Changing Css Directive With Css Files That Comes From The Themes Directory?

Nov 24, 2010

in direct regards to my last question.

my css files are located in the app_themes directory.

so im not the one adding the reference to them in the master page.

so how can i implement the solution they gave me in my last question?

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UTF-8 Dont Display Correctly After Changing Culture In Page Directive

Dec 10, 2010

i designed an export to excel page that uses the following code

the data is displayed in grid view and the date format is displayed as M/d/yyyy

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the date now displays correctly d/M/yyyy, and the utf-8 also display correctly in gridview.

however once i export to excel the utf-8 appears scrambled

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Web Forms :: Changing Masterpages And Themes Permanently But Dynamically Using An Admin Interface?

May 15, 2010

So I have a couple of Masterpages as base templates and a couple of themes that can be applied to either one of these masterpages. Using profiles, global.asax and some code behind I can change the Themes dynamically but they are associated with the profile. In other words, once the user logs off, the theme is changed back to default.

My objective is to use an Admin page to

1. change the theme of the site permanently for all users, including anonymous visitors.

2. change the masterpage for all pages permanently for all users, including anonymous visitors.

So when I log off after changing the settings, the new settings are retained.

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Prevent Themes From Auto-adding CSS Files?

Feb 5, 2011

Having to deal with URL rewriting, I decided to programmatically add CSS references rather than relying on the automatic behavior of ASP.NET to add all CSS files within a theme automatically to the <head> of an ASPX page.I suceeded in adding the CSS file programmatically by using

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" runat="server" id="CssFile" />

and setting the actual URL it in code behind.My question is:Is there a way to prevent the ASP.NET "engine" from automatically adding all CSS files into the <head> of my ASPX/master page?(Of course, I still could go with my own folders and completely drop the App_Themes concept)

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How To Force Browsers To Reload Cached CSS Files When Using Themes

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Css Files Selection While Applying Themes?

May 19, 2010

In my project, I have two themes applied to suite the two customers based on their username.

My structure is like these:

Theme1: -> xyz.css, xyz_blue.css, xyz_green.css, xyz_red.css
Theme2: -> xyz.css, xyz_blue.css, xyz_green.css, xyz_red.css

If I apply Theme1 or Theme2 to my project, since the common style definition names in the css files are same, it's not applying properly.

For kind information, before I start applying Themes, I was using "Link" to link the css file at run-time by enabling it using the "ID" property like

<link href="..." id="xyz"/>

It was working fine. AFter applying themes, it got confused like what css files to be loaded and what style definitions to be run as it is duplicated or a-needy-one for my approach in project.

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Can Server .html Files Using Razor As If They Were .cshtml Files Without Changing The Extension Of All My Pages

Feb 24, 2011

I manage a large site which has previously been converted from static html site to For several reasons (mainly SEO) we decided not to rename all the files to .aspx back when we originally converted the site. This was very easy to do by simply adding the buildProvider and httpHandler to the web.config.

<add extension=".html" type="System.Web.Compilation.PageBuildProvider"/>
<add path="*.html" verb="*" type="System.Web.UI.PageHandlerFactory"/>

Now I am upgrading the site to use WebPages with Razor cshtml files. I can rename all the files if necessary, and use url rewriting to make the urls stay the same, however it would be much easier if I could just configure the web.config to tell it to parse .html files as if they were .cshtml. I have searched around quite a bit, and could not find anything equivalent to the PageHandlerFactory for razor pages. It appears as though it is just an internal mechanism in the .net 4.0 ISAPI handler.

The site is currently running on Windows 2003 server and IIS 6. We will be upgrading to 2008/IIS 7.5 in the near future, but I'd prefer not to wait for that. Is there any way to get the .html files to be parsed by razor as if they were .cshtml files?

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Move Files From Directory To Another Directory In C#

May 10, 2010

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C# - Displaying Files In A Directory

Feb 21, 2010

I am developing an ASP.NET 3.5 web application and I have a folder in the project which contains a list of documents which could be pdf or any of the MS office 2003 or 2007 supported file formats. I would like to display these files to my users as thumbnails (just like the way windows displays files). And when the user clicks on a file it has to prompt them to either save the file or open in the browser itself. How can I achieve this?

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C# - Compilation Files Directory?

Jul 25, 2010

By default ASP.NET's compiled files (Along with VB or C#) are saved and created in
C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Filesoot...Is there a way to change it? or is it recommended to keep it at default?I am asking about changing it because what if you format the c drive? or some other reason as keeping functional files in a separate folder away from windows files.

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Web Forms :: How To Save Two Files With Same Name In Same Directory

Jan 15, 2010

In my project i am uploding images and videos using file upload control

My problem is that suppose two users upload two files with same name on the system then how should i distinguish them

and whether I should first save fle or first make its entry in database.

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Web Forms :: Display Only PDF Files From Directory?

Mar 17, 2013

In mu web there is a page in which i display files from a folder in web. the code i sused id as under

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim filePaths() As String = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~/Result/comn/"))


as of now all the files in that directory is displayed . i want to display only pdf files

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SQL Server :: Changing Growth And File Size Of SQL Database Files?

Aug 2, 2010

When I initially created my SQL Express 2008 database I vastly over-estimated the size of my database files. The problem is that now I have the correct field sizes and data actually in the database it does not require the max file sizes and growth that I had originally set.

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Is there anyway for me to change the max file size and growth options of my database without having to recreate the database from scratch?

