Codebehind - Passing Arguments To The Server On Button Click?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a ASP.NET web page which contains a table of check boxes and a button. I need to find the IDs of all the check boxes which are checked when the button click happens. Once the list of IDs are collected, it needs to be passed on to the server. I am able to do it using jQuery and PageMethods.How can I achieve this in the button click handler in the code behind file? i.e. the IDs of all the check boxes which are checked when button click happens.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Passing Multiple Command Arguments In GridView Edit Button

Apr 25, 2012

I am having a grid with the three column date, and mode.The last column is Edit.

When i click the edit button, i need to get the corresponding date and mode and show in the pop up. for that it is possible to pass two value in the command ergument.?

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Post A Form On Button Click From Codebehind C#?

Jan 26, 2010

I have to submit a form to authorizenet with the information in hidden fields. I'd like to do this on a postback button click as I have to validate the form first.

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How To Execute Membership Login From Codebehind In Button Click Handler

Oct 26, 2010

I'm trying to seamlessly log in the user without prompting for credentials as part of a <asp:Wizard> process. My strategy is to handle the NextButtonClick event and login the user in code. I already have the user's credentials saved in session variablesIs it possible to login a user in code? Will a hidden <asp:Login> control behind the scenes be required?

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Passing Arguments From One Page To Another Using JQuery?

Jan 7, 2010

I need to pass 4 arguments (3 strings and one comma separated list) from an ASP.NET page to another ASP.NET page using jQuery. The destination page ought to be launched as a separate window, which works fine with the following jQuery snippet:

return false;

How can I pass the arguments to the destination page? I am trying to avoid the query string to pass the arguments because:

I don't want to show the url arguments (which can also be very long) in the destination window.
There are some special characters like ',/,, & etc. in the string arguments.

Edit: I'm trying to access the arguments in the script section of the aspx file i.e.

<script language="C#" runat="server">
protected void Page_Load ( object src, EventArgs e)
//Creating dynamic asp controls here

My specific need for the arguments in the Page_Load of the script section stems from the fact that I am creating a few dynamic Chart controls in the Page_Load which depend on these arguments.

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AJAX :: Passing Arguments Between Two Forms Using Jquery?

Oct 27, 2010

I tried using Ajax & Jquery for the following need, but not able to do...

I have Two Forms StringMain.aspx & Returner.aspx.... I have created 4 Divs at StringMain.aspx and a sample text "ToCheck" at First Div.. In the Returner.aspx form page load, i placed a label like this

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "hello";

I have set StringMain.aspx as default running page. So When i run StringMain.Aspx page,

the text i placed in the First Div "To Check" should concat with the label Text "hello" of Returner.aspx and display it together in the First Div of StringMain.aspx like this

"To Check hello"..

The Technique i used is

$("div#First-Div").load(" Returner.aspx");--But dint work...

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C# - Grid View Button Passing Data Via On Click?

Jun 16, 2010

I'm using a grid view to display a number of records from a database.

Each row has an Edit Button. When the button is clicked I want an ID to be passed back to a funtion in my .cs file. How do I bind the rowID to the Button field?

I've tired using a hyper link instead but this doens't seem to work because I'm posting back to the same page which already has a Permanter on the URL.

<asp:GridView ID="gvAddresses" runat="server" onrowcommand="Edit_Row">
<asp:ButtonField runat="server" ButtonType="Button" Text="Edit">


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C# - Passing Multiple Command Arguments In An ImageButton Control?

Mar 11, 2011

I'm designing a sort of hierarchical system, as follows:

Master Commodity

Each one of these are on their own page (for now). The user starts out on the Contract.aspx page. If they want to see the Master Commodities for the contract they are currently on, they will click the "ImageButton" I have set up, and I pass in as a command argument the ContractID (CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ContractID")%>'). This works great- I get to my Master Commodity page with the Master Commodities filtered on the ContractID I passed in.

Here's my problem: Navigating from the Master Commodity page to the Commodity page will (I think) require passing in the ContractID (so we JUST see stuff for the contract we're on), AND the Master Commodity ID (so we JUST see the Commodities that are related to the Master Commodity). I've tried the following: CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ContractID") + ',' + Eval("MComID")%>', but as you could probably expect, that doesn't work. If I can just do something like above and have a delimiter like the comma, I can go from there and make it work.

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Web Forms :: Passing A Button's Click Event To A OnPreRender Method?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm attempting to use a Button's OnCommand method to handle it's click event so that the event is passed on to OnPreRender method as shown below. So basically the OnPreRender method is called upon a button click. I'm need to use the OnCommand method because I have 2 buttons.

