Why Does Ajax Work Locally But Not On Server

Oct 4, 2010

i've created an ajax test call that works locally, but when i upload to my hosts(2 of them) i get nothing. My sample page is: Linkage to test page.

my code is as follows:


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AJAX :: AsyncFileUpload Working Locally, But Not On IIS 6

Feb 3, 2010

I have built a custom Ajax User Control which uses the AsyncFileUpload control released with the latest Ajax Toolkit.

On my local machine the application works fine without error, however if I deploy the app onto my web server the functionality breaks.

I am trying to add a file via the AsyncFileUpload control, save it to the web server, then save some details into a datatable which is displayed in a gridview. All of this sits in an update panel.

When uploading small files (under 55kbs) the process works fine, however when uploading larger files, it doesn't like it. The control uploads the file successfully to it (the client error is not triggered), but it breaks when I try to save it to the web server. Upon saving, the document saves OK, but all the data is stripped away. It just saves the filename with no content. It looks like the AsyncFileUpload control has lost the File in session, therefore cannot save it. However the AsysncFileUpload.filename still exists and AsyncFileUpload.HasFile is returning true.

Has anyone seen anything like this before or have any ideas why this could be happening? I have set the web config httpRuntime maxRequestLength = 20480, so it shouldnt be that.

See code:


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Configuration :: Menu Works Locally But Not On Server?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a menu that uses a sitemap. The menu works locally, but not on the server. Below is my code for the menu, data source, and the sitemap. why I can run it locally and use the menu, but I cannot use the menu on the server?


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AJAX :: Control Toolkit Only Compiles Locally?

Jul 9, 2010

I have just installed the Ajax Control Toolkit (Headache that it was).Now the latest finding is that it all works fine (i.e. compiles with no errors or warnings) when the project is stored on local (C:) drive but it doesn't work when the project is stored on a mapped network (L:) drive.

(This is all in Visual Studio by the way, just the development stage. Deployment to a server a different issue all together!)So if I press F5 to run the app with the Project located on the network drive I get the following error

Warning 1 Unable to update auto-refresh reference 'ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll'. Cannot find assembly 'C:Documents and SettingscawleymLocal SettingsApplication DataMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0ProjectAssembliesol2vglxn01AjaxControlToolkit.dll'. L:Information
& AnalysisDeveloper ArchiveCawleyMRecord Tracking (Asp.Net)Binajaxcontroltoolkit.dll.refresh L:...Record Tracking (Asp.Net)

along with several

Warning 2 Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): This name contains uppercase characters, which is not allowed. L:Information & AnalysisDeveloper ArchiveCawleyMRecord Tracking (Asp.Net)SectionRecord TrackingApplicationPatient_Record.aspx
201 32 L:...Record Tracking (Asp.Net)

which I think come from a snowball effect from the first error.why it can't run from this location!

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Web Forms :: VS 2005 - MS Outlook Works Locally But Not From Server?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a button on a page that when clicked should bring up the users email system (MS Outlook).When I run my application locally on my test machine, I click the button and my email comes up.However, once I moved the application to the web server, when I click the button, nothing happens.Can you tell me what is wrong? Below is the function I am using:


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WSDL Works Locally But Not When Hosted On A Remote Server

Sep 20, 2010

I created a WSDL with Visual Studio 2005 and tested it using localhost. It worked exactly as anticipated and returned the expected results. I basically called the WSDL from a classic ASP page using Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0") and all went well. The url was http://localhost/service.asmx/methodname.

I deployed the WSDL to the remote server and tried to access it the same way; I changed localhost with the domain name as http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname. But now I get 'Post to http://domainname/service.asmx/methodname failed with 500.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Not Getting Generated Locally But Not When I Put The Page On Server.