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Temp Files Are Being Created In Website Directory

May 29, 2010

I am seeing temp files created in my wesite directory. The files are attributed to a page that I load from a txt file for more info. I beleive when I user clicks on the more info link and I read the textfile into the page it creates the temp file named somthing like this moreinfo.aspx~RF1630b1e.TMP does anyone know a way to clean these up other than a manual task? below is the code I use to read in the txt file

<script language="vb" runat="server">
Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim strURLNAme As String
Dim MyFileName As String
strURLNAme = Request.QueryString("AdultInfo")
' Response.Write(strURLNAme)
If strURLNAme = "adult" Then
MyFileName = "AdultMoreInfo.txt"
ElseIf strURLNAme = "kids" Then
MyFileName = "KidsMoreInfo.txt"
End If
'Open a file for reading
Dim FILENAME As String = Server.MapPath(MyFileName)
'read the file
Dim objStreamReader As StreamReader
objStreamReader = File.OpenText(FILENAME)
'read the entire file into a string
Dim contents As String = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
Me.lblNicerOutput.Attributes.CssStyle.Add("text-align", "Left")
'We may wish to replace carraige returns with <br>s
lblNicerOutput.Text = contents '.Replace(vbCrLf, "<br>")
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Delete All Files From Folder Or Directory

Aug 8, 2012

I want delete all the datas in server side folder 'documents' when the page load.I am using following code 

string filePath = Server.MapPath("documents");                        System.IO.File.Delete(filePath);  

when i run the following error occur.Access to the path 'D:Librarydocuments' is denied.How to delete server side folder either it has data or not?

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Don't Allow Users To View / Access Directory’s By URL And All Their Sub - Dirs And Files?

Mar 10, 2010

I wonder if there is anyway to deny users from beeing able to view or acces speciall folders in the application...for instance.. lets say that we have an application with teh folder "dir",then by default the user whould be able to type [URL] and actually access this folder and see all its content..or if we have an image file for example in the "dir" folder called "img.jpg" then the user whould be able to type [URL] and the image file whould be shown...but what if I dont want the user to be able to see this file,or any of the dir-folders subfolders and files? whould I do that?

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C# - Saving Files In The Root Website Directory In Apache

Jul 16, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application running on Apache server with mod_mono. If I have a folder called "temp" located in the website's root directory and run the following code

System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("temp/test.txt");

it saves test.txt in C:Program FilesMono-2.6.4in emp on the server. If I add a slash to the directory name like this: System.IO.TextWriter tw = new System.IO.StreamWriter("/temp/test.txt"); It saves it to C:/temp. Both do not do what I want. How do I get the code to save the file to the temp folder inside my website's root directory? Is this a mod_mono issue or something to do with Apache? I have tried adding this line to httpd.conf Alias /temp "C:/Path_to_root_folder/temp" without any luck. I shouldn't have to use alias if the temp folder is within the root directory, correct? In my development environment which uses XSP as the web server everything works as expected. It is only a problem when running on Apache.

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Visual Studio :: Cannot Publish Files In Root Directory?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a website(not an application) built in VS2008. When I try to publish the site, any of the files that are in the root folder are not published. This has only just started happening and I am unsure what I have changed to cause this. The files are not excluded from the project.

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Web Forms :: Display Directory Files In Descending Order?

Dec 13, 2010

I need to retrieve and display directory files in descending order. For example:

file-02_01_2010.txt should display before file-01_01_2010.

I am using DirectoryInfo.getfile(searchPattern) but that will return files in random order (or maybe ascending order, I am not sure). Is there a way to specify the order in which I need files to be returned? I know I can load them into an array, sort them, etc., etc., but is there any cleaner way?

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How To Update Database Based Upon Files That Are Found In A Certain Directory

Nov 29, 2010

I'm having an incredibly hard time with this, I'm really new to it. I'm creating a website for free web graphics and I would like to add data to my database whenever more files are added to my server. I've found a way to list all the files in the directory:


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WCF / ASMX :: Create Xml File That's Directory Of Existing Xml Files

Jun 3, 2010

I would like to figure out how to create an xml file that is of a directory of existing xml files. With this file I would then have an autocomplete extender to locate said blogs.

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SQL Server :: Get List Of Files From Directory Using Stored Procedure?

Jul 23, 2010

i have a folder where some txt files are located.

i want to get list of those txt files using query in SQL Procedure.

I tried some Query it is not returning Txt files in List. It just Listing Folders.

how can i achieve this.

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Suggested Directory Structure/placement Of ASHX Files?

Mar 18, 2011

I'm looking much more closely at the idea of universal conventions over configuration for my projects (versus 'home-rolled' conventions, or grabbing from a variety of conventions).However, I'm not seeing much, if anything, about the preferred location of ASHX files in, for example, ASP.NET MVC projects (as well as Web forms projects).

Is there a recommended directory structure for these? Perhaps there's a published specification with a much larger directory structure accounted for?My personal convention has been to place these within a top-level Handlers directory, but I honestly haven't personally seen any other projects that really do this.I suppose, depending upon what it does (for example, generating an image), that one could argue this might go into the Content directory, but it seems this directory is generally used for static files.(Aside: One could argue that ASHX files are not needed in MVC projects, but based on questions posted here, it appears ASHX files still have their place in MVC projects.)EDIT: Ignore MVC projects, since I'm suggesting that as one example. How about Web Forms, then?

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Finding Tutorial For Uploading Files To Virtual Directory?

Mar 27, 2010

find a good tutorial for uploading files to a virtual directory?

I have been googling for a while now.

I found is this:


But I need code examples, more specific information about security in IIS etc.

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