Change A Specific Picture In Menu?

Feb 22, 2011

how to change a specific Picture on ohver at menuItem in menu control the code is like this

<asp:Menu ID="NavigationMenu" runat="server" CssClass="menu"
EnableViewState="False" IncludeStyleBlock="False">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Homepage.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/ONE.png" ></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/AboutUs.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/SOME.png"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ContactUs.aspx" ImageUrl="~/images/MENU.png"></asp:MenuItem>

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I have an asp menu can any body tell me that how can create menu design as in picture.

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JQuery :: Adding The Change Effect On A Picture Change?

Sep 23, 2010

I got the followng code from an expert and it is working fine and I just wanted to add it an effect when the picture change. How can I do that ?


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C# - Change Picture On Mouse Hover?

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How to set in ASP.NET for ImageButton to change picture on mouse hover?

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Web Forms :: Change Background Color Of Selected Menu In Menu Control?

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i have a asp menu in master page and it is populated from database. 

i want if user click a link that menu link's background color should change how to do?  

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AJAX :: Change Picture Through Mouse Over The Button

Mar 16, 2010

So you have a control like a button. When the user mouses over the button a picture should change to a picture that is relevant for that button. If the button says "trees" then the picture should show trees when the button is moused over. If a diferent button says "horses" then the picture should show horses when the horses button is moused over. I have AJAX and the control toolkit installed.

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Web Forms :: Change Image Button Picture?

May 2, 2012

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I want when click on Imagebutton1 both of my image button picture  (Imagebutton1  and imagebutton2) will be change .

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Web Forms :: How To Allow User To Upload Picture And Then Save The Picture In Database

Feb 8, 2011

i'm new to c# and i wanted to know how can i allow user to upload a picture from a text box and a button??

after uploading the picture, how can i save the picture in the database??

**note**the picture i allow user to upload need to be in a fixed size.

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Web Forms :: Get Full Picture When Try To Put Picture In Image Control?

Dec 23, 2010

I have this code to insert a picture from database into an ImageControl on my ASP.NET form:

strConnString = "server=" + Server + ";database=" + DataBase + ";UID=" + UID + ";password=" + PASS + ";";SqlConnection MyConnection = new SqlConnection(strConnString);SqlCommand MyCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT Pic FROM MEN WHERE ID=5", MyConnection);MyConnection.Open();SqlDataReader MyReader = MyCommand.ExecuteReader();if (MyReader.Read()){ byte[] m_MyImage = (byte[])MyReader["Pic"]; Response.BinaryWrite(m_MyImage);}

And I have this ImageControl on the form:

<asp:Image Width="88" Height="100" Runat="server" ID="m_Image" NAME="m_Image" />

but when I run the code, I see the picture big on the screen and not in my ImageControl.

i also put this in the form_load:

m_Image.ImageUrl = "MyPhoneBook.aspx?m_Image";my control is: m_Imagemy control ID is: m_Imagemy namespace is MyPhoneBook

but still dont work

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C# - How To Change A Specific RowData Value In A JqGrid

Jan 13, 2010

I have this jqGrid


When the rows are not in edit mode the fifth columns shows a link and while editing it shows a dropdown. To select the correct item in the dropdown I use the second column that has the ID that came from the database.

The problem is that after changing the item and saving it to the database, this column value doesn't change. How can I do it after the grid.saveRow(lastSelection, false); ?

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Web Forms :: Uploading Picture - Error "picture Could Not Be Attached"

Mar 1, 2011

I ve an application dat am working on. The section of the upload picture works perfectly on the development environment and also on a test server but the issue comes up when it was hosted life. I started geting an error dat says picture could not be attached. I ve a folder cald Passport and dis ve been working for me on befor now but i dont now the reason y its not working now.

protected void btnUpload_Click1(object sender, EventArgs e)
Boolean fileOK = false;
String fileExtension = string.Empty;
String path = Server.MapPath("~/Passport/");
if (fuPassport.HasFile)
fileExtension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fuPassport.FileName).ToLower();
String[] allowedExtensions = { ".gif", ".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg" };
if (allowedExtensions.Contains(fileExtension))
fileOK = true;
Utilities.PortalMessage = "Please attach an image file.";
if (fileOK)

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How To Change Meta Description On Specific Pages

Nov 24, 2010

I want to know if there is way to change meta description on specific pages, but to keep the meta data from the master page for the pages where I haven't specified any info.

I am trying this approach:


Which adds the description tag properly, but I want in same time to remove/disable the meta tag from the master page. Is that possible?

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Change HTTP Status 503 To 200 When Serving App_offline.htm For Specific URL?

