start again from the first...we need to avoid the user going to the search page for each customer every time...

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Passing A Database Value To A Front-end Querystring?

Nov 16, 2010

This may be a simple question, but I'm trying to call a a value from table in my back-end SQL Server database and pass it through a querystring in the URL. For example:

I'm building a mobile web site that registers a mobile device to an account on the sign up page. After the database entry is created, I want the to get the generated deviceId from the database and pass it to a querystring in the URL such as: http://www.mobilewebsite.com?dId=22

Is this easily possible, or is it even the best solution for what I'm trying to accomplish?

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Passing A URL QueryString To A Custom Assembly?

Dec 21, 2010

I am trying to pass a URL Querystring to a custom assembly. How can I accomplish this. I need to store the querystring value into a parameter, but it has to be decrypted (This is what the custom Assembly does). I have tried to first put it into another parameter and then call that using=Code.MyClass.DecryptMe(Parameters!Eq.Value)But it doesn't get any value from the Eq parameter. how can I accomplish this?What is the best way to get the Querystring into the custom assembly

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Passing Ampersand Character In Querystring

Jul 24, 2012

1. How to read a query string if the data contains a '&' in it.



after reading the query stringĀ 

id = 1275

msg = abc&cba

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