Mar 18, 2010

I have following code and Javascript in my aspx page and my aspx page has a master page:-

<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="Server">
<script language = "javascript" type = "text/javascript">
function GenerateNew() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = document.createElement("td");
var txt = document.createElement("input");
var theValue = document.getElementById("theValue");
theValue.value = parseInt(theValue.value) + 1;
i = theValue.value;
tr.setAttribute("id", "tr" + i);
function RemoveRow() {
var tblRow = document.getElementById("ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_tblRow");
var Val = document.getElementById("theValue");
for (var i = 1; i <= Val.value; i++) {
var RowToBeDeleted = document.getElementById('tr' + i);
if (RowToBeDeleted != null) {
<asp:Table ID="tblRow" runat="server">
<input type = "hidden" id = "theValue" value = "0" /> <input id="Button2" type="button" value="Insert Record From JS" onclick = "GenerateNew()" />
<input id="Button3" type="button" value="Remove From JS" onclick = "RemoveRow()" />

This JS code generates a dynamic textbox and adds it to the existing table <asp:Table>. It works perfectly when I run it locally, however it doesn't work when I put it on the server.

This issue is only with IE, other browsers like Firefox and Chrome works perfectly fine locally and at server but IE works only locally not at the server. I am using IE 8 (OR 8.0.6001.18702 to be precise) and IIS 5.1.

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Security ::remote On To The Server And Run The Application Locally LOGON_USER Filled?

Feb 3, 2010

A site that utilizes Windows Authentication.It accesses the LOGON_USER variable to pull the domain and user.It works fine in the development environment.It works fine on one of my servers.We are in the process of setting up a new server for this application to be hosted on.When I setup the new server,the LOGON_USER is always empty for remote computers.Windows Auth is turned on.I have tried it with Anonymous Access on (how the current server is setup) and also off.If I remote on to the server and run the application locally,LOGON_USER is filled.When I access the site via IE from a remote machine,it prompts three times and then fails.Even if I key in credentials in the Windows prompt.nothing

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SQL Server :: Implications Of Not Closing An Open Connection Declared Locally?

Oct 5, 2010

I was wondering about something. I'm supporting a .NET C# application which has a number of database connections declared locally as IDbConnection with MS SQL Server and NHibernate. These connections are declared locally and not explicitly closed after a specific operation is performed. Are these connections automatically closed after the local method is executed, or could these connections be floating around somewhere? We're having semaphore max out problems, and I'm trying to see if this may be the culprit. I'm doubtful, as I believe these connections would automatically close, but thought I'd throw out hte possibility.

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Configuration :: Upload Via FTP Works When Code Runs Locally But Not From A Remote Server?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a page which uploads a file from server A to server B. The user first uploads the file to server A, where it's saved into a diretory, then once the file is safely stored there, I'm transferring it to a second server, server B, using the following code:


So, in summary, the only difference I can see between the working case and the non-working case is the server that'ssending the file.

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Differences Hosting A Website On Some Remote Server VS Running It Locally On Dev Environment

Jul 4, 2010

some differences hosting a website on some remote server VS running it locally on dev environment.The reason why i am asking is, If I run my website locally it works fine no exceptions, runs smooth. But when deployed on a remote hosting server. Its like a nightmare to me :(very often i get object Instance not set to instance of object..... I am ok with the error message, But the same situation should happen locally,

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IIS Configuration :: Site Runs Locally But Page Does Not Open When Hosted On Server

May 7, 2015

I have a site (URL...) which loads and runs fine locally on the server itself, but when I try to access this externally from outside of the server (and firewall) will not load. In Safari for example, I get the message "Safari could not open the page because the server stopped responding".I have other sites on this server that do load and operate fine so I don't belive this is a Firewall issue. One thing I did notice however is that when the error message appears, it seems like the site is trying to change the protocol from http to https.

I'm trying to debug this to find out what could be happening. I've tried looking into the IIS logs as well as the Event Viewer but I see nothing. I have even tried to turn on Failed Request Tracking but no errors are logged.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pager Does Not Show On Prod Server While Working OK Locally

May 20, 2010

I setup paging in GridView and it works oK in VS2005 locally but does not show when I move the page to prod server. I use masterpage, so GridView in in the Content placeholder...

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AJAX :: Controls Don't Appear To Work With Server.Transfer?

Apr 8, 2010

I have a web application which has a main page and a detail page on which sits an Ajax Calendar extender, if I use Server.Transfer to navigate to the detail page the Calendar extender does not work until I do a post back.