//mark up
<asp:DataPager ID="GroupSearchResultPager" runat="server" OnPreRender="groupSearch_PreRender" >
<asp:Button ID="btnSearchUser" runat="server" Text="Search" OnClick="btnSearchUser_Click" CommandName="searchUser" />
//code behind
protected void btnSearchGroup_Click(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
groupSearch_PreRender(this, e); //call groupSearch_PreRender
protected void groupSearchView_PreRender(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
do stuff

However, this results in the following exception:

CS0123: No overload for 'groupSearch_PreRender' matches delegate 'System.EventHandler' So basically groupSearch_PreRender only takes an EventArg. I've tried casting as shown below but it doesn't seem to work. How else can I pass the button click event to the PreRender method?

protected void groupSearchView_PreRender(object sender, EventArgs e)
CommandEventArg entry = (CommandEventArg)e; //casting to CommandEventArg
do stuff

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JQuery Ajax With MVC Action - Passing Arguments From JavaScript In POST

Mar 4, 2011

I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:

Public Function ClosestCities
(ByVal position As MapCoordinate, ByVal citiesCount As UInteger) As JsonResult

The MapCordinate class is:

Public Class MapCoordinate
Public Latitude As Double
Public Longitude As Double
End Class

If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like?

When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Multiple Arguments From A Listview To A JavaScript Function

Oct 16, 2010

I have been stuck on how to pass multiple to a JavaScript function in a item template of a list view. Below is my code. Does anyone know the process?


View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Selecting A Row In An Datagrid And Passing A Value Related To Selected Row On Button Click?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a datareader that returns a few fields (orderid, customer id, customername, location, total amount - as an example) that is bound to a datagrid on an asp page. The datagrid simply displays customername, location and total amount and has 2 buttons

below it labelled 'Add New' and 'Edit' and I would like the following to happen:

1) when a user clicks on any cell in the datagrid, I want that row to be highlighted in someway so that the user is aware of the highlighted row.

2) If the user then clicks on Edit button, I want to go to another page that displays the details of that order by passing the orderid of that row to the next page.

The idea is that the user selects a row on the datagrid and then clicks edit which will take them to another page where they can edit/updated details but I'm not sure how I can pass a value of a selected row in a datagrid to another page. I am aware that you can add a template column with buttons on but I would like to have one set of buttons rather than have buttons on each row of the datagrid.

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C# - Passing Page Control From Jscript To Pagemethod In The Codebehind?

Apr 24, 2010

I am looking write a javascript method as such called when a dropdownlist changes value

function GetStuff(sender, destID){
var dest = document.getElementById(destID);
this.PageMethods.GetStuffs(sender, dest, null, null);


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding 2 Command Arguments In A Gridview To A Link Button?

Jan 6, 2010

I am trying to add 2 binds to a CommandArgument so both are passed.


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SQL Server :: Procedure Or Function Has Too Many Arguments Specified When Execute

Sep 27, 2010

When i execute this SP in DB, it works fine. But when i execute from app it is throwing error: Procedure or function ... has too many arguments specified

ALTER PROC [dbo].[sp_Customer]
@brchID char(40),
@brchName VARCHAR(50),
@userID VARCHAR(50)
DECLARE @req_pk int
DECLARE @customer_org_pk int
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [customer] WHERE [org_id] like @brchID)
SELECT [org_pk] FROM [customer] WHERE [org_id] like @brchID
EXEC sp_get_next_control_no 'organization.org_pk',@customer_org_pk out;
INSERT INTO [customer] (org_pk,[org_id],[org_name])
SELECT [org_pk] FROM [customer] WHERE [org_id] like @brchID
--Address Book Entry
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [address_book] WHERE [prsn_id] like @userID)
exec sp_get_next_control_no 'person.prsn_pk',@req_pk out;
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
-- Rollback the transaction

Here is my asp method:

public static string Customer(string brchId, string brchName, string userId)
string spName = "st_Customer";
SqlParameter OrgPk = new SqlParameter("@org_pk", SqlDbType.Int);
OrgPk.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
OrgPk.Size = 50;
CommandType.StoredProcedure, spName,
new SqlParameter("@brchID", brchId),
new SqlParameter("@brchName", brchName),
new SqlParameter("@userID", userId),
return Convert.ToString(OrgPk.Value);

View 4 Replies

SQL Server :: Procedure Or Function Sp_deleteprocedure Has Too Many Arguments Specified

Nov 15, 2010

I am facing this annoying message on delete is my aspx..whats the solution?


and here is my code behind from where i am calling my stored procedure for deletion.