Feb 22, 2011

The app_offline.htm file that ASP.NET serves returns the http status 503. This is the correct behavior for most situations. However, in the scenario where a specific URL is requested (e.g. [URL]), I'd like to change the returned http status to 200, while still returning http status 503 in all other situations. Is this possible?

The reason why I want to do this is whenever we do scheduled maintenance on our website, we use the app_offline.htm file, but we don't want our uptime monitoring service [URL] to report downtime during our scheduled maintenance.

I assume this would have to be at the IIS level because the app_offline.htm gets served very early on in the request processing cycle.

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Web Forms :: Dropdown Menu Name Change

Apr 11, 2010

I cannot change the text in the drop menus. It was originally "Select a General Market", and "Select a Market". I have changed them and the changes due not take effect. I can change the labels, but not the default text inside the dropdown list. Is this something that needs to be changed elsewhere?

<asp:label id="lblSelectGenMark" runat="server">Select a market: </asp:label>
<asp:dropdownlist id="ddlGreaterMarket" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="None">Select a market</asp:ListItem>
<asp:label id="lblSelectMark" runat="server">Select a region:</asp:label>
<asp:dropdownlist id="ddlMarket" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="None">Select a region</asp:ListItem>
<asp:button id="Button1" runat="server" Text="Filter Scores"></asp:button></P>

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Backcolor Of A Specific Itemtemplate Field Column?

Oct 21, 2010

I need the yoy var %, bm % yoy bps, and opps generated to have a backcolor of gold. before it was a itemtemplate it was easy to change it in the codebehind but now that it is a itemtemplate it wont change anymore.

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Tab Color Of Menu After The Tab Is Clicked

Aug 19, 2010

I am using master pages standard theme is vs 2010, have few tabs and they all open different pages. wondering if any body knows how to change the colour of tab after the tab is clicked. will be useful to identify page for user.

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JQuery :: Change Sub Menu Position Dynamically ?

Sep 29, 2010

I have created horizontal menu like below...

<!--<ul id="topnav">
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <li>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#">Link 4</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#">Subnav Link</a> |
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#">Subnav Link</a> |
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#">Subnav Link</a>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </li>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>

problem is in my css i assigned margin-left:0px for all my sub navs align to left.but i want to align sub nav under the mail nav.means i need to change align-left property of css dynamically using jquery.

means first sub nav link should be below 'link4' not under 'link1'

so i added following code but i dnt knw how to grab current li position and assign it to span margin.

$("#topnav li").hover(function () {
($(thіѕ).children()) {
$(thіѕ).has('span').css({ 'left': '200px' });
}, function () { //οn hover out...

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Web Forms :: Change Images Of Menu On Mouseover?

Jul 8, 2010

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Web Forms :: Change Image In Menu Control?

Apr 29, 2010

I am using a Menu Control which have a sitemap datasource. I use a image as arrow indicator for menu item. My problem i have to change that arrow image dynamically when clicking the menu item.

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Change The Exceptions From The Debug Menu But Not Seeing That Choice?

Dec 13, 2010

using 2005.I think I need to change the Exceptions from the debug menu but I"m not seeing that choice. How do I get to this window?Shown here:

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Back Color Of The Default Menu

May 13, 2010

I created a new ASP.NET web site project. The project starts with a number of default features and one of them is a menu. The menu has a blue/slate color to it.I want to change the color but can't find where it's defined. I checked the Site.css that is created and cannot find the value that is coloring it.

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Web Forms :: Way To Change The Color Of A Menu Control Dyanamically

Feb 4, 2011

Iam using a Asp menu control in master page(Which is used by the content pages) . For the Menu control, iam dyanamically binding the items through code. My requirement is when i select any item from the menu control it should change its color. I tried different ways such as using DyanamicSelectedstyle, but nothing is working. How to change the color of the menu control dyanamically.

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Web Forms :: How To Change Default Menu Tab In Master Pages

Aug 19, 2010

i have 5 tabs in my master page application. how can i make 2nd tab as default?

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Web Forms :: Menu - Can't Change The Item Spacing Property

Sep 3, 2010

I'm trying to use the menu control for the first time in ASP.NET and everything is fine except for the fact that I can't seem to change the item spacing property. My menu is a horizontal menu where the menu items have come from a sitemap file. I've tried changing the menu item spacing in both the dynamic and state menu item properties but nothing seems to change it. I've also tried changing the item spacing via css but that doesn't work either.


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Web Forms :: Menu Items Change Depending On Session?

Aug 4, 2010

I do not have much experience with asp:menus. How would I be able to make visible or invisible certian pages depending on a factor that I get from a session varaible? I plan on doing this on the backend in

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