If I use response.redirect everything works fine, is this intended ? or am I missing something

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AJAX :: Doesn't Work On Shared Server

Jun 17, 2010

I created a web application which uses AJAX. When I debug the application on my local C drive it works fine. When I move it over to my shared server F drive and debug it, I get permission errors for every time I used AJAX in the web application. The errors look like this:

Request for the permission of type 'System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. F:JoshAJAXCCRSchedulingTESTShiftScheduleVsWorked.aspx

I have done almost everything including set my security level to full trust (which is what most people say is all i have to do). I do not know what else to try. Any other ideas? Could it be because I am on the .net framework 1.1 configuration? Do I need to add something to it?

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Configuration :: Get Ajax Ext To Work On A Host Server?

Aug 8, 2010

How do i get ajax ext to work on a host server? Ihave a modalpopup that works fine on my PC.I uploaded the webpage with ajax ext and also the ajaxtoolkit.dll into the bin dir and the bin dir of the webisite to see if anything works.

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AJAX :: AsyncPostBackTrigger Doesn't Work On Server?

Aug 25, 2010

AsyncPostBackTrigger doesn't work on server?

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Ajax UpdatePanel Doesn't Work On Server

Jan 7, 2012

I booked new server and transfer old website to there I using in this site the ajax just updatepanel it's was works on old server without need to copy ajax dll to Bin folder after I transferred the site it's doesn't work and no any page error i tried copy ajax dll to bin folder but same problem.

Note:I installed on server .Net 4.0 and the site works on 3.5 also ajax was v3.5 i think the .Net 4 enough to run all.

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AJAX :: Control Doesn't Work On Apache Server?

Oct 11, 2010

i am using mod_aspdotnet.so module to hosting my ASP.NET application. all was ok until i use ajax control tool kit in my aplication. I am using ajaxToolkit:CascadingDropDown to conect 2 dropdownlist in cascade. In IIS every thing works fine, but in apache there are some problems. When load the page, i got the next javascript error: 'Sys' undefined. the object signed are :

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager._initialize('ScriptManager1', document.getElementById('MAIN_FORM'));

How can i solve this problem?

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AJAX :: Simple Web Service Doesn't Work On Server?

Mar 6, 2010

The following 'hello world' webservice works fine on my computer (VS2008) but I can't get it to work on the server--either from an aspx page (below) or when invoked directly. I get '404 page not found' on the direct invocation.


I added the HttpGet and HttpPost to test the web service directly on the server. I can open the page and invoke it, but then get the 404 page not found response.

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AJAX Control Work Fine On Local Host But Not Working On Server?

Oct 11, 2010

I am Working on a asp.net web site. i am using visual studio.net 2008.

i use some ajax control. for my web site. i use update panel on my web pages.

when i run my web site on local host ajax control work fine but as i upload the site on server. these control are not working at all.

tell me what will i do in my web site to run the AJAX control on server side.

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Localization :: Culture Settings Work On Machine - Don't Work When Moved To Server?

Jan 20, 2010

I am working on a multi-language web site. It is half English and half Portuguese. I have created forms that have portuguese values in it. These forms work perfectly on my desktop. I'm using Cassini as the development server. When I move them over to IIS, they are not loading properly. The text comes up all weird looking. I am declaring the culture in the page attribute: Culture="pt-BR"

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Web Forms :: Url Rewriting Not Working On Live Server In Asp.net But Locally Working Fine

Feb 23, 2010

Url rewriting not working on live server in asp.net but locally working fine. but locally it's not case sensitive.

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AJAX :: Make This Work For Several Days But It Just Doesn't Work?

Oct 7, 2010

i'm trying to make this work for several days but it just doesn't work.

this is my code:

aspx page:




this was downloaded from this website.

the problem is that the page loads fine but no autocomplete occurs.

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Ajax With WCF Work. But Few Miniute After, Doesn't Work

May 11, 2010

I am a new to WCF. I have written ajax to use a web service before, but on this project I am trying to use ajax to WCF.After I build the project and wcf using ajax, I receive the return successfully. But, 10 or more minutes later I don't get a return, the ajax calls the error function, and the fiddler returns nothing.

If I rebuild the project without any source modifying, I receive the return successfully again.

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