View 8 Replies

How To Use The Codebehind To Add A Click Event To A TableCell

Apr 4, 2011

I'm trying to use the codebehind to add a click event to a TableCell..I basically want the user to be able to click a cell and cause a server side click event so that I can call a method with the GUID of the item in the cell...seems this functionality should already be built-in but I've been unable to find much in the way of instruction

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How To Run Code At The Server (sql Update) On A Client Button Click

Jul 4, 2010

I want to run code at the server(sql update) on a client button click, but i dont want a postback (more specifically, page flicker or loss of scrolling position).

How would I do this?

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SQL Server :: Run Multiple Queries On Single Button Click

Jan 29, 2011

how to run multiple queries on a single button click. Actually I want whatever a user write in text box and click the button the text would get inserted in table category and also a table name project should get updated. I am using Sql server 2005 and c#

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Web Forms :: Download A File Using Button Click From Server?

Dec 30, 2010

I tried this method:

string alteredname = "/store/" + filenames;
string filepath = Server.MapPath(alteredname);
FileInfo file = new FileInfo(filepath);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "Attachment;FileName:" + file.Name);
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", file.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";

but the downloaded file is losing extension. I am getting the file in the name of the page form which I am downloading.

View 9 Replies

Web Forms :: How To Simulate A Button Click (server-side VB)

Jan 8, 2010

I know this is strange, and probably considered bad design. I need to simulate the clicking of an actual button on my asp page. I do not need the button's on_click event sub/code to execute. The issue here is that I want to trigger the ConfirmButtonExtender associated with that button. The ConfirmButtonExtender, by design, executes before the Click event code.

So to be clear, I need to actually "click" the button. What the button does is irrelevant (in fact the button is invisible and has no code). I simply need to trigger the button's ConfirmButtonExtender, not the code behind the actual clicking of the button. Like this..

Protected Sub Button1_Click(.....) Handles Button1.Click
Somehow click invisible_button (not call the Click() event, but actually "click" the button)
End Sub

----Long, convoluted details------

I have fields on a page that require user input. When the user hits submit, I want to display a confirmation dialog with the data of those fields.

To do this, I originally added a ConfirmButtonExtender to the "Submit" button (just a regular ASP button). The problem appears because the ConfirmButtonExtender executes before the OnClick event of the submit button.

During my OnClick even I took the data, populated it into a confirm textbox (which is inside a ModalPopUpExtender). I originally then used the MPE.Show() (still in the onClick event) to display my conformation textbox.

However ,the .Show() function doesn't halt code execution (which is needed, since this is a confirmation dialog). So as a result, I created an invisible button.

This invisible button now has the ConfirmButtonExtender added to it, which will display my MPE/Confirm Dialog. When the user hits "Submit", the click routine is called, all the data is stored and populated, and THEN I want to "click" the invisible button, triggering the ConfirmButtonExtender. That will halt code execution in my original Submit buttons click routine.

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AJAX :: Request Doesn't Go To Server When Button Click?

Mar 31, 2010


from above code i use UpdatePanel but when i am click on Button the request doesn't goto server but i want to send request to server.. how can i do that

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Web Forms :: Ave Data In SQL-Server On Click Of HTML Button?

Sep 29, 2010

In .net application, I am using HTML button to save data. How can one Save data in SQL-Server on click of HTML button. Moreover, before Saving I also want to check if that User is not already registered by checking Email ID. I know, how to do that using .net button Control but couldn't make out how to do that using HTML button. I require HTML button since there are some HTML fields whose value gets blank as soon as page is postback(which happens if I use .net button Control).

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SQL Server :: Pass Value Stored In Database As Arguments To A Function?

Feb 26, 2011

is it possible to pass value stored in database as arguments to a function...

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Web Forms :: Server Side Button Click Must Perform Before Client?

Mar 22, 2011

This is my aspx pages button properties:

<asp:Button runat="server" ID="cmdConfirm" Text="Select
ValidationGroup="ValidateId" Height="26px" onclick="cmdSave_Click"/
Now on my Page_Load I have:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs
Name = Request.QueryString[0];
cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add("onClick", "update("
+ Name + ");");

This is my button click for Select Customer button.

protected void cmdSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs

Now I must run cmdSave_Click() before the cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add even though both is for same button anyway. I know that client side script will try to run first but I must run the cmdSave_Click event first to save the data. Aftre that cmdConfirm.Attributes will send the Name to the next page using a Javascript function where the stored values(stored using cmdSave_Click) will be used. I have no other choice. I cannot run the Javascript function first as it will happen before the data is stored. And also I cannot use another page as all has to be performed in one page so that user will not have to click Save twice. Can anyone tell me How I can delay the cmdConfirm.Attributes.Add until the cmdSave_Click is performed